
January 20, 2021: Vacinlando

Despite the torment that the headache, nausea, and a multifold of symptoms were giving her, Syn had no choice but to move. The throe that assaulted her once she managed to sit up was just too much, forcing her to close her eyes. 

'The commute isn't exactly difficult. But if it's this unbearable, hiring a taxi is inevitable, but it's so damn expensive.'

Making sure to comply with her early morning ritual, Syn got a hold of a bottled mineral water that was on the table beside the bed. She uncapped the bottle and directly drank from it, emptying the contents in an instant.

Putting the plastic down, she then reached for a clean, plain black shirt and a pair of grey thermal sweat pants underneath the bed frame where her closet was located. She changed into those clothes, less at ease and more of a challenge.

The lady darted her head around the room, trying to find something. All of a sudden, she sighed as she stopped searching.

'Oh, right, I left my backpack in Louis' car. Tristan directly dropped me off at my apartment, so I did not have the opportunity to get it.'

Because of that, Syn opted to use a small shoulder bag. It was worn out to an extent but did the job of holding her things. She took out the wallet and notebook from the luxury handbag and transferred them to the ragged one she would be bringing. 

After making sure that she had everything she needed, she wore the strap over her shoulder. Last on her preparation was to pick up a face mask and a black cap inside the top drawer of the nightstand, putting them on in a haste. Syn then quickly grabbed her phone. 

Rising on her feet, she nearly stumbled when her vision suddenly blacked out for a few seconds. Fortunately, she was able to support herself with the bed railings on time. This made Syn reconsider her trip to the hospital in the wake of her illness.

'Am I perhaps overestimating my limits? Should I just rest? But if this persists in the following days, I won't be able to work at all.'

Syn went on and stabilized her breathing, feeling a prickling sensation every time she inhaled. As soon as the discomfort she was feeling lessened, she marched towards the doorway and slipped on a couple of dirty white sneakers. The black parka that was hanging on a hook as well.

Without any further delay, she went out of the room.

Syn let the warm rays of the winter sun pat her skin that was shivery to touch.

The lady hurriedly paced in the direction of the main street that was a two-corner turn from her place. Upon seeing that the road was unpaved of the stacks of snow, she groaned.

Thankfully for the lady, there was a taxi on standby right up the side of the pedestrian avenue. She quickly walked up to the vehicle and opened the door to the passenger seat to help herself in.

"Good morning, sir."

"Mornin' miss. Where to?"

"Baumhauer Medical Hospital please."

"A'ight, hop in."

Syn did so right away. She leaned her back on the seat and closed her eyes for a good measure in case her nausea turned for the worse.

'My classes are all scheduled in the afternoon, so my oversleeping did not incur any absences. I will request a medical certificate and process it tomorrow. As for my missed shift in the coffee shop, I'll have to apologize to my uncle later. I should also inform the manager of the bar that I won't make it tonight.'

Syn inhaled a lungful of air, subsequently exhaling through her mouth alone. 

'There are a lot of things to do. They never end. Moreover, if Tristan has something planned out for today, declining is not an option.'

As if on cue, the phone in her hand started to vibrate. She looked at it and saw that Tristan was calling.

'Speaking of.'

After removing her mask, Syn went to tap on the answer button.

{{ "How are you doing, Syn?" }}

"Good Morning to you too. I am doing fine. And you?"

{{ "I'm relieved that you're fine. Well, it will be a busy day for me. I have paperwork to sign and a meeting to attend." }}

"Can I take that as you won't be meeting me today?"

{{ "Quite the opposite. I called to tell you that I have reserved a table for dinner. Care to come with me?" }}


{{ "Yes? I guess so?" }}

"... sure."

{{ "What is with that pause?" }}

Foremost, Syn was reluctant to tell him that she's currently sick. But she remembered that lying wouldn't fare well with a person like Tristan.

"Actually, I am on my way to the hospital. I will be asking for a new prescription. The ones I currently have do not seem to be effective in reducing the symptoms anymore."

{{ "What is the name of the hospital?" }}

"Baumhauer Medical, why do you ask?"

For a while, an uncanny silence took over the call. Only after a few seconds did Tristan finally decided to give his reply.

{{ "Can you- can you not go there? Aren't there any other hospitals in your area?" }}

Syn raised an eyebrow at the man's rejoinder. She tilted her head to the side and puckered her lips, becoming curious of his reason. 

"Give me a plausible reason why I cannot."

{{ "...you might see him there." }}

"Miss, yah forgot ta put on yah seat belt."

Considering that Tristan spoke in a barely audible voice when the driver did in unison, Syn did not hear what Tristan said. She willingly locked her seat belt in place prior to returning to the call.

"Come again?"

{{ "No, never mind. Send me a text when your check-up is over. I will fetch you." }}

"You said you were busy."

{{ "If you don't do as I say, I will wait in the lobby of that hospital until you come out." }}

"Okay, I will. Just finish your tasks and dare not to loiter around if you have not done so."

{{ "Roger that. Be safe." }}

"I will keep that in mind, you too. Goodbye, Tristan."

Once the call was over, Syn put her mask back on as she indulged in the scenery of her short ride.

Vacinlado [Spanish] - describes the journey or experience of travelling, is more important than reaching the specific destination.

mrmrciacreators' thoughts