
February 2013: Coup De Grace




Raeliana felt none of those emotions. As a matter of fact, her brain seemed to have no idea how to process Rolo's words. She just stood on her feet without a sliver of movement aside from the lively glints on her eyes. 

Then, as if something had struck her consciousness, the lines on her forehead began to show. Raeliana opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it right away. The woman repeated the very cycle several times because she didn't know what to ask. She didn't even know where to start asking. Her head was muddled with a myriad of conflicting thoughts that she couldn't scoop up the proper words to react in time. 

Following a few painstaking seconds, she heaved a sigh to help herself think. But that wasn't enough. She had to take a breathe one after the other. It almost looked like she was hyperventilating.