A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
" So, before I start do y'all have any suggestions," asked the man reaching for a cup of wine in a sliver cup,
The table remained quiet, everyone awkwardly looking at each other, until Gala finally spoke,
" I say, we let them gain a large portion of our land before surrounding them, cutting them off, and slaughtering them " Gala explained with his arms behind his head while he leans back on his chair,
" That could work but we don't have the manpower to stage any more counter-offensives, " said his boss,
" We only have about twenty thousand appleians left alive, " sighed an elderly man,
" Our species is really going extinct, " murmured the elderly man to himself while looking down,
" I say, we flee this planet and go find a new planet that can suit us, " explained a man in a white robe,
" That won't work we don't have the ships to transfer twenty thousand people Pine, " said Gala glancing at him,
The intensity became apparent, you could cut the tension with a knife, everyone stared at each other,
Pine look at the rocky ceiling before shaking his head, sighing loudly, " No offensive to yall but I think we should flee while we can, If saiyans want to have this planet they can, it's a rogue planet getting further, and further away from a star it'll be inhabitable soon anyway, " said pine leaning over the table,
" We can't just flee our planet where our ancestors came from, " proclaimed the elderly man standing up,
" Your pride will get you killed Mela, I'm using my head, those saiyans fear King cold so much they'll use everything alive to conquer this planet! " yelled out pine,
" You want to take the coward's way out, just flee from this planet, " Yelled out Mela walking towards the sitting Pine,
" I'm a coward for wanting to live, to have a future where we actually exist, where our species can have a future, " screamed out pine standing up,
The men came face to face, glaring at each other until a series of claps start, the men look for the sound,
" Finally after about ten years we're finally having a meeting where we actually argue, " said their boss laughing while clapping his hands,
" Yea, usually we just agree on something someone says, typically who says whatever last, " said Gala covering his mouth while yawning
The men stop glaring at each other before sitting down in their seats, " Both of you have good ideas so why don't we make a compromise, " says the boss
" If we can't make the Saiyans give up in three weeks, we will flee this planet, " said the boss extending his arms and reaching behind his head,
" So, is this boring meeting finished, " said Gala about to stand up from his chair,
" No, we are waiting for Pomme to arrive, "
" That's trench coat-wearing son of a gun, he sure takes his time but what is he even doing, " Said Mela laughing
" He sensed some Saiyans that went into our land and went to exterminate them, but he should arrive soon, "
At King Vegeta's palace:
A loud sigh of relief was heard throughout the palace, King Vegeta was sitting on his throne with a small grin on his face,
" Finally, we're winning this war, after all, the experiments I have asked for are coming along and my son will be born soon, "
King Vegeta finally was happy after years of stress and anxiety, he drank wine with a bright grin on his face,
But on the other side of the planet, was a series of loud bangs coming out of a training room, Three children were fighting one man while four others were holding a book,
This book has to be one of the most boring things I have ever read, it's basically teaching me the alphabet but luckily for me, it's the same as earth,
Three children are fighting a different saiyan from Leeks he's much fatter wearing purple armor,
He currently beating those kids senseless, those kids compared to me and cress are terrible, but apparently, Leeks is about to come here soon,
I look to my left and see Cress struggling to read while scratching his head, I stare at him until I hear my name called,
The fat man yelled my name while waving his hand towards me, I stand up and walk to him…