

Merus catches the punch before throwing yanking the man forward, he places his pistol onto his chest firing a blast, but just like my blasts it doesn't have an effect he swings through the explosion smoke, Merus barely ducks under it firing two blasts at the man knees, they both hit dropping him to his knees, Merus spins kicking him in the jaw sending him launching into the ground, He rolls standing back up, the man has a confused look on his face before slamming his sword into the ground, a fog surrounds the Merus making it impossible for me to see the battle,

I gingerly stand up before flying up into the air, I was about to fly away when I feel something pressing against my back, I look back and see Merus planting the gun onto my back, " How did you escape the fog so fast, " I ask him but he doesn't respond, I slowly unravel my tail off of my waist, I wrap my tail around his wrist slinging him off me, he floats in front of me with the boosters on his feet,

" How old are you? " he asks me placing his gun into his holster,

" How about 10ish why? " I ask him with a confused look on my face, he tilts his head at me before scratching his head,

" You can't be 10 and be that tall, you should be like at most 3 feet tall, " His eyes scurry around my body, he looks intensely before his eyes light up, a yellow glow appears in his eyes before he closes them, once he opens them again they return to normal,

" What did you do while you are on planet Vegeta? " he asking me a lot of questions, but it's not like I have much of a choice but to answer them, he's far faster than me I simply can't beat him in a fight,

" I was an experiment thrown into a dark cave, I spent about two to three years there, " as soon as I say this he shakes his head before looking into my eyes,

" So the rumors I heard coming out of planet Vegeta are true, they started experimenting on children, " he clicks his tongue before looking into the sky, he stares at me slightly shaking his head,

" You might not know this since you are the experiment but from the looks of it, they probably spliced your DNA and change it, " He glances below me before he looks back at me,

" I'm sure you heard about the rivalry between the appleians and saiyans, you see the appleians apparently made a biological weapon to make the saiyans blow up, which isn't true but I think this is why they spliced your DNA, they were trying to make you more appleian like, and appleians grow until their 8 foot tall, " He takes a deep breath before carrying on with his speech,

" Your only about 13 percent appleian and the rest is all saiyan but I don't know what you'll turn into, if you have the strength of saiyans and the tricks and gimmicks of appleians I might be better off killing you. " His eyes sharpen he was about to fly towards me when a large sword was thrown at him from the ground, he easily dodges it, a bright aura flies above him and grabs the sword,

" You telling me I was fighting a clone all that time, " said the pale man covered in small wounds and cuts, he was breathing hard with the skin of his knuckles ripped off, He descends down towards us, he stops facing both of us,

" How did you see what percent DNA I am? " I ask Merus glancing at him, he looks back while reaching into his eye, he lightly pressed his thumb and index finger onto his eyeball slowly pinching them together and pulling out a yellow contact, he quickly puts it back into his eye,

The pale man looks at us confused before slowly floating towards us instantly our guard raises, The three of us stare at each other, all three of us get into our different stances, waiting patiently for someone to make the first move, we sat still for minutes until...
