
A Real Happiness - Humanity

KISHAN_TIWARI_2939 · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

"The Real Happiness - Humanity"

It was 6 o'clock in the evening, a 9 year old boy was walking with his father. The father and son were watching the beautiful scene of the setting sun.

Father: How was your day at school today?

Son: So good!..

Father: What did the teacher teach in school today?

Son: Today we were teaching moral lessons in school. And the teacher said that we all should always help the people no matter what the situation.

The teacher said to all of us children, when you all go home, you must help some person and Saying to God, thank you God! you gave me a chance to help people.

Father was very happy to hear about his son. He told his son that you should always walk in the path of charity and help people with a clean mind and say to God, thank you for giving me the opportunity to help people.

It was getting dark. Father told his son it is night. Now let's go home.Then the boy walks towards the house with his father. Walking ahead, he sees the old man on the way. That old man was very weak and due to weakness, he was lying on the side of the road. Seeing the old man, he felt pity and said to his father why we should not take him with us, he looks very weak.

The father thought a little and saw the happy face of his son. Seeing his son's soft heart and love for people, his heart melted. Then father and son together bring that old man home and serve that old man. In four days that old man is completely cured, the boy is very happy to see that. On the fifth day when the boy and his father go to meet an old person, but that old person does not live there, a letter is kept there, it is written in it, God is very happy with you and gave you a message to always help people.

Note: The main goal of human existence is that he should protect humanity and if we cannot do this then who will call us human, have mercy on every creature created by nature because this is the true religion.

Thank you🦋