
A Real Gamer System (In DxD)

I'm Bad at descriptions okay. You should watch or read High School DxD, its good for what it is. ______________________________________________________________ The Gamer System. Derived from a manhwa of the same, it has been long abused and warped, variations of of it increasing like an exceed graph. An archetype that dragged the name "gamer" through the mud. Now when people think 'gamer', they think of some super powered guy with more bitches than the pokedex has Pokémon. What happened to what gamers used to be? The Sleepless nerds that spend hundreds of hours grinding for meagre increases in numbers. The broke bastards that have more caffeine in their blood than oxygen. The smelly loners whose only form of exercise that 'gets the heart pumping' is booting up Elden Rings. Why must they have their noble title stained? A certain black cat with headphones ponders this. It, the guardian of all things gaming. It, who is the reason you spent $200 to get your desired gacha character. IT, WHO MADE YOUR TEAMATE NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET IN A RANKED MATCH. "So, lets spice this dumpster of a archetype up!" ____________________________________________________________ Not the greatest of descriptions, I know. Sorry the closet thing to a story i wrote was my 8th grade narrative assignment. This story's setting will be based in High School DxD. I don't know about romance or harem, but I'll try to make something work. By the way haven't watched DxD in like 4 years, so I might miss some stuff.

Kysiob · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Tutorial Time

Tutorials. Everyone knows about them. Who wouldn't? The annoying things are massive time sinks. Why would you need to use a tutorial to play a game? The black cat seems to have a different opinion.

"Edward, no matter how much you complain, the tutorial must be completed, otherwise you won't be able to progress." The black cat meows my new name, making me sound like a whiny child. But how long does this tutorial take again?

"5 years." The black cat says with a tired meow. He seems very sleepy, he was fine a couple days ago. "The board said that I'm responsible for teaching you using the tutorial and taking care of your wellbeing." It's comedic that the cat is responsible for my well being after it kidnapped me. "The cat narrows its eyes, clearly displeased with my phrasing.

"Edward, you must complete the tutorial. Given the fact that you are 3 days old, completing the 5 year long tutorial now will allow you freedom to do anything within parameters on your 5th birthday." The cat seems to have done this speech multiple times, I wonder how many other people he had to inform.

The cat glares, annoyed with both me not doing and the tutorial and most possibly because I was giving him pity. "The tutorial consists of 3 stages. At the start, called 0-0-1, you will be given basic movement controls, explanations on different playstyles, etc.. At 0-0-2 you will be introduced to the supernatural aspects of the world, with awakening your Sacred Gear being the first step. Finally, at 0-0-3 you will be given training on how to fight, various combat skills and information on combos." The black cat fulfils its piece of exposition in a quick and precise manner.

I guess I'll do the damn tutorial.

The black cat waves its tail around. "The first and most important thing the Misty Room will give you is the Log. It records anything you have heard." The black cat purrs.

Interesting. This Log is an actually useful tool. I bet students and scholars would froth at the mouth over it.

"Please get started with your tutorial." the black cat begs. Annoying.

I walk up to the three controls in front of the projected screen. On the top right hand corner of the screen, I see a drop down. Clicking on it, it reads, "Please crawl. To crawl, you must use the joysticks on the controller, WASD on the keyboard, or make crawling movements on the motion controls."

I'm going to have sooooooooooooooooooooo much fun with this.

"The sarcasm was unnecessary."


2 Years later

Honestly, I don't know anymore. Am I a bad father, or is my child just abnormal?

Now, I know how horrible the thought is. No father would desire for their child to be abnormal, especially me. Because of my magical powers, I was ostracised. I don't want that to happen to Edward. But no matter what kind of face I make, he doesn't change his expression.

Ever since he was born, he was stone-faced. There were no emotions that could be seen. It honestly reminded me of how game characters in the old days almost never changed their facial expressions.

Trying to think of something to entertain my child with is harder than I thought. Maybe my youth days as a magical apprentice. That could work, but I should tweak them,they're a bit inappropriate.

"Listen little Ed. Back in the old days, your father was a magician. A good, strong, powerful magician. I burned, freezed and hypnotised my foes." Recounting my old roots really gets me excited. Maybe that's why my grandad always recounted his experiences in wars. "I used a brand of magic called Elemental. It's western style. I was the talk of the town! All the ladies wanted me."

It really gets my heart pumping, recounting my life, but apparently Edward doesn't find it entertaining or interesting. He stares at me with his black eyes, making me feel stupid. "Magic is all about calculations, so it's hard to do big things unless you're born with a calculator in your head. Sadly, your dad wasn't born with any form of computing skill." Maybe explaining magic will lighten the atmosphere.

"There are formulas used, all terribly complex and suggestive. I dreamt of being an amazing magician, but I haven't even done the Devouring Ritual yet." Truly, a sad thing.

Devouring Ritual, something unique to England. The human-made miracle that allowed the ordinary to gain power. I didn't have the guts to walk the path of devouring, so I was banished by my mentor.

"One thing about magic, don't question yourself midway through." With a parting remark, I kiss him goodnight. It's already 9pm, it's a wonder that he's even awake. Hopefully when he grows up, he doesn't make the same mistake as me.



I'm 40% done with the tutorial.

It's been filled with things like 'drink water' or the one I really struggled on, 'use the microphone to speak'.

Not to mention the strange anomaly. Whenever I check my log, it sometimes records a person I never remember existing. This person is a girl that claims to be my sister. She waltzes into the house every now and then, stays for a few days and then leaves. I have no clue what she wants. She doesn't seem like a quest giver from her way of acting.

I asked the black cat why I was getting my memories manipulated. Apparently my memories have not been altered, but suppressed. Any attempt at reading or manipulating the GAMER'S mind will be met with failure. The reason for allowing suppression is to increase immersion. Pretty stupid, but I digress.

She just left, so I should have the entire week or month to myself. I finally got to the exciting part of the game, 0-0-2, the Sacred Gear!

"Yes, I can tell that you're excited, but calm down. I gotta explain how you wake up your Sacred Gear first right?" The black cat purrs.

From what I remember, Sacred Gears are awoken from nearly dying, right?

The black cat shakes its head. "Sacred Gears awake through potent amounts of emotions and desires. You assumed they work from near death experiences because Issei Hyoudo was only able to wake twice critical when Raynare nearly killed him again."

Huh, so I've been mistaken. That's a first.

The cat seems to glance at me with a strange expression. "It is important to note that strong desires and emotions are also the necessary resources for empowering them. The reason Issei Hyoudo was able to strengthen himself with sexual images and behaviour is because of his immense desire. To wake your Sacred Gear you must fill yourself with desire and emotion beyond natural possibility. Please note that the type of desire and emotion used may affect your Sacred Gear."

Intense emotion and desire huh.

I don't really feel much emotion. Not to say I don't, but I certainly don't have enough to wake a Sacred Gear.

"Try. Think of the most aggravating thing, and then think of what you desire the most from games." The black cat meows. It doesn't seem to believe that I won't be able to do it. Flattering.

I should try to think of something aggravating. Maybe dying in games? No, dying doesn't make me angry. Then what does. My skill? My equipment? My tea-, MY TEAM.

When playing a ranked match, your teammate says they need to go to the toilet for a sec. The rest of the team carries for a couple minutes, but he doesn't return. The tide turns and the enemy strikes, but he still doesn't return. 20 MINUTES IN AND THE ENEMIES HAVE NEARLY DESECRATED US BUT HE HASN'T RETURNED. The rage of losing but not because of your lack of skill but your teammate.

[I feel something stir.]

As for why I play games? To show Superiority. To exert Dominance. I want to crush others. To watch them squirm and fail, to wallow in their defeat. To watch others squirm, to be defeated with overwhelming Superiority, to exert my Dominance and show who the best of the best is. To have them call me a sweaty hacker is my dream.

•[I feel something tug at me.]•


Why do I want a Sacred Gear?

•[My soul is getting pulled.]•


To be ranked 1. Nothing else will satisfy me.

°[I feel something stirring.]°



To Be above all else.

●[It's waking.]●



To not have to rely on the help of another.

●[It's creeping out.]●



To be the undisputed King.

●[It's revealing itself.]●



TO HAVE #1 ABOVE MY NAMETAG! I must have a Sacred Gear.

○[It's here.]○

---_|_\/ \/_|_---


I feel something. It feels like someone uncovered a hidden part of me I never knew. At that moment, I woke up.

I was sleeping to do the tutorial without having to entertain my parents. But usually I woke up after 5 hours.

I try to check the clocks only to see two things. A floating rusty chakram on my stomach, and the anomaly. The Fake Sister NPC. On her head was a comedic red vein. She was holding a glowing spear of heavenly light. On the right side of my screen, a little message pops up.

『Samantha Elms will remember this.』


I Just came home from a long mission. My back was killing me. Wings aren't as hyped up as they were made out to be.

The House I grew up in was a small one. With a red-roof, brick walls and a single floor, it was enough to fit the family.

When I walk in through the wooden door, My parents glare at me with suspicion. That's obvious, for them it looks like a stranger just waltzed into their house.

I remove the memory suppression I put on them, but only slightly. Completely removing it would lead to my dad realising what I did.

My family now looks at me with recognition. I expected them to sit me down, ask me how I've been and set up dinner, like they always did. But,

"Ahh, sweetie, your home. I need to pop over to the stores to buy nappies and a new pacifier, Edward completely wrecked his old one." My mother spoke to me before rushing out of the house, purse in hand.

That's fine, Dad's still here to listen. "Hey Dad, I–", I try to feed him my false experience, but,

"Sorry Sam, but I need to finish baby proofing the house. Ed started walking a year ago and I've been putting this off for too long. Can you look after Edward till I'm done." My dad hurries around the house, foam and sticky tape wrapped around him.

That's fine. Just a little disappointing.

I enter Ed's room. His room is painted sky-blue. Filled with toys and other baby learning objects. A small toddler was sleeping in their crib. A decently tall 2 year old, with short copper brown hair and pale skin. His face was very peaceful, but also emotionless.

This is the guy that my parents are focused on? He does look adorable.

I feel a weird emotion rising. I can't really place a name on it, but it doesn't feel great. I leave the house. Why should I take care of a sleeping child? What would I even do?

I decided to go to a toy store. Maybe giving Edward a gift will make him like me. When I visited him previously, he didn't have a speck of emotion on his face.

Maybe a toy army? Those were very fun.

After buying the army set, for a full £25, I trekked back home in a jolly mood. Edward will love this. I remember playing with plushies as a child. This is that but bigger!

Heading to the red roofed house (not hard, it's the only one in the block), I feel a minor disturbance. A strange aura was surrounding the house.

I rushed over. What if someone found out? Have those devils discovered my family? Will I have to fight in front of my parents? I rush into the house at light speed.

Opening the door, it seems that dad was still baby-proofing. The energy was coming from Edward's room. Filthy devils, their after must be after my brother!

Creeping to Edward's room, I quickly open the door and extend my palm out, materialising a light spear.

Edward was sleeping still, but there was something strange. A chakram was floating above his stomach. It wasn't moving, it was just floating. Like a dog waiting patiently for its owner.

I felt it at that moment.

I wanted to deny it, but it was so obvious.

Edward opens his eyes. The once pitch black eyes glow a hollow amber under the sunlight. I once thought they were beautiful, but now they feel repulsive.

Edward has the gift from God, the Sacred Gear.

Did some last minute artwork with the symbols to compensate for the lack of italics that I would normally use, forgot what symbol art was called. Emoticons, I think?I did it in my phone so idk how it might look for people without a phone. Hell, it might look weird even for those with phones.

Kysiobcreators' thoughts