

As they burst out of the street, they saw crowds of people following the soldiers who were on their horses, some by their feet, trying to restrain the crowds from helping a young man who is brutally being beaten at the moment.

Ugh, this is brutal. The soldiers are manhandling that guy, dragging him through the streets like he's some kind of criminal. And the poor man's face... it's a mess of blood and bruises. He looks terrified, his eyes wild and pleading. I don't know what he did to deserve this, but something's not right. There's a look of injustice in his eyes. I can practically taste the fear and desperation in the air.

Lucian couldn't just conclude on his thoughts about the man, so he quickly spilled it out to Finn.

"Hey, Finn, do you know what's going on here? This poor man looks like he's about to be executed or something. Why are they being so rough with him? Do you know what he did to deserve this?" His voice is tinged with a hint of outrage. "It's not right. There must be more to the story. I just hope they're not gonna hang him or anything..."

Finn on the other hand is lost with what she's witnessing, Lucian's question wakes her up from her thoughts.

"Yeah... There can only be one reason for treating someone like that. They're either punishing him for something he did, or they're making an example of him being a victim of the crime. And the only reason this could be happening to this man is, if he was Guilty of treason or should I say, practicing magic." Finn said.

" Magic!! "Lucian exclaimed"

"Yeah, you heard me right. Magic. And the penalty for practicing it is... *whistles* harsh, to say the least. People have been executed for less, you know. It's messed up. You can feel the fear in the air, like a chill down your spine." Finn said.

Lucian… eyes widen, his mouth forms a silent 'O', and his hands tremble a bit. He has heard of how people who were found guilty of sorcery are persecuted, but never has he witnessed it.

The crowd's clamor drew Lucian and Finn deeper into the mob, where they witnessed a harrowing scene. A man lay before them, beaten and battered, his face a bloody mess. The harshness of the punishment was jarring and sickening. Lucian's heart sank as he watched the man struggle to stay upright. Tears filled his eyes, and he couldn't shake the feeling that what he was witnessing was deeply unjust. It was a sight that would stay with him for a long time to come.

The soldiers pummeled the man mercilessly, their blows landing with a sickening thud. The man crumpled to the ground, but the soldiers showed no mercy, kicking and stomping on him with a brutality that was difficult to witness. Lucian covered his mouth, trying to stifle a gasp of horror. He couldn't look away, but he wished he could. The savagery of the beating was more than he could bear.

They approached the palace, a grand and imposing structure, its spires and turrets piercing the sky. Atop its highest tower stood the king, his bearing regal and severe. Beside him, the queen stood, her expression inscrutable. At her feet, the princesses stood, their eyes downcast, as if in reverence or fear. The crowd hushed in anticipation of the king's final judgment, a tension palpable in the air.

The king is a bearded man with a proud, imposing stature, his eyes steely and piercing. He wore a crown of gold and a crimson cloak that fluttered in the wind.

While the queen is a striking woman with a high forehead and sharp cheekbones. Her dark hair was piled atop her head, and she wore a gown of deep blue that glittered in the sun.

And the princesses were like two young women with features that mirrored their mother's.

The whole place was noisy but as the king proceeded to speak, it drew silence to the arena.

"By the laws of Arcadiah, the practice of sorcery is a capital offense, punishable by death! I have devoted my reign to stamping out this dark art, but it appears that my efforts have been in vain. A sorcerer walks among us, and he must be brought to justice! For the sake of our realm, he must pay the ultimate price."

Gasps echoed through the crowd as the king spoke. Some people wept openly, while others stood frozen in horror.

"And now, I must render my judgment. I pronounce that the sorcerer shall be condemned to death, to be carried out at the earliest convenience. This is the only way to ensure the safety and security of our kingdom. May the gods have mercy on his soul."

The crowd collectively gasped, some dropping to their knees in shock, while others shook their heads in despair. A tense silence fell over the courtyard.

As the king's words washed over them, Finn and Lucian stood rooted in shock. Finn's face drained of color as his heart sank, while Lucian's jaw hung slack in disbelief. They exchanged a look of utter dismay, understanding the full gravity of what the king had just decreed. A cold, sinking feeling settled in their stomachs, and they both began to tremble, scarcely able to process the magnitude of what was about to transpire."

As Lucian watched Finn's anguished expression, he felt a pang of empathy wash over him. He knew what it meant to be a sorcerer - the fear, the secrecy, the constant weight of knowing that one wrong move could mean death. As he sat down on the cold, hard ground, his eyes never left Finn's. He could sense the burden she bore, the terrible guilt of belonging to a group so vilified by society.

The soldiers approached the man with fire, the fire was green in color, and of course that's the flame, I mean the one called barabel ort or green flame and the realization that they're about to burn him alive is unbelievable.

The atmosphere was heavy with dread, the air filled with the crackling of the flames and the terrified cries of the condemned man.

Lucian's heart thundered in her chest as he took in the macabre spectacle before her, his eyes darting between the man and the soldiers, unable to look away.

And then, Lucian notice- the mysterious, green-flamed torch that the soldier held, its wood strangely uncharted despite the intense heat of the fire. It was almost like the wood had an eerie, magical quality to it, defying the laws of nature as it blazed with a vivid, emerald light. It was as if it was protected by some unseen force, adding to the already surreal and chilling scene unfolding before Lucian eyes.

The king, standing tall, raises his hand in a sharp, decisive motion, signaling the start of the execution. The crowd falls silent, holding their breath as they watch, frozen in anticipation of the horrific spectacle to come. The soldiers, standing at attention, wait for the signal to proceed, their faces impassive, their eyes fixed on the king. It's a charged, harrowing moment, one that will haunt Lucian nightmares for years to come.

The crowd, once hushed in anticipation, now erupts into a cacophony of horrified cries and gasps as the man is engulfed in flames.

- Finn's eyes widen in shock and horror, her hands trembling as she watches the spectacle with disbelief.

Lucian's heart races, his stomach twisting as he witnesses the brutality, his eyes brimming with tears of rage and sadness.

The intensity of the moment hangs heavy in the air, leaving a dark stain on everyone who witnessed it.

- Lucian's gaze drifts from the horrific scene to hid father, standing close to the king's rooftop.

His eyes, usually so fierce and commanding, are now glossy with sadness, his face a mask of grief and anguish.

- Lucian feels a wave of shock wash over him- this is his father, the strong, unbreakable figure in his life, brought to his knees by the brutality of the moment.

- Finn's parents rush in, their faces a mix of fury and concern as they take in the grisly scene before them.

- Finn, already shaken by what she's witnessed, is now overcome with relief as she sees her parents. She turns to them, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and gratitude.

- Lucian watches the reunion unfold, tears spilling down his cheeks as he realizes just how much Finn has lost in this moment.

Finn's parents gently pull her away from the scene, urging her to come home with them.

Lucian, however, isn't ready to leave, feeling the urge to stay with Finn.

But Finn resists, a worried look in her eyes as she tells Lucian to be with his father.

Lucian feels torn, wanting to be there for Finn, but also knowing his father needs him too.