
A Quest For A King

After being a ruler of a kingdom in the Underworld, Adam decided to abandon the boring and toxic crown's life, and taking now a path wich his past self wanted, but what will he do to fulfill his desires when he is known as the world's most dangerous man ever ?

YopiYapa · แอคชั่น
7 Chs

Chapter 7: State Of War

"So you are the legendary supreme leader of the Heavens faction, Micheal of the Seraph, it's an honor to meet you, but I believe that you died in a battle if I recall, I think I read it in a book, I don't know anymore to be honest..." Dante scratches his head.

Ahmed replied with a smile: "Well I was in the past the Micheal, now I'm Ahmed, I got in an argument with the other leaders, so I decided to resign, they didn't accept my resignment, and you know the rest of the story, I guess it was three hundred years since I resigned from my position, but anyway, at some point, I meet your father, Adam, we got into a fight, and you know, now we're brothers, technically I'm his older brother since I'm 13642 this year, hehehe..." Laughed the blonde young-looking man with white glowing iris eyes.

Dante glares at his father with a surprised face, he didn't believe that his father knew someone so amazing as the previous leader of one of the strongest organizations in the whole seven worlds.

"Well, I guess that will satisfy your curiosity young man, now we need to put a gate down, right Adam!!"

As a nod to Ahmed's word.

"You're right Ahmed, the storm is near, so Ahmed you will fly or teleport there?"

"Teleport of course, I was there an hour ago, let horses here, and grab what you need, because we will teleport soon."

"Okay, Ahmed."

"Copy that."

after grabbing what they need, Adam and Dante get close to the super angel, he covers them with his golden wings, and a white light emerges from the ground, they fly in godspeed toward the southern coast, both Adam and Dante clench to Ahmed's arms, they can see the capital, the sea, the mountains from above, Dante is excited, he smiles, Adam didn't expect to see Dante smiles like that, he's like a child, after all, no one knew that he was the biggest fan of the "Micheal" Ahmed, the three saw a big purple cloud near the ocean, it was the gate, there isn't much time till the outbreak, the site was surrounded by several layers of barriers, the SSB was putting them to hold the monsters invasion and buying more time for the civilians to evacuate.

After landing near the gate, some men in armor (the military) and SSB's agents welcomed king Adam and the others, after being informed about the latest news about the evacuation and the response of the support demand, Adam meet the Sage Hana, she wears green clothes with the symbol of a tree, it was the uniform of the great sage of Mir, she was holding on her right hand an old staff, it was one of three relics of the magician's towers, Adam notices her immense pressure, Hana knew that today may be the last day of Mir if things get out of control, while Adam and Ahmed talk to Hana and some generals, Dante was looking for someone who caught his eyes, he felt familiar energy that was emitting from one of the train's resources wagon, he gets close to the second wagon, a solider stop Dante from entering the wagon, he seems nervous and says:

"Y-Your h-h-higghhhnees prince Dante, what brings you here???" he sweats a lot, Dante seems suspicious of the guard.

"I want to check this wagon, there is something familiar that I sense hiding inside the wagon," Adam stares at the guard, he remembers the face of the guard, it was his younger sister's guard.

"!!!" Dante proceed to open the door while the guard try to stop him, he knocked the guard to the ground and point his sword at the guard's neck, he tells him with a dreadful expression.

"What are you hiding here, if I recall, you are the knight who is responsible for my precious little sister's protection, what are you doing here, where is Carol, I'll count till three, you better answer if you don't wanna lose your face, one...two...three..."

Dante's sword tip is glowing blue, it's a lightning spell, he was ready to kill the guard...

"Wait!!!" someone screams, the wagon's door opens, a girl appears in front of Dante, she had a black scarf covering her head and a black coat, Dante takes a step forward, it's Carol, his little sister, he comes close to her, he holds her from the collar...

"You idiot, what are you doing here, are you insane, this area is soon to be a battlefield, if father knew about this he will be furious, what are you thinking when you decide to come here!!!" he screams at his little sister, he's afraid and concerned about Carol's safety, he knew that she wasn't strong enough to protect herself, she resembles her mother in that aspect, he looks at her and thinks about what to do, there isn't any way to send her back while deeply thinking about what to do, Carol raises her hand, Dante notices it.

"What? You want to say something?"

"Big brother Dante, the reason I came here is that I have several plans and ideas that will help us in holding the monsters waves longer than you can!!!" she holds a small note in her left hand, she's nervous...

Dante keeps thinking about it, if anyone was more suitable to be the greatest strategist in Mir, it would be Carol, she's the smartest person in the kingdom, he didn't doubt his sister's mental capabilities, it was her safety, anything can happen at the battlefield, Dante didn't want to put Carol's life at the edge...

"Carol, come with me, I think you have the capability of leading the operation all alone, we don't have much time to waste, I'm gonna talk to father, stay behind me, we must find a good bodyguard to protect you, that one you have isn't capable of protecting you," Dante clenches to Carol's arm, and walk toward Adam and Ahmed localization.

"Wait, big brother, Erebus is capable of protecting me, father and Grand Duke Kane pointed him for me, he's just easily getting nervous, but when I'm in danger no one can touch me when he's around, please big brother Dante, trust me in this matter!!!"

"Your Highness Prince Dante, I guarantee you that no one can bring harm to princess Carol when I'm serious, not even dragons can touch a hair of her!!!" Erebus talked with confidence, the air around changed dramatically that even Dante notice it.

"I see, so you were acting goofy all this time, not bad, not bad, I guess you can hold on your own, but I didn't know that my sister was caring about someone like you???"

Carol's face turns red, she hit her brother's back while looking away from Erebus.

"Y-yyooouu iiiddiooott, ww-what aarrreee you sssaayyyying!!!"

later, in the royal tent, Adam, Ahmed and the key figure of the operation begin the meeting, they started by discussing the sudden appearance of the young princess Carol, after Dante brings her, he asks his father for a word.

"My king, I'm here proposing a plan, which could boost the chances of the subjugation's success."

"You may speak, prince."

Dante and Carol impose their ideas and plans on Adam and the others, some agree to say that the plan which Carol bring is perfect for the current situation, and it's covering all the possible scenario that could happen and even creates the possibility to send a legion inside the gate to help Adam and his team, and some disagree with it, believing that princess Carol can't participate in a war, even if she won't participate in it directly in the battlefield, they are concerned about the young princess's safety, it's not the gate that could harm Carol, but the enemies that would use this chance to assassinate the smartest girl in Mir, that was a dangerous gamble that would either help them from buying time to planning to seal the gate by sending troops in the gate or losing a princess and risking to fight in another front, Ahmed stares at Adam, he waits for his answer, then Adam answers:

"As a king, I will keep Carol with us, we need someone from behind who gives orders to the forces and I think that the young princess need to gain experience so that she will understand what is to be a chief in command at the battlefield, but as a father I don't want to keep my precious daughter in a place like this, so I come to a decision... We will keep the second princess here in the tent, she will be the right arm of Marquis Evgeny, she will be responsible for the flanks, and help the management of the resources, did I make myself clear???" Adam chooses his decision wisely, everyone inside the tent accept their king wishes, after the meeting, Adam scolds the two by hitting Dante on his head and pinch Carol's cheeks, Ahmed laughs from behind, but quickly change his expressions when a loud sound emits from the gate, it started, the gates has opened, every unit has taken its place, Ahmed urge Adam to go, but Adam at the main time is advising his daughter:

"Listen carefully Carol, today will be your first time at the battlefield, don't fight until it's necessary, stay at your tent, if things goes bad, run, don't look back, your safety is our priority, don't get nervous, right, if you get injured your mother will beat me to a pulp." he talked to Carol while checking her armor for the second time.

"Father, I will not disappoint you today, I will make you proud of me!!!" She's excited but afraid. Adam notice it, so he hugs and kisses her on the head, and whispers:

"I know you want to disappoint me, darling."

after leaving Carol in the tent, Adam, Ahmed and Dante heads for the gate, they can feel the Mana and Chakra screaming loudly, it's the worst situation in Mir's history, the barriers are set, the troops are ready to engage, Adam and the others arrive at the gate's door, black lighting strikes the surrounding of the gate, the sea is chaotic, the wind blows everything near the portal, then suddenly, everything stops, a light from the sun find a way through the gloomy clouds, the sea calmed down, it was the calm before the storm, everyone was afraid of what will happen in the next few seconds, they can feel it, the ground is shaking, the sea withdraw, the black clouds fill the sky, it's the doomsday, Adam pulls up his sword and digs it into the ground, he whispers to the sword, his surroundings glows, the earth beneath him cracks, several arms appears, soon after, big masses emerges from the ground, they're big, angry, one could've mistakes them to towers, with the height of 21 meters and the wide of 8 meters, the soldiers screams in excitement, there fighting morality arise, what Adam did do is summoning 11 Elemental Golems, an advanced summon spell which even top magicians can't do, Dante was surprised to see his dad performing such a complex spell in so little time, meanwhile, on Adam's left side, Ahmed draws with his fingers a small circle, after finishing it, a small golden circle glow, then a cross shaped spear come from the small circle, it was white with red spots at the top cross shaped head, Ahmed held the long spear, everyone felt goosebumps when they felt the presence of the spear, Adam, Dante and some few individuals knew what Ahmed was holding at his hand, they were shocked, in denial for the fact that they witnessed the first appearance of legendary Spear of Destiny, the Holy Lance in 500 year, even those who doesn't know about that spear did understand how dangerous is that spear, Ahmed made an unpleasant experience, he did use that spear in centuries, since that day when he left the heavens' sect, Adam look at Ahmed with concerned eyes, Ahmed notices it, he felt that the spear was instable, it was unleashing holy energy, it wasn't an "it" but a "he", the spear was rebelling against his holder, Ahmed close his eyes and mumbles, soon the spear calms down, he submitted to his master, Ahmed smiles and nod to Adam, he smiles too, now the two strongest persons are ready to fight, Dante he himself couldn't control his expressions, to see his childhood superhero hold the highest grade relic of Heavens sect, that was the dream, but to fight alongside with him, it was something behind his imagination, after raising the army's morals, Adam wait for the gate to opens, then the moment of truth arrived, a visible crack could be seen from afar was on the air, it was space-time wrap that was broken, growls and screams could be heard from it, on the other side there were legions of hell, endless waves of demonic monsters that break off the space-time limits.


the crack grows bigger.


another crack appears near the old one.


some part of the space-time wrap shatters, Adam can see the other side through it.

And then, the final blow who breaks down everything...


A large black reddish portal appears, it was so big, even larger than the Elemental Golems...

Drum sound could be heard, and screams quickly fills the battlefield, it was the screams of the fearless armies of Hell invading the coast, they were True Lesser Demons, pure evil beings, their only purpose in life is to kill anything alive, Adam commands his army, and pointed his sword toward the invaders and screams:

"O mighty army of Mir, bring death to these honorless invaders!!!"

The two armies run toward each other, it was the moment of truth...