
A Queen Picks Up A Simp

"He's mine!" A woman bangs the walls, silent as she etches his name on the plaster. She looks at her work with satisfaction, then throws it in the trash bin, muttering something about “bitchin’ paint.” "Why!?" she slumps down onto the ground. "This is not healthy, ma'am, you~." "Shut the fuck up!" She grabs a bottle of wine and throws it at the man, almost smashing his head open. The man sighs and walks towards her. "You can't continue on like this." She stares at him blankly, before punching his jaw out. The man groans and staggers. "That was uncalled for," he says between clenched teeth. He looks like he wants to say something else but doesn't. She laughs maniacally. "If I want to get drunk, I'll get drunk! Don't tell me what to do!" He walks towards her and hugs her tightly, trying to make eye contact with her through the tears running down her face. "Stop it," she mumbles. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "It's just hard seeing you like this." She punches him again, but this time he catches her fist in his hand. "Don't touch me!" "I admit it, I'm a simp." he chuckles. "Then stop pretending to be nice to me," she spits. "Please don't fight with me over stupid things that don't matter anymore, because I really care about you. You're my everything. I've lost everything already because of you." "I maybe a simp, but I'm your simp."

Le_Serene_Doge_ · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs

He's Mine!

Hilde is working on her computer in the company. Handling Felix's career and working another job at Schauplitz is taking a toll on her sleep schedule. "Senior... Where do the papers go?" Faith asks as she's holding a stack of reports.

"To the filing cabinet. Just set it on top." Hilde answers, trying to focus on the screen in front of her instead of the woman standing across from her.

"Thank you, ma'am." She replies with a polite smile before placing the paper in place and then leaving the room.

For the next few hours, Hilde keeps going through reports, writing down important notes, and checking the figures for errors. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. "Come in," Hilde calls.

Felix opens the door. "Can we talk?"

"Of course. Come in." Hilde motions him to sit down beside her.

"I want to tell you that I'm dating someone, so as my handler, you better figure out how to handle the PR~."

Hilde's heart pounds in her chest. "Someone special?" she asks with a nervous smile on her face.

"Mhm. A real keeper." Felix admits.

Hilde feels a bit uneasy, but she smiles nervously. "That's nice... Congratulations," she says politely.

"I'm sorry. For being an asshole." Felix admits.

"What do you mean?" sweat trickles down Hilde's forehead; she feels sick from the sleep deprivation and the cold AC. She stands up from her desk chair.

"Please excuse me."

"I'm sorry," he repeats, looking at her with regret on his face.

"Don't worry about it." Hilde shakes her head as she moves past him, walks out of the office, and slumps over a table in one of the communal computer columns.

"Is everything all right?" one of the other Agents asks with concern.

"Just tired." Hilde lies as she sits down on a desk chair. Her body starts to tremble. She tries to cover up her fear with a laugh as soon as she realizes what she's doing. She needs to calm down if she wants to make it to her appointment later this evening.

"Here, take my jacket; it's not very comfortable." Felix states, handing Hilde his coat

"It's fine." she insists.

"Miss, you're on my seat..." A junior Agent says.

Hilde looked at Felix, then back at the agent who was standing beside the desk, she is occupying. Felix gives her an apologetic smile.

"Mr, you should leave the building." the Agent says.

Felix shrugs and walks away. As Hilde watches him leave through a security monitor, she notices him walking towards the elevator. A lump forms in her throat, and she swallows hard, desperately trying to fight back the tears.

Hilde buries her face into her hands and breathes heavily as she slowly begins to feel faint.

"Ms. Weber, I have to work." the Agent says.

"Sorry, I'm just not feeling well. Tell me your name," she replies.

Hilde shakes her head and manages to stand up on wobbly legs; she takes a deep breath to suppress her trembling limbs and forces out a smile.

"I'm ok," she says with a strained voice. "Sorry to bother you."

"It's fine, miss." He says. "Let me assist you."

"Yes... help me punch out... I need some sleep." she says as he grabs his arm gently.

"Okay..." he replies as he helps her out of the office.


After getting a few hours of rest, Hilde decided to try catching up on some work. It would only motivate her to keep her mind focused on something other than her problems for the rest of the day.

"Are you feeling better?" Horus asks.

"Oh, you're still here," Hilde says.

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure that you were all right," Horus replies. "And yes, I'm here."

"You don't have to stay." Hilde sighs, pushing up the glasses on her nose bridge.

Horus nods, "Ok." he replies. "How about I go get us something to eat? Then we'll discuss my new business plan with you later today." He suggests.

"Thanks, that would be nice..." she says. "What time is it?"

"About 7 pm," Horus replies. "Do you want me to bring you food?"

"No, I'm not hungry," Hilde replies.

"All right, I'll be back shortly," he tells her before closing the door behind him.

Hilde sighs loudly and lays back down on her bed. After a few minutes, she gets up and walks over to her bathroom sink to wash her face. Once she's done, she quickly dries it with a towel and then walks back into her room. The lights in her bedroom are still on, so she picks up her laptop.

'Where's Annie...' Hilde picks up and opens her phone.

'Hmm, looks like the promotion gave her extra work.' she sighs.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Horus asks, knocking on the doorframe.

Hilde jumps slightly, startled by his sudden arrival. "No, it's OK. Go ahead."

Horus nods, putting on a smile before turning to walk away. As soon as he steps inside the door, a loud scream escapes Hilde's mouth, causing Horus to freeze instantly.

"Shit... Ms. Weber... Are you... Are you ok?" Horus rushes towards Hilde and places both of his hands on her shoulders.

"Hrmm..." Hilde moans as she rubs her temples with her fingertips. "My stomach hurts. Could you help me lay down?"

"Of course, ma'am," Horus replies, guiding Hilde to her bed. Hilde lays down and closes her eyes with a soft groan. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I think I worked too much." Hilde mumbles. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, ma'am. You're a pillar in our company; that's why I was willing to miss work."

"I'm not good enough to be your Senior. I'm too emotional." Hilde frowns, opening her eyes. "I mean, look at me! I'm a mess," she says as she points at herself.

"I disagree. Your emotions are nothing to worry about. What matters is how you solve problems and stop them from getting worse. You will succeed if you can stop worrying about things and concentrate more on your work."

"But..." Hilde pauses, thinking about what he said.

"There are no buts, Ma'am." Horus interrupts.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Gordon. Can you massage my back?" Hilde pleads.

Horus blushes, "Of course... I'll try my best..." He replies hesitantly as he sits behind Hilde, wrapping his arms around her torso.

Hilde lets out a contented sigh, relaxing under his touch.

A few minutes later, Hilde feels a drop of water fall onto her shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" Horus asks quietly, not wanting to hurt her.

"Because I am sad," Hilde answers as she wipes her tears, but more come out.

"You shouldn't be sad. It isn't healthy." Horus replies as he continues to stroke her back.

"I know. It's just... He actually knew the entire time..." Hilde explains softly. "He didn't even bother telling me about his feelings or anything. And then, when he got a girlfriend, he didn't bother asking for my permission; he just came and told me that he was with someone."

"He doesn't need to ask for your~."

"He's mine!" Hilde angrily interrupts him, tears flowing down her cheeks. "We've been together since high school! He knows perfectly well that I would never accept anyone else!"