
Bad situation?Not for him!

Death, death everywhere.River of corpses were floating in the swamps while the rebel army continued to battle until the end.Nao couldn't just save everyone so he participated on the main battle with Suigetsu, leaving the smaller one to Zabuza, Haku and Mei.

Zabuza stayed in the village to protect those who still needed emergency cares but the situation turned grim when dozens of Kiri nin squad entered the village.Zabuza fought them easily since he became stronger after his training with Nao but it wasn't enough to kill them all.

"ZABUZA-SAMA!!THE REBEL NEED YOU MORE THAN US!!"Shouted a chunin who was directly sliced in half by an axe.Zabuza wanted to fight till death but he knew deep down that the army needed him too much, he couldn't afford to die here.

He ran towards Haku location which was a Kiri outpost in front of a beach.


Haku rushed to him and picked him up before he could fall.She lead him to her tent as a medical-nin helped him.

"Haku, how's the situation?"

"We're winning against their marine but on the lands we're getting slaughtered.Yagura is leading his army towards our HQ while Mei-Sama is going to capture all the village around Kiri.She want to surround the village and launch a last assault on it.With Kiri captured Yagura will have to retreat with his marine, allowing us to pursue him with the warships that we got from Spring Country."Said Haku as Zabuza nodded and fell asleep.

She readied her squad and continued towards Mei, leaving Zabuza behind with two squad of Jonin.

Meanwhile Suigetsu was commanding the Rebel marine force and pushing against Yagura's warship.Without Yagura's leadership the Kiri-nin couldn't outdo Suigetsu and retreated towards Kiri, awaiting for Yagura's orders.The civilians of the village had already been evacuated in the bunkers that Yagura had constructed in his incredible paranoia of being invaded.

Nao however was extremely bored.The troops he had with him were doing all the work since he was able to predict the movements of the ennemy ,and thus ordering his soldiers to strike them before they could react.He was tempted to just rush in Kiri and slaughter everyone but if he did that.......

'Wait.....Nothing is gonna happen if i do that!'

The soldiers around him looked at him with great shock when they saw his wide smile.He turned to them and laughed.

"HEHEHE!Guys, i think i just had the best idea~"

His tone slightly scared them but what terrified them was his right eye, flashing red like every other time he entered his Psycho mode.

"Wait Nao-Sama!You don't actually think it's a good idea to-"One of the soldiers already knew what Nao was going to do ,so he tried to stop him but Nao seemingly teleported away, leaving a bunch of dumbfounded soldiers behind.

"Did he just...."

"Yup he's going to attack the village alone.One.....Against a thousand.IT'S FUCKING BAD!!!"

They began to panic and decided to go help Mei as they couldn't just attack the village with him.It was too risky and they also needed to inform her of Nao's decision.

Talking about Mei she just finished the capture of the last village.She was about to let her troop get some rest before the final battle, but she froze when she saw the soldiers that were supposed to fight alongside Nao, coming back with terrorized expressions.


She tensed and immediately shouted.


"Chojuro, Ao!"She called two ninja who came from a nearby tent.

"Yes, Mei-Sama?"

"Ao you will stay here and hold the position, we can't afford to lose those villages.Chojuro you'll join Suigetsu and fight the marine of Kiri, we don't know if Yagura will indeed retreat with them but we can't waste any opportunities!"They both nodded and went to do their job,Mei turned to the soldiers and pointed behind her.

"You will all stay here and get some rest, after a few hours we'll either attack Kiri or ambush Yagura when he try to track us."



Nao ran inside the village without a care and shouted like a madman, scaring the civilians who could hear him even from the bunker since it wasn't entirely closed.The Kiri-nin didn't know what to do because even though he was alone, he was still the Devil of the Forest.It would be quite dangerous to attack him now.They couldn't just let him be so they thought of a plan.Nao was in his psycho mode, and they were used to see it so they knew what it did, while he was in this mode they could divert his attention to another target and therefore avoid a fight with him that could destroy a big part of the village.

The only idea they had on the spot was to send him to Yagura so they sent a squad of jonin.Said Squad appeared in front of him and rushed at the gate of the village.Nao being too crazy at the moment to really think, chased them while the others began to construct barricades at all the entrances of the village.


A mad Nao chased the squad of Jonin as they ran in the direction of Yagura.They were pretty brave to do something like that but their faces were telling something else.


Hope you enjoy it!

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