
A Problem Shinobi

A typical guy reincarnated in Naruto World with a useless system.

J_Titan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Chapter 7 First Surgery

The other day, Taji brought me to Konoha Hospital which was not very far away from Hokage's office.

"Ah! This smell…" I sniffed the blood and medicine scent in the air.

"Bear with it. You will eventually get used to it" Taji said reassuring me.

It was a nostalgic moment for me but she misunderstood me.

We entered an office where an elder lady was sitting on the chair working on something.

"Oh Taji, is that the kid you were talking about?" The elder lady asked.

"Yes. His name is Yukio Yatogami, my nephew." Taji answered then she introduced me to the elder lady. "Yukio-chan, meet the dean of this hospital and wife of third Hokage, Biwako Sarutobi."

"Hello, Biwako Sarutobi-sama." I bowed respectfully.

"My~ what a polite child. Just call me Obachan." She smiled and then asked, "Yukio-kun, I heard that you have good medical knowledge. Mind if I ask some questions?"

"Sure." I smiled brightly. She also smiled then started to ask questions from the very basics.

I naturally answered all her questions that I knew but unbeknown to me she slowly increased the difficulty level of her question.

She asked another question but the System intervened.

[System: Host stop!]

I open my eyes and saw the two adults looking at me like I have asked them to take out money at gunpoint.

'What happened?'

[System: How you are going to explain the reason for your answers when you haven't read them from Taji's books?]

I then realized that I almost dug my own grave. The last question she asked was not mentioned in Taji's medical books. If I had answered, there was no way I could have explained the source of my knowledge.

"I am sorry, I almost carried away." Biwako smiled then added,"Yukio-kun, you are almost qualified as a medic. I hope you will learn more and become Konoha's best doctor." She came and patted my head.

I kind of get her point. Currently, Konoha was not in a position to have qualified doctors after Tsunade left the village. To be honest, I could very well replace Tsunade if I try a little harder but do I really want to stick to the same profession again as my previous life? The answer was NO.

What is the point of being a doctor in Naruto world when you can experience battle? I didn't mind being a doctor and work for the hospital but I knew best when I would be surrounded by back-to-back appointments giving me not a single second for training and other stuff.

I had seen my senior surgeons who sometimes didn't even get enough sleep.

[System: There is no point for hesitation.]

'But they clearly want me to become a boring doctor and then make me stick to hospital…'

[System: Remember Konoha enemies? I will help you if you want to run away but if you want to live in Konoha, you have to be ready.]

'And your point is?'

[System: This is politics. Since there is no way to get achievements through war but if you make fame for yourself as an irreplaceable healer, you will have the right to raise the voice to higher-ups. In short, practice medics, for now, to make fame and then use it to make your way up.]

'That's a good point.'

I smiled then extended my hand.

Both adults smiled and Biwako shook my hand.

After that, Taji took me to the library where all the findings were recorded. As I have guessed, there were some mistakes in the theories as well as operating methods but I didn't want to correct all of them so I just continued to read all of them.

Just like that days passed.

I continued to train my chakra control as well as my chakra reserve. I also helped or did some pranks in the hospital to earn IPs but they were very limited as compared to while I ran errands.

After a month, I also started to make some new medicines for common diseases like colds, diarrhea, and food poisoning.

Thanks to that I was able to earn a lot of recognition and attention from everyone in the hospital. I also slowly started to make some researches to make some corrections in medical information.

Due to the discovery of new medicines, I was able to increase my income. I could be considered a regular healer in the hospital rather than a child.

All in all, it was a peaceful time.


[Name: Yukio Yatogami

Age: 4

Title: Cute Nurse

Occupation: Nursing.

Clan: None

Chakra Quality: E

Chakra Control: D

Elements: None

Luck: D

Status: Satisfied to see nurses.]

[Passive Skills: Charm B, Cooking S, Taunt A, Hacking A, Cursing D, Stealing A, Surgery S, Medicine B…]

[Active Skills: Chakra Manipulation C]

[Abilities: God's Tongue]

[Impression Points (IPs): 112]

[Money: 5654 Ryo]

I was walking in the hallway when I saw Taji rushing to the emergency room.

"What happened, oba-san?"

"A case of bone fracture. A shinobi got his leg crushed in a mission. Restoring his leg would be tricky." Taji explained.

If I was someone else then she wouldn't even have paid any attention.

"Can I come?"

"Get ready."

She said and left.

I smiled when I heard bone fracture case. In my previous life, I was also the doctor for the underworld. Cases like bone fracture were normal for me. Although time was different I was confident in my abilities.

I entered the emergency room after wearing my gown. I stood on the tool and saw the poor shinobi lying on the bed without moving. His leg was indeed crushed and would take a lot of effort to adjust the bone.

"What do you think?" Taji asked. Two other helpers were here personal attendants.

"Very tricky," I answered.

"Yukio-chain, I will be honest. I don't think I can adjust his bone." She said and sighed.

"But I don't think it impossible. We have to begin operation as soon as possible or it will be too late. Please let me take charge." I said.

No one would take me seriously if I had said that earlier but they believed in my ability. Plus I want to have some experience with surgery before eating Ope-Ope no mi.

"Then take it here but I will be keeping an eye." She said.

The technology was backward but thanks to chakra it was possible to replace technology with supernatural abilities.

There was one attendant with Byakugan so the problem of the absence of a scanner can be avoided.

When I was ready to begin the operation something happened. My hands started to shake.

[System: Calm down host. It is your body's natural reaction.]

"What's wrong?"


I took some deep breaths and calmed myself.

I then cut the leg without hesitation and started to adjust his bone shards.

Taji was responsible was immediate healing while Hyuga was guiding me on the location of bone pieces.

After 3 hours of continuous operation, we were finally able to adjust his bone completely without any drawbacks.

"Wow! Yukio-chan, I can't believe that you are just 4 years old!"

"I was so scared but this child didn't hesitate for a moment."

"My cute nephew is a diamond." Taji took me in her arms and kissed my cheek.

I was so tired like I have trained for days and couldn't even move any muscle. I just smiled helplessly and fainted in her arms.


"This year will be busy for you Biwako-sama." Minato Namikaze said sitting opposite the said person.

"Indeed. Many heirs of great clans will soon set foot in this world including your child." Biwako said.

They were discussing new generations when the gate opened and a lady carrying a child entered.

"Pardon my intrusion but Biwako-sama, can you please check this child?" Taji said.

"What happened?" Biwako asked taking the young black hair child to the sofa.

"It is like this…" Taji then explained what Yukio did with his tiny hands that even Taji was not able to perform. Both Hokage and the Dean of the hospital were shocked while checking the sleeping Yukio.

"Unbelievable. After Tsunade, I don't think anyone could be this proficient." Biwako nodded while healing Yukio to replenish his stamina.

"Not only that but he didn't even hesitate a bit while seeing human blood first time." Minato was also amazed. He can't help but appreciate the little doctor.

"That's what I am worried about. No matter how you look at his ability, it is just too abnormal." Taji said with concern.

"Taji-san, I understand your concern. As a civilian, I understand you so you don't have to worry." Minato smiled and said.

Taji nodded.

Minato walked towards the sofa and sat. he placed his palm on Yukio's forehead and observe his chakra. As a Hokage and experienced sensor type, he could examine the potential of anyone.

"He is very normal but I could sense that his chakra control is good," Minato commented.

"He is a hard worker but in combat, he is of average," Taji said.

"Should we move him to the hospital? He could prove himself as a valuable asset to the village." Biwako suggested.

"No. We should respect his choice. Making him do what we want, will hinder his motivation and we lose the young talent." Minato said then added looking towards Taji, "Taji-san, train him hard and don't doubt his abilities. Just make sure to make him safe."

"Hai, Hokage-sama." Taji agreed.

Minato again looked at Yukio and smiled. He has to say, Kushina was right about him. No matter how you look at him, he was eye candy. Now as a healer, Minato was sure that one day he will save many lives instead of taking them.

"Ah… Kushina oba-san, please don't kiss me…" Yukio mumbled in sleep.

Biwako and Taji snickered while a tick mark appeared on Minato's head.

Though Yukio was cute, Minato was jealous of Yukio.