
A princess doesn’t cry

Ellie_Savell · สมจริง
16 Chs


She stared at the pictures as she googled their name. Olivia only found one tendency, most all names have the same family tree from the Simpson family.

She closed her eyes and saw Avery. Avery's last name was Simpson. Could she have been killed by them? She didn't see her name on the door.

She ran through the drawers of the desk. She found a box labeled 'accidents.' She quickly thrusted the box open. She found 15 pictures of people's dead bodies.

She hated looking at pictures of dead people, such as the one she saw this morning, but she had to know if she was a victim. She flipped through the pictures only to find Avery, lying on the floor, knocked out.

Horror flooded through her face. How could they? Why?

Olivia jumped 3 feet in the air when she heard a knock on the door. She quickly put the box back in the drawer.

"Come in!" Olivia yelled.

"Hey," Olivia's mom said, "I brought you your lunch." She paused, "You know, we can go back home now. Especially now that suicides are going on."

"You know I'm actually interested in what is going on." Olivia said, then went sarcastically, "mysteries."

"Oh," her mom said, "as long as you are satisfied."

"Thanks mom," Olivia said as she grabbed her lunch, "so can I investigate them?"

"Yes," she answered, "as long as your careful. You never know their intentions."

She walked out the door and Olivia opened the box again.

"It's time to call Aunt Savvy," Olivia said.