
a prince's journey {dxd}

some long lost soul meets a bored ROB and reincarnates as son of sirzechs gremory with some wishes in dxd read as he moves his lazy butt to go on a journey in his new world. disclaimer:i own absolutely nothing of highschool dxd or any other work that you see elements of in the story i only own my MC

obero34_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

This hellish place that holds my "Home".

"The fallen angel's attack, has resulted in 40 casualties on our side. A total of 200 fallen angels were seen, although most of them were low level angels it was worth mentioning that a Cadre with 10 wings showed up, halfway through the battle, however he was forced to retreat with his soldiers, as Vasco Strada the current wielder of Durandal pushed him back." Reported a young man, standing in the middle of a round shaped room with many chairs all around him.

"Hmm, good. He may yet be the most talented wielder of that sword aside from the original. As for the people who died.....Throw a funeral for them all, invite their families too. If they have any that is." Said an old man with a chuckle at the end. He was seated at the position of a Cardinal.

"How will we retaliate against them? The exorcists are already roaring to go to war. Should we attack them in return?" Said an old woman from the side. This one was an Archbishop.

"No, it is unfortunate but we cannot go to war now. The heaven wouldn't support us. The absence of him has greatly dampened their fighting spirit." Said another old man. Another Cardinal.

"Then how should we pay them back for this? Should we demand something in return for this? Wild crows dared to cross into this innocent paradise on earth, it pains me to see them go off without any backlash." Said a younger man. This one is an Archbishop.

"Set up a meeting with them. We will discuss the punishments for the fallen angel's insult in that meeting. How was the sparring sessions today?" Said a booming, old but commanding voice. This one seated in the middle of all the others, on the position of the pope.

"The results were....rather controversial to what we expected. The Pendragon girl had managed to defeat both of them. She now holds the swords." Said the old man with white hair and beard. The same one who participated in that event. Seated as a cardinal.

"Tch, what was meant to be a disciplinary event turned into something so unexpected. Those fools, they just had a single duty, teach the girl a lesson to respect her betters and obey the church. Yet they ended up embarrassing themselves so badly." Said the first cardinal.

"Dispose of them. If they can't even defeat a 14 year old girl then perhaps Excalibur has been mistaken in choosing them as its wielders. We do not need garbage. Simply dispose of them completely." Exclaimed the second cardinal.

"Already done. They were both excommunicated from the church. We have people watching them. Should they join any other side they will be eliminated as well." Said the white haired man.

"The girl is proving to be too troublesome to control. Are the preparations done for our plan to continue? We can no longer feed this lion without directly manipulating her." Said the first Archbishop.

"Yes they are done. In just a week, the pendragons will come for her. Our plans were derailed a bit, but we will nonetheless be able to achieve our goals. The artifacts and the girl will be ours." Said the second cardinal.

"Hmm, a change of plans my brother. She has proven that she is too problematic to nurture. Too stubborn and unwilling to become a weapon for our gracious lord. And even daring to steal our holy swords. Kill the girl. Tell our agent, to assassinate her. We do not need untamed dogs." Said the pope.

"Agreed." Exclaimed the second Cardinal

"Correct. She has been tolerated for long enough." Elaborated the first cardinal.

"That could be arranged for. We simply need to wait until the ceremony. We will achieve all of our goals. For the sake of our father, She will have to die. Such a great honor. May her soul rest in heaven, amen." Said the third cardinal.







Hidden away from them, a pair of green eyes was watching this entire exchange. They dissapeared as the doors opened once more for the Pope to exit. The meeting had come to an end.


Artoria Pendragon was confused, overwhelmed even. Just a few days ago she recieved her 4th fragment of Excalibur, and just now she was informed of her family's messenger coming here. Things were happening too fast to keep up with. Too fast to prepare for.

"So as i just said lady Artoria, you will be escorted to the Pendragon mansion should you wish to return to the family for your birthday party." Said the butler in front of me.

Should i? There was never a choice in that.

"Yes, it would be my pleasure to spend that day with my family."

Revealing the faintest smirk, the old butler replies:

"Then pack your belongings my lady. We will leave as soon as possible."

Waiting for the butler to leave the room, i think of all the memories i had of that place. Some happy, many more depressing. I remember the day when i was banned from playing with my sister's dolls, i remember the day when i touched the first fragment of Excalibur. I remember my mother's eyes. I remember the promises i made before i came to the church.

They all seem so distant now don't they? It doesn't feel like i am coming back to "home".

Just as i was about to leave the room, a nun came in. A rather beautiful one. Blonde hair and green eyes, a perfectly shaped face.

"Miss.Pendragon, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is Emilia and i will be one of your escorts in your upcoming journey. The cardinals have realized your doubts regarding your family, and as such wish for me to follow you, in hopes that this will somewhat comfort you." Said the nun.

So this is their new plan? Strike me at an emotionally weak state in order to give me "comfort".


These games are getting really boring. I am sick of them all.

I answer with a smile that probably didn't reach my eyes:

"I thank you for making time to come with me. Yes i am a little nervous of meeting my family again after 2 years, so your presence is greatly appreciated."

"You are welcome, being nervous for something means that it is extremely important to you. I can see you care greatly for them." She responded.

"Umu, if you excuse me now i will need to pack my things." I told her, wanting to get out of this room. That fake kindness was annoying me too much.

However even after i left the room, i realized she is still following me. I turned back and gave her a questioning glare.

"Is there something wrong Miss.Pendragon? As an escort it is my duty to help you with everything until the end of your journey."

She will be controlling me everywhere?

What is this woman's agenda?

I greet my teeth in helplessness, and let out a sigh inwardly. It can't be helped now can it?

And as she said, she helped me clean the room and pack things up, before we left however, a little gremlin decided to make his presence known.

"Sister Artoria, are you really leaving us forever? Will you come back to see us again?" Said the white haired kid.

"*Chuckle*, no Antares i won't be leaving you forever. I will definitely come back. At least i hope so, depends on how everything will go with my family." I answered while patting him. He is slowly getting taller than me.

"Is it something complicated?"

"Yes it is. It is also important that i go there."

"Then i pray you succeed. And my prayers always come true." He said while smiling innocently.

"Thank you Antares." I said while hugging him.

"Um, see you again then sister Artoria. Goodbye"

"Umu, goodbye Antares."

With that, we went on our way.

Outside the church we met 2 exorcists waiting for us with that same old butler from my family.

"Ah lady Pendragon, i didn't expect you to come out so soon. Are you that excited to meet your family?" The butler questioned with a grandfatherly gaze.

"Yes, i am excited to meet father and show him my progress over the years." I said, acting the part.

This too, will pass.

So we simply went through a teleportation circle and ended up arriving at the gates of the Pendragon family mansion.

In front of the gates there were 2 maids ready to greet us. One of them, quite eye catching in fact.

Long black hair, violet eyes and a body that has incredible curves but one would recognize it as a 15 or 16 year old body at best. Her skin was perfect, giving her an ethereal kind of beauty.

I could see the exorcists rethinking their careers for a few seconds.

However one thing that didn't stay hidden form me was the feeling of this woman. My instincts were telling me that this woman is quite dangerous and to be careful with her.

And Archmage's observation haki allowed me to see an immense amount of holy energy radiating from this maid. The holy sword didn't even compare to her reserves. She is strong. Incredibly strong. I am not even sure if i can take her on even if i go all out.

A high ranking angel perhaps? But why here? And why as a maid? This is getting more and more confusing as it goes.

I noticed how the Nun's gaze lingered on that maid for a little while. Perhaps she too noticed the peculiarities with her?

The maids bow and greeted us before taking our stuff and going to the mansion.

The angelic maid did not even look my way once. I can't understand her purpose at all.

Going inside the mansion and through the massive number of servants bowing to us, we finally stood in front of a door which leads to the main hall.

"This is as far as i am allowed to go. Our dear esteemed guests, the lord and lady of house await you on the other side. May you all enjoy your stay here." The butler bowed and informed us, before opening the gates and inviting us inside.

In the hall, i see a man in his early thirties, blonde hair and green eyes, much like myself. Only that his eyes looked far more colder.

Next to him, a woman in her late twenties stood. Brown hair, blue eyes and a very mature figure.

These 2 people are of course my father and mother.

"It is good to see you all have arrived here without any problems. I am the head of this house, Uther Pendragon, and this is my wife, Alessia Pendragon. Pleasure to make your acquaintances." Exclaimed my father, while mother just nodded along.

It pains me to see this scene every time. My mother who has completely resigned herself to be this helpless woman under his mercy.

And also.....there should've been a third person greeting us. Another heiress to be exact.

"It is our pleasure to meet you too, lord Pendragon. We thank you for you hospitality and hope to not burden you during our stay. Now i am sure you have a lot to catch up on with your daughter so i will leave you to yourselves." Said the nun, Emilia, before gesturing for the 2 other exorcists looking at my mom to get moving.

I did notice the half glare she sent towards my mom as well.

Once every extra character was outside, the room became tense as my father bore his eyes into mine.

"It is good to see you in good health, father, mother."

"Hmm, it is good to see you too Artoria. Tell me, what have you learned at your time in the church?"

Pleasantries? Really?

"I have learned many diffrent sword techniques which were used by my instructors at the church. I also learned how to control my sword's holy power and use it correctly. For my hard work i was granted 3 of the Excalibur fragments." I answered, giving him what he wanted to hear.

"Hmm, good. That is good. It seems the decision to send you to the church was not wrong. Excited to see your sister? She is in her bedroom you may meet her now, just remember to come back at the time of dinner. Your mother will guide you just in case." He said with a charming smile.





That conversation was so disgusting. This place is just sickening.

Walking towards my sisters room, i can't help but rethink my plans.

Initially things were simple. Really simple. Get the fragments, go back to the family, find my sister and mother. Wait until the ceremony and take Caliburn. Excalibur ruler would have been a fine addition, but it is too risky.

I could sense it's holy energy radiating around Uther. It would be too risky to make a move on it now that Uther has decided to use it.

Caliburn is the key to getting out of this place. It's ability to cut through space is the way out of this hellhole. I need to align this with my sister however.

Mother cannot be trusted with this. She is too submissive to Uther. That is why she was ordered to come with me after all.

Heh, its funny. I can't even trust the people i am trying to save.

That said however, Uther's possession of Excalibur ruler complicates that plan in the first place.

My mastery over Caliburn can't possibly be good enough to let me escape ruler's grasp. Not when this is the first time i will be even touching it.

The existence of that Angel maid. This damn nun following me around. The plan is just becoming more and more dangerous.

I need to figure out a way to disarm Uther and take Excalibur ruler, Find the purpose of that Angel dressed as a maid and deal with the exorcists all the while making sure my mother and sister are both safe and no one knows about my plans.

That's just too many objectives, and the more objectives in a plan, the higher the chances of it going wrong.

Helplessness. It would be perhaps the best way to explain what i am feeling now. Just helpless.

Clenching my fists, in this situation i can't help but think of Antares' last words. It is shameful, but i will be borrowing his hand for this. I am desperate enough.

We finally reach my sister's bedroom. I have missed this place in fact. Knocking on the door i patiently wait until my sister opens it and i come face to face with her.

A person with the same exact face as myself, the same shape and everything but with pale blonde, almost white hair and silvery blue eyes. Wearing a black and blue dress. She should be about the age of 10.

"Artoria? Is that truly you?" She asked with her eyes wide opened.

"Yes Morgan, it is me. I have come to visit you, sorry i couldn't come sooner." I said as i closed my eyes in shame, waiting for her to demand why i had left her.





But...i only felt a small physical object colide with my body, hugging me. And then some sobbing sounds and the wetness of my clothes.

"I am so happy to see you back sister. I have missed you." Morgan exclaimed, bitter happiness evident in her voice.

Hugging her back immediately i replied:

"I have missed you too sister. I have missed you so much. I promise, i will never leave you again."

At that moment, for some reason, i could feel an slight wetness on my cheeks, and a slight warmth in my body.

This is my home. This moment is the closest thing to the feeling of home. The feeling i had missed since i left.

Maybe i should just think about everything else later....


While all of that was happening, a pair of women were walking through the hallways.

A nun and a maid.

"So did you find out the identity of their agent?" Asked the nun.

"Yes." Said the nun, but did not elaborate further. Deciding to stay silent for some reason.

Seeing this the maid raised her eyebrow and shot a glare to the nun prompting her to speak.

"Acording to the agent of the church is in fact .... Artoria's mother, Alessia Pendragon." The nun finished in a grim tone.


The maid halted in her steps, clearly taken aback at that statement. The scowl on her face showing clear sign of her disgust.

"This mansion is filled with wretched monkeys it seems. Its sickening really." The maid said after regaining her composure.

"Should we report this to master?" The nun asked.

"Yes, i will do that. Also, change of plans, we won't make contact with the mother anymore, just her sister is enough."

Reaching the dining hall, they both knew the conversation was over when the doors opened.

These two women were of course, Stella and Emilia.


(Flashback, after the church meeting.)

(Antares POV)

"so thats what they were planning." Exclaimed a white haired kid.

I did thought that the whole "challenge for Excalibur" was a bit suspicious. I mean the church doesn't usually give shit away for free.

The problem here is the very same problem that seems to be evenly balanced in this beautiful world of ours. Except that its a bit worse here.

Its called "taking things too seriously". Its a pattern i have realized by now. Whenever a leader takes their job jokingly, it doesn't necessarily result in something revolutionary, but it does make far less problems in their society. It gives a sense of "one of us" to the people, when they see their leader acting like a pervert.

And whenever they take their job far too seriously, it ends up fucking their society.

Take Azazel as an example of the first one, Take the greek gods as an example of the second one.

Those guys take the whole "i am god, i can do whatever i want to humans" a bit too seriously.

Furthermore there is also another factor in the church that makes it worse than them.

Complacency. Feeling of smug and uncritical satisfaction with one's achievements. Often happens as a result of growing too old for a job.

Could be said to be the opposite of ambitious.

Diffrent from Zekram Bael. Zekram is not complacent, he is quite an ambitious individual in fact. He is just too old to change his way of thinking at this point.

The pope is simply too prideful of whatever meager achievements he has managed to get.

Get this: the fallen angel's attack wasn't registered as an actual "assault" but rather as an "insult". This guy's head is so far deep into his asshole that he actually believes it is "disrespectful" for them to attack his "holy paradise".

It was not an attack that took the lives of 40 people, but rather an insult to the pope.

Sighing inwardly, i look at the woman who just gave me a report.

This one is named Emilia. A beautiful nun with pale blonde hair and blue eyes, age of 29. One of the big titty sisters i seduced. She is a bishop of the church, and an exorcist. I slowly opened up to her about the church's rather....immoral works. At first she was at denial, even when given truth. But i had 11 months to slowly get into her head. The revelation of God's death was the final straw for her. Proof? Proof is all over the world my friend.

Sacred gears going out of control with balance breakers and shit, system bugs, the whole prayer system getting out of hand with the holy energy distribution, and finally, holy power can now be combined with demonic power. It is clear that the administrator of the system is slacking.

The evidence was always there, people just didn't want to see it. Its the perfect example of "sometimes you just need someone to point out the obvious for you".

She lost her purpose and learned of my goal to change the Underworld to my own liking. This would inevitably change all of the 3 factions including the church and heaven, she decided to work for me as a spy now.

In her own words:

"We put our lives into this job, we lose our friends and family in this line of work, all of this because we believed in them and their practices. And yet they did not even trust us with the secret that the god we were praying to, was in fact dead all this time. We were manipulated. Were our sacrifices so worthless in their eyes?"

Insert shouting towards the middle and silent sobbing at the end of that paragraph.

Yeah, she just realized that everything and everyone was for naught.

"Do you regret your decision Emilia? Betraying your superiors, and siding with a devil prince isn't a forgivable crime you know." i asked her.

She looked down and clenched her fist for a few seconds, before looking up into my eyes. Her green eyes shined with resolution and determination.

"I am certain of my decision. I feel as if my eyes have just been opened. I heard them just now, talking about those 40 casualties, they weren't mourned or cared for, they talked more about holy swords than those people. They even mocked them for having no family to mourn them. One day, when i die they will also write me off the same way, thus i have no obligation to follow them anymore." She said.

I never doubted her loyalty. The geas insures that. But hearing her thought process like this, makes me understand her on a deeper level.

"Umu, i understand your concern and reasons. Your next mission is to somehow get yourself involved with the team that will be escorting Artoria. This 'Agent' of church is an unknown piece i have just heard about. I need you to gather more intel on church's plans."

She was silent for a few seconds, contemplating

"I have a close relationship with one of the cardinals, so it might be possible to infiltrate the escort party, i can't really push it though. If he rejects me i will have to find some other way around it." she said.

"What kind of close relationship?"

"A teacher and student."

He will most likely agree then.

"Do your best Emilia. This is extremely important for Artoria's wellbeing. I will also put one of my friends on watch duty."

"I understand master, but who is this friend of yours?"

"Oh you will know once you see her. She is unmistakably peculiar."

She looked at me confused, but still nodded and decided to see who it is in person.

Dismissing her afterwards, i sat down, in need of some thinking and planning.


Remember when this whole thing was just a big robbery? Those were the fun days. Now this situation has turned into such a complicated plot.

I feel like i am trying to fix a ship, but everytime i think my job is done, someone shoots a cannon and damages the ship again. Can we just let this ship sale the way i want it to please? I didn't sign up for this.

Well.....too deep to retreat now.

I feel like there should have been a canon event somewhat related to this incident. Maybe i am missing something.