
A Knight's Honor

Meanwhile, on another part of the battlefield, a Knight and his previous liege was engaged in a dance of spears.

Both weaved and moved, as if emulating a dance.

Sparks occasionally bloom as their spears briefly meet.

Then, as if reacting to an unsaid cue, both warriors jumped back, creating a large space between them.

Fionn twirls his spear, Mac An Luin, pointing it at Lancer.

"Well, it seems that you are serving another Lord right now? Let me guess, another woman has fallen for you... a magus, perhaps?"

Diarmuid grimaced. "Unfortunately so."

"Strange. An adequate magus should be able to easily fight off such an influence. It is more likely the case that woman wanted to be in love in the first place to have allowed it."

His friend's words made Diarmuid pause.

"It seems that we both have the fate of trouble with women. Ah, admittedly it is because I am so beautiful that many a tragedy had happened…" Fionn said to him.

"I've almost forgotten how you've been mistaken for a women one too many times." Diarmuid chuckled while reminiscing about the past.

"Quite so. The matter of Grainne, yes, if I hadn't charmed those sisters earlier in my life then perhaps I wouldn't be having so much trouble with women like her."

"What?", Shock and anger flashed on Lancer's visage. "My lord… I ask that you take those words back. What happened then, all the fought is with me not Grainne, please do not besmirch her honor any further."

Fionn's face twisted into a sneer briefly. "Honor? You seem to have mistaken your honor for hers, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, the top knight among the Fianna knights! Had it not been for my would-be third wife wanting to run off with you and going so far as to place a Geas on you then we wouldn't have been in this situation."

"Fionn…" His grip on his spears tightened as his friend continued to lay the blame on his wife.

"I see that you don't agree? A pity then. Ah, if only this war was a contest of beauty! I would have been the victor… I don't know about swordsmanship but I believe that I shall not lose easily."

There was no other need for words as Diarmuid's twins spears fought for supremacy against the spear that had killed fallen gods.

Mac An Luin weaved water in between its attacks against Diarmuid in a beautiful manner as if it was a deadly dance.

But Diarmuid was the top knight for a reason, his skill with spears surpassed that of Cu Chulainn despite not being as tenacious as Ireland's Child of Light.

Time seemed to pass quickly as blows reaching up the thousands had been exchanged with Fionn being pushed back slightly.

"It's time we finish this. This is the one blow that has felled gods. Taste it with that body!" Fionn declared as he create a large amount of distance from Diarmuid.

"Mac An-"

The activation of Fionn's Noble Phantasm failed as Gae Dearg penetrated his chest.

"Sorry, my lord. But, for this war I serve a different lord."

Lancer said as he moved to retrieve his spear.

Only for his vision to be engulfed by a crimson light.