
The first meeting-2

When he was talking to her, she was watching him carefully without his knowledge. She found him attractive and smart guy. He was wearing some brand jeans and jacket with high neck shoes. He was continuously talking with speed to her like he know her very well or his life was depending on it. His way of talking was very soft but effective. He talked to her for about half an hour or fourtyfive minutes continuously and in this time he almost share his life completely with her. His ambitions, his habits, what he likes and what he don't , what he wants from his future wife , where he had travelled, what was his good and bad experience from travelling everything he share with her. She was listening him carefully and find out how's exciting his life. She wants to experience it too . But she feel very sorry for him because she can't even decide this marriage concept herself. She said to herself "why he is wasting his energy. He can't gain anything even if I say yes or no to him. It doesn't matter to her parents ".She wants to listen him more and wants to spend more time with him but she was not saying anything and he was asking her continuously

" please say something, if you don't want to marry me I will respect your dicision and I will say no to everyone."

He said again " I am getting late only because of you please give me your answer ".

She said " it's all up to my parents I can't say anything about this."


" But I listen earlier I think my father was saying that you don't want to do any job from your wife."

"No, who told you this."

"I don't know "

"No,you can do what you want to do . Actually, my father wants a daughter-in-law who do job but my mom wants a daughter-in-law who manage house and I want a wife who help me in my business."


"Yes,but you can do what you wants to do. Do you know what type of business I do".


" I will tell you later about this because you can not understand it in a short time. In simple words you can say it Computer Engineering."

"Ok "

"When is your birthday "

"It's 11th of August and born in 1995"

"Ok,mine is 26th April but I don't know it is in 1992 or 1993"


"Yes, actually I don't remember extra things and if you want something from me you have to tell me. I can't understand without saying "


"Do you want to become the head of the house "

"No, I don't "

"Yes, but it's talk of later"

She was very nervous but after some time she was comfortable. She don't know that she was going to meet a boy and she was not wearing good clothes. She was wearing bathroom footwear and Indian traditional clothes 'suit-salwar' and at the place of duptta she was wearing a warm shawl which was covering her head. She was sweating in cold.

He said again-"I don't like children specially who are very noisy."

She smile again .

He said" I have studied in Bangalore for about one year and at that time I almost slept 3-4hours in a day. That was a nice experience."

When he was talking another neighbour came and asked for parking his car from there place to other place because they weren't able to park their car in front of their house.

He said to Anika "just two minutes I will be coming. Please sit here only for two minutes."

When he came back someone was talking to Anika in loud voice and saying to everyone who was sitting outside the room that she is sweating. Aditya listen this and he laughed at her.

Anika's neighbour or his relative sister came in and sit there and talk to him about his business. After some time he said to Anika " you can go now if you want."

She smile and comes out of the room.She was very happy because this was her first time when she talked to a stranger boy like this.When Aditya's mom asked him how was the girl.

He said "She was not talking. She said nothing nor she ask anything."

His mother said that girls of small villages are not talking like our big cities girls. She is a good and educated girl. What you want more.

" Mom, I don't know nothing about this. You can do what you feel better. Now I have to go home I am getting late."