
A player in Jujutsu Kaisen

I am a player in the world of jujutsu Kaisen watch my journey to the top of the world and put my name into the heavens.

ThePpp_Pppp · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
133 Chs

Confessing (56)

Kenzo was going through the very tedious grind of waking up,training up Maki, then either training or hanging out with Yuji nobara or Megumi,refining his domain expansion, trying to find more knowledge on barriers in general, treating Satoru as more like a friend rather than the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. There was also the continuous grinding of dungeon for level and stuff like that all in all a very tedious schedule.

All in all,he was getting stronger and although it may seem like he was getting stronger at a slower pace, he was still getting stronger at an incredible speed that no ordinary person could keep up with, it was just now that he just mainly focuses on mastering his techniques and making sure that they cost as little energy as possible.

After having to fight Gojo so many times he has realized something, something very important skill was just as important as strenght, he at first thought that he could beat Gojo just because he had higher stats but no he got his ass handed to him worse yet the system told him that it was a 25% Gojo.

That meant that wasnt even Gojo full might it was just a goddam taste of it,sure he might have gotten to 50% now but that only in curse energy and curse technique outpout.

If Gojo was to say have access to his goddam overpowered ass punch and hacks..that 50% become meaningless and what the point of only being half the power of someone.

Oh you hit me let me just start actually trying, a man can only be hit with a 50 piece combo with no drinks and some knuckle sandwitch for so long before you sit down and start to wonder...'is this really fair'

(the knuckle sandwich be like)

His gravity bypass Gojo infinity but his current skill level only allow him to mildly inconvenience Gojo.."Oh,i am 5 time heavier than before alright,still doesnt stop me from blasting you with a goddam red"

Domain amplification is good and all but its doesnt allow me to use my technique while its on so all my bet is on the heavenly armor and to be fair.....The effect only activate when he has brough the whole set and so far he is 75% of the way there,he still need another 50 million or so more gold for the rest of the set.

"Kenzo,are you there"Maki said catching Kenzo attention as he look back at her.

"Yeah, I'm here. Just lost in thought," he replied, his eyes refocusing on the present. The intricate details of his plans, the pursuit of the Heavenly Armor set, and the challenges ahead filled his mind.

Maki observed him for a moment, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. "Anything on your mind that you want to share?"

"Nothing of note really"Kenzo said as he stood up and stretched his body a bit.

"I have a question"Maki said after thinking about it for a bit.

"Ask away Maki-chan"Kenzo said as he finished stretching.

"Why did you protect me against Naoya,why did you even stand up for me"Maki asked to which Kenzo just said "The better question here is why wouldnt i do that,"

"huh"She said confuse to which he reply "Why would i just stand there and watch you get bullied,Satoru told me about how those people treat each other and i refuse to let you go through it again,you left your home in order to become strong right? and i after spending that much time near you i definitely fell for you."

Maki's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and something else, as Kenzo's words hung in the air. The unexpected confession caught her off guard, and for a moment, silence settled between them. The sincerity in Kenzo's voice resonated, and a subtle tension lingered as Maki processed his words.

"You...fell for me?" she repeated, almost as if seeking confirmation.

Kenzo nodded, his expression unwavering. "Yeah, I did. I've seen your determination, your strength, and I can't help but admire that. And, well, there's more to it, but it's something we can talk about later if you want."

Maki's initial surprise transformed into a mix of emotions — a hint of blush on her cheeks, a flicker of uncertainty, and perhaps a trace of reciprocation.

Kenzo couldn't help but notice the faint blush on Maki's cheeks. A playful grin tugged at his lips as he decided to tease her gently.

"Well, well, Maki-chan, looks like I've managed to make the tough-as-nails Zenin Maki blush," he remarked, his tone teasing yet warm.

Maki's expression shifted to a mix of embarrassment and a hint of annoyance. "Shut up, Kenzo. It's not a big deal."

Kenzo chuckled, enjoying the moment. "I think it's adorable, you know. The mighty Maki-chan, blushing at my words."

Maki crossed her arms, attempting to maintain a composed exterior. "It's just unexpected. That's all."

"How can you look so calm and collected about this"Maki said upon noticing that he seem weirdly extremely calm.

"Confidence maybe or maybe the fact that i can hide it very well"Kenzo said with a smile

Maki raised an eyebrow at Kenzo's response, not entirely convinced. "Confidence, huh? You seem a bit too composed for someone who just admitted to... feelings."

Kenzo shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, there's no point in making a big fuss about it,plus you arent going to say no to them"

He seem quite confident about it all.

A/N he gain his confidence from a man scared of women