
A Place You Remember

Yui and Kaede fell in love during their final year in high school. Now they have to figure out how to live out their lives as fresh new adults. But things don't go accordingly to plan...

Dubsora · แฟนตาซี
445 Chs


Today is now my second day of school, and once again I was sitting at my desk in the front corner next to the window, trying to not get in the way of everyone else as I try to learn anything that could help me in class. I did however learn that in this school they teach both magic and swords for when students end up going to an academy, they can choose exactly what to study there. Going by this rate however, I'd most likely be taking the knight classes in Inasdale Academy. Even if I don't get selected to attend the academy, since my family is wealthy I should be able to get by. I guess there was an upside to live in nobility.

?: "Excuse me"

Turning to my right I could see the same person that sat next to me yesterday. She was one of the few students who weren't gossiping about me during class yesterday, she looked to be around my age with her light pink hair; almost like the color of cherry blossoms back home.

Ellen: "Hi, did you need something?"

?: "Sorry to intrude Miss Leinhart, my name is Luna Warridge"

Ellen: "Just Ellen is fine"

I couldn't stand people being formal with me, I want to feel like a normal person, not someone that should be put on a pedestal.

Luna: "Uhm. Is it true what you said yesterday? About like, not being able to use magic?

Ellen: "Yes"

Did she not hear me yesterday? She's being a pest right now, but thankfully the teacher is talking about stuff that I already learnt in my old world.

Luna: "Well, I'm also pretty bad at magic. I was wondering if we could spar together sometime? I saw when you fought our teacher yesterday. The way you moved was but pure-"

Ellen/Luna: "Elegance"

Ellen: "Yeah. I have a tutor back home. I learnt what I knew from her. Elegance is what always comes to mind when I spar with her."

Luna: "A tutor? Well you are a noble, of course you-"

Ellen: "Please don't. Please treat me like you would with anyone else here. I don't like being above everyone else."

Luna: "I... I see"

Her tone of voice went down as I cut her off, seemingly a little sad. I didn't mean to hurt her, but I also didn't want to keep on being this noble figure that everyone has put on me.

Ellen: "To answer your question though. Yes, I'll spar with you."

Giving her a gentle smile, her smile resurfacing on her adorable face. I may not of wanted to get to know these people in my class, but I didn't want to bring them down either. So I wanted to repay her for being a little snappy. Also the teacher didn't seem to mind our idly chit chat, but I dare say if it was any other student talking they probably would of been scolded. I'll know for next time though to not talk during the teachers lessons.

Gerald: "Class dismissed. Be back here by 11"

With the sound of the school bell signaling our break, our class got up from their seats as we all went our separate ways.

Luna: "So, when did you want to spar?"

Following me however was my now recent acquaintance, Luna.

Ellen: "We can do it now if you like? I'm not all that hungry"

Luna: "Me either. Lets head over to the training area"

Its safe to say that I'm not looking forward to this, but I suppose it will be a good idea to get to know at least one person from class. I am also curious how my skill compares to students of my age.

Having entered the training area, there seems to be a few other students who also seemed to be using this time for practice. They seemed to be practicing what we had learnt in class as all 3 of them were casting off balls of their element in the yard. Luna and I however were going to practice with swords, as we made out way to the weapon racks, grabbing one for each of us.

Ellen: "Here"

Luna: "Thank you"

After giving Luna a wooden sword, we took our place in one of the corners of the training area, away from the rest of the people who are also practicing. We each take our stances, Luna opting to hold her sword with 2 hands much like what you would see people in my old word when they did Kendo; I could tell she must of had lessons somewhere. I on the other hand, took a stance like I normally did, turning my body to the side while holding my right hand up with the sword, facing Luna.

Ellen: "Ready when you are"

Luna: "Yes"

I allowed Luna to take the initiative, letting her go on the offence, deflecting all her blows with ease. She had a surprising amount of power, much more than I would of thought for someone our age, as our swords clash together, the sounds of our sparring match drawing some attention as a few students watched us, I didn't mind.

Time passes as I feel quite relaxed while exchanging blows with our swords, however Luna seemed to be getting out of breath already. "I'm going to have to take it easy on her." I think to myself before switching to attack instead of defense. I tried to do what Alice did for me, trying to match Luna's speed and stamina to try and avoid hurting her, making weaker attacks than what I normally would as she barely manages to block my attacks. She really needs to work on her stamina, it is quite terrible; however her attacks were good, but was still easily readable for me. Feeling like she had enough, I went for one final fast swing towards her neck, gently stopping it before making contact, her eyes wide in shock.

Ellen: "That will be my win"

Luna: "...Yes"

The number of people who watched us must of grew in number while we were sparring as now I could see close to 10 students watching us. It reminded of the days when I used to run, with the other students watching me along with-

Ellen: "Huh"

Luna: "What's funny?"

Ellen: "Nothing. Just remembered something"

We took a seat at the training area after our match, watching others practice while we, or I should say Luna taking a breather.

Luna: "You really are strong Ellen. You didn't even look like you were trying."

Ellen: "I just have a strong tutor. I still need to learn magic."

Luna: "Will you become a knight one day?"

Ellen: "Ah, actually. I'd like to become a spellsword, but I still have no idea how to use magic"

I found myself softening up around Luna after our match. I guess the fight took the edge off things as I open myself up if only just a little to Luna.

Luna: "Well for me I want to attend Inasdale Academy and become a knight. It's what my father did when he was still alive, so I want to take over his role and make him proud."

That sounded all too familiar. She started to sound like me back when I was in high school. I always looked up to my father back home, we did many things together, so seeing Luna take on what her father did I can't help but root for her, a smile forming on my face.

Ellen: "I'm sure you'll make your father proud. We can practice together some more if you like?"

Luna: "Thanks but... I'm still out of breath haha"

She was indeed still panting away while we sat on the bench, the sweat dripping off of her face onto the ground.

Luna: "How about tomorrow then?"

Ellen: "Sounds good."

I didn't expect this to happen but did I just make a friend? If Luna did end up going to Inasdale Academy along with me, then I'd be happy to have a childhood friend like Luna around. Starting the academy all alone actually sounds frightening now that I think about it. Hearing Luna's breathing starting to calm down, I take her hand as we sit; not saying a word except giving her a gentle smile before Luna gives one back as if saying "Yes, we are friends"

After hearing the school bell, we made our way back to class, sitting next to each other in our usual seats, continuing class. There was no idle talk like before as we both concentrated in class, or at least I tried to as the talks of magic were still not making any sense to me. It was all about driving out the mana out from within you, concentrating your thoughts to produce what you wanted out of that mana, however I've already learnt that from Alice and it just doesn't work.

So, with another long boring day of school, we headed out from school. This time I was walking out with a 'friend' as we make our way to the carriage that is waiting for me.

Alice: "Welcome back Ellen, who's this?"

Ellen: "Ah, this is Luna, a friend of mine I met today"

Luna bowed as I introduced her, seemingly happy to being called a friend.

Luna: "Yes, nice to meet you! My name is Luna Warridge"

Alice: "Nice to meet you too Luna, my name is Alice Farlight. Thank you for keeping Ellen company"

Luna: "Not at all!"

Ellen: "Alice is my tutor I mentioned this morning, who is also my best friend"

I smile up to Alice as she smiles back somewhat bashfully as I could see her blush slightly, "cute" I think to myself. After exchanging pleasantries, Fabian arrived, signaling our departure.

Ellen: "I'll see you tomorrow Luna"

Luna: "Yes, see you!"

To my surprise, I found myself smiling as we left school. I figured today would be another boring day, however I met an interesting person who I could even call a friend; suddenly the feeling of coming to school didn't feel as depressing and boring as it once did.

With Yui having met her potential 'friend' This marks the end of volume 2. I hope you guys have enjoyed my story so far as there is more coming

<3 Much Love <3

Dubsoracreators' thoughts