
A Personal Hell for A Winged Killer (Draft 1)

This has now become the rough draft of a new novel I intend to submit into the spirity awards of 2023. After a lot of thinking upon the idea, I’ve come to the conclusion that my alterations to the story would be so great that I should start from scratch, and the decision has been very helpful for me, allowing me to take time to look into how my story could be deserving of the eyes of readers like you and allowing me to make myself more proud of my work. A lot of aspects such as characters and powers will remain the same, but the core of the story itself will be crucially altered, adding even more mystery and building upon the world that I’ve been creating over the past 3-4 years much better than I have been. I would like to thank everyone for their support over the time since I typed my first rendition of A Personal Hell for A Winged Killer and I hope that you’ll follow the story again a year from now under a new name(Undecided). My journey as a guy who just writes for fun to someone who’s become dedicated to the story and characters I’ve imagined wouldn’t be the same without you, so once again, I thank you and hope you enjoyed your stay. This story will remain on pause until I decide what to do with it. I was thinking of making this an alternate side story for what I intend to replace it with or to just continue to use it for reference as the new story evolves and learns from its original. To contact me, for any reason, I leave some outlets: Twitter: @mrgoodeygoody Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UPwUE8y9 ——————————————————————————— ***Warning*** This novel has vivid depictions of mental illness, sexuality, and death. Reader Discretion is Advised before reading further into the novel.

goodeygoody · แอ็กชัน
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50 Chs

That One Shower Chapter

'I think someone's already in here...'

Miya tried opening the bathroom door again to remove herself from the room, but it stopped abruptly as if something was blocking the doorway. The loud shower ran behind her before suddenly stopping as she yanked on the door handle, and her heart sank as she heard the person inside begin wringing out their towel, preparing to leave.

'Why do things like this happen to me? What kind of excuse can I even make? I'm going to look like an absolute pervert!'

As Miya frantically fumbled, the shower curtain opened, and a man walked through, stark naked. His physique was near flawless, every detail of his muscle structure laid out in plain sight. He saw Miya, but he made no reaction to her presence and continued to dry himself in front of her.

Miya's eyes unconsciously descended.

'How do you walk with that thing?!'

As the man continued to dry himself, he spoke abruptly, interrupting her thoughts. Miya cowered into the door, hoping for mercy.


Miya stood at attention, ready for the question.

"Did you need to use the bathroom?"


Taken aback, Miya's eyes widen, not expecting his polite question. She struggled to understand his calm demeanor.

"Umm--Well...Yes, I did."

"I see."

The man continued drying himself until finally finishing and wrapping his towel around his waist. The man sounded almost like a robot, but in a different manner to how Bo spoke, and there wasn't a visible curse mark on the man's body. He didn't seem to care much about the situation, and as Miya watched him closely, the man looked blankly toward her, but it felt different to her previous interactions with Bo somehow.

He was pale with long, curly, light brown hair covering most of his face, and he had a lean physique with toned muscles around his body. He stood a few feet taller than Miya, and she grew intimidated by not only his body but his careless demeanor.

"I-I'm sorry, sir... There seems to be something blocking the door. I never meant to intrude."

"That's ok. That's an understandable situation."

Once again, Miya sat there, dumbfounded.

'Just like that, he believed me? Just like that?'

He reached toward the sink, and Miya moved, avoiding getting in his way. He began putting toothpaste on a brush that lay atop the counter, brushing his teeth thoroughly as he spoke.

"I've never seen a member of the sleep clan before. Am I going to die?"

MIya didn't respond. Instead, she remained mesmerized by the man before her.

'I sure hope not!'

After finishing, the man walked past Miya and pushed against the door. It budged a bit but quickly returned to its original position.

"There's a person blocking it, huh. Curious..."

The man stood silently and began trying to assess the situation. He returned to the door and pushed it with much more force than before, but this time it didn't budge at all. Miya stood quietly, still needing to use the bathroom.

The man spoke without looking toward her, his voice finally changing to a light laugh.

"If you need to go, go. I don't intend on watching you do so."

Miya's face turned red instantly, the possibility being thrown out instantly.

'That's about the last thing I want to do.'

Miya spoke, pure curiosity egging her on.

"What is your name?"

"Xavier-cgh- Xavier Bullock."

Xavier coughed furiously as Miya spoke.

"Really? Do you come here often? You brought a toothbrush and all."

Xavier laughed again, walking past her.

"Who said that was my toothbrush?"

Xavier sat down on the edge of the bathtub and remained silent. Miya sat on the counter, kicking her legs. Her stare grew intense as Xavier looked on into space, a strange smile still etched onto his face.

'What is this guy thinking?'

He sat silently, not making a single sound. Not even breathing could be heard. Suddenly, Miya broke the silence.



"Would you like to know a bit about me? To kind of relieve the silence..."

"I know who you are. You are Miya, the last of the sleep clan."

"How'd you know."

Xavier gestured with his hands as he spoke, seemingly helping him relay his thoughts. Miya thoroughly investigated his habits, something about the man not sitting right with her. She felt as if the man were being truthful, but something-- something strange could be felt that she could explain, much less understand.

"Normally, the last of something is at least a bit famous. You're quite famous among males at Eastward Social Academy, E.S.S for short. Females also seem to want to have you as a companion, as well."

"Oh… I didn't know that."

"You've made quite a name for yourself throughout the last week. You and a few others are growing at an exponential rate, far beyond any typical mercenary wannabe.

"You... know a lot about me."

Xavier smiled once more, and Miya made an intrigued face while he spoke.

"Do you know anything about before I came to school?"

"Not a thing. That's the great mystery... Who is Miya Logicus?"

Miya groaned and slumped over while she sat.

"It was worth a try..."

Miya got off of the counter and approached Xavier.

"Excuse me."

Miya placed her palm onto Xavier's head, but restrained her powers. She lifted the palm so that Xavier's curly hair would follow, and Xavier didn't react at all.

"You're a good looking guy, Xavier."

Miya inspected Xavier. His eyes were bloodshot and veins filled them. Freckles could be seen on his face as well, covering the upper part of his cheeks. His eyes couldn't focus on Miya, and when they finally did, they went limp.

'Albinism. That's why he looks so pale.'

Miya removed her hand from his face.

"Thank you."

Xavier sat like a statue, looking toward the wall.

"Were you curious as to what my face looks like?"


Xavier chuckled.


Xavier didn't seem to care, and he continued to wait for someone to open the door. Miya sat silently, as well.

'Something about this guy is familiar. I just can't put my finger on it.'

Miya looked at the man once more, this time being shown a strange vision that Miya explored in it's entirety.

<"Look at you! Clumsy as always, huh?"

A pale man wearing a white shirt and khakis spoke to Miya in a joking manner. His body was bulky, his physique show through his casual clothing. He bore a resemblance to Xavier, but at the same time, Miya knew that they were completely different people. This fact raised Miya's intrigue as she had no recollection of this figure, a complete blank.

Miya snapped back almost instantly.

"You shut your mouth! I'm supposed to be the one teaching you!"

"Ok, Ok! I'll shut my mouth. Until you do some stupid shit again."

The man stood at a good 10-feet tall with muscle surrounding his body. Miya stood almost as tall as him, surprising real-time Miya as she traveled through the memory. They stood in what Miya recognized as a combat room, alone in the blank, white room. They each held a wooden, kendo sword, Miya holding hers with both with the man held his with only one.

His fighting style interested her as she could tell he utilized his body much more than the blade from his stance alone, his free hand ready to grab at any potential opponent.

"Try swinging."

The man swung with so much force that it shoved Miya's hair back, but Miya's face didn't react to the force, unflinching as she observed the man's form.

"You've got good form, but you should use more than one hand. It'll increase the power of your swings."

"But that's how I've always been taught. Do you not like my instructor's sword style?"

"That's not it. It's just that you're not suited for it with your newly awakened abilities... Try this."

Miya passed her sword to him, and he caught it with his free hand. Suddenly, Tadashi appeared in Miya's hand, a furious aura exuding from the blade. The man became visibly alarmed, feeling as if outmatched.

"You're bringing Tadashi into this?"

"I think he'll be enough to defend from your attacks."

"You really have that much faith in this new fighting style?"


The man took a stance with the two swords and his body became extremely close to the ground, like a beast looking to pounce on prey.

"Let's begin."

They both charged at each other.>


Miya was being shaken lightly by Sarah, her face full of worry as she sat on the bathroom counter, previously unconscious.

"I caught you sitting on the bathroom counter in a daze. You feeling alright?"

"Yes. I just remembered something."

Sarah had a mortified look on her face, but she tried to hide it so that it would go unnoticed by Miya. She talked through her teeth.

"What was it?"

As Miya rehashed her memory, Bo walked into the room. Miya's mind finally caught onto a single piece from what'd happened, the memory already fading from her mind.

"Where's Xavier?"

"Xavier? I found you here, by yourself. You were sitting right where you are, staring blankly at the wall."

Intense pain came to Miya's head causing Sarah to have to catch her. She held her gently, patting her head to comfort her.

"You must be tired. Did you already use the restroom?"


"Do that. Bo and I will bring you home."


Miya struggled to keep herself together while the pain persisted. After she'd finished in the restroom, she was escorted out of the room and taken home.