
A Ordinary(NOT) Slime in Another World(LitRPG)

So basically to sum it all up... I'm a slime in another world. Where gods, Demigods, Monsters, Cults, and Terrifying abominations roam free. And I'm a slime, just a slime. Fuxking great. (Cover Page Not Mine. Found it on Pinterest:P) (Also, This can be found on Scribble Hub! With the same title)

JustAnError · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Interlude 1: A Power that lays dormant

Silence. Absolute silence. Just the way I like it.

Sitting on my throne, I carefully watched the wisp of energy swirling around my hand. Dancing could be the word for it.

The Void.

Some say it was an energy born from the deepest, darkest depths of the known universe.

Some would even say it could surpass even mana and divinity, the two main sources of energy.

Despite the various research attempts on it, The Void was something of a mystery that has remained unsolved to this day. Even the greatest mages, wizards, and geniuses couldn't discern its prowess and origin. Some attempts were made, and all led to failure and destruction.

They thought they could discern its origin and what was next. Unlock the mystery of it?

Their ambitions were something I respected, but the foolishness they had was laughable.

From my keen observation, this type of energy was just incomprehensible. Sometimes, I would question if it was truly real and not just an illusion.

However, the moment you truly acknowledge its existence, it's akin to a child's love for their mother.

It's simply marvelous.

That said, only a few dare to hold onto this type of energy. Humans, like most species on this planet, are ignorant and afraid.

Back then, the void was something new to the world. When it first appeared, the opinions of the people were divided. Rumors spread like wildfire around towns, villages, and kingdoms saying it was harmful and potentially could twist the minds of those brave enough to take hold of it.

The worst part, the society of the Magi and Geniuses agreed with the statement. Banning, imprisoning, or even killing anyone who attempts to take hold of the void. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at that.

What fools they are to think that this power would ruin their lives! No, it has the potential to bring about a life-changing moment. Yet, they remain the same.

Even in the past, I was one of the few people who viewed the Void as the potential to achieve higher power.

I tried my best to deny the rumors spreading into my hometown and to attempt to stir the people, my townsmen, to the right path. The path that was filled with opportunities and greatness.

But it was futile; they looked at me like I was a monster. Their stares were all the same.



Even my family didn't come and aid my side. All I could see in their eyes was disbelief, even from my own mother who I loved and adored greatly.

I wanted to ask why. I really wanted to ask why. I even cried and wept down on the floor.

But they didn't respond; even my father pushed me away and attempted to threaten me if I went closer to them.

The worst part was that my mother didn't do anything. Just watched, watching as my heart shattered like a broken glass, unheard and unnoticed by them.

I remember the rage fueled by the betrayal and sorrow I felt that day. It filled me, and I was swayed to do acts that I shouldn't have done.

Helplessness, sadness, regret, disappointment. All the negative emotions were drowning me on that day. Until I was saved.

My parents and my people looked at me like I was a monster…But the void accepted and comforted me like I was one with them.

Its whispers were music to my ears.

Their screams I thought were horrifying to hear were silenced. The sadness and regret disappeared and were replaced by a sense of belonging.

Their cries echoed through the night while I heeded no care. They all watched helplessly as my glorious moment came to be.

In the years that followed, a war broke out, surprising many. Accusations between kingdoms remained constant which only intensified the war. Loyalties were tested, and the Kingdoms that were once united were divided. Peace between races wavered.

The gods and goddesses, The Society of Magi, and The Society of Geniuses went neutral about the war and did not help either side. It was a battle among divided opinions, they couldn't care less about their matters.

However, the war, which no one expected, got worse. Now, it is known as the longest and bloodiest war in the world, lasting for 18 years.

The Great War of Nodahr 

Unbeknownst to them, their destruction amongst each other only led the void to grow and influenced those who were in despair of the effects of the war. I was one of the lucky few who watched that display of power. It only made my determination to grow stronger.

To this day, the consequences and impact of the war remain. While peace may have returned, many still hold grudges while some still hold various ill intentions that remain hidden. The kingdoms remained divided, not as united as they were before. The peace between races grew thinner and thinner as years passed by.

Could it be called peace then? If one still harbors an intention to harm others, It wouldn't be called peace. More like quiet. 

It wouldn't be surprising if another war broke out. Just one push is needed for it to erupt once more.

Amidst my thoughts, I couldn't help but ponder why my family felt that way towards me. My own family, why couldn't they support their own son?!

I gripped the edge of my armrest. Cracks could be heard.

Maybe because of fear of the law? Maybe because of the rumors? Or maybe because they couldn't deem themselves worthy of it and were afraid to show unworthiness.

That could be it.

If they only listened to me, I could have saved them. The Void could have saved them!

But as time passed, there was nothing I could do. If I could go back, I would have taken things differently. Nonetheless, I didn't regret it one bit. They deserved it, casting me away like they hadn't loved me in their entire life.


Calming my anger, I retain my focus on strengthening my connection with the void. The connection was almost severed due to my anger.

It seems I am still bound by emotions. I am not fully embodied in the void which I hope to be.

Joy, sadness, anger, lust, greed. Those emotions shape an entire entity, giving them life. Without those emotions, they would be like unbothered rocks, indifferent to matters not in their interest.

I aspire to be one with the void. Without those emotions, I would truly embrace it.

Due to my affiliations with it, I have become more than I was ever before.

An immortal being.

A powerful sorcerer.

I could feel the void surging from within. The whispers and echoes rang through my ears attempting to waver my will for the past hours. This was a test, a test of whether I was worthy of obtaining true power.

Closing my hands, the surge of power dimmed as I regained control of my body. A wave of fatigue washed over me.

The Void, despite its greatness, has its problems. But I did not worry. It's normal for such great power to burden oneself; if it didn't, many would easily obtain it without sacrifices.

With that finished, I can now focus my attention on other matters, one that I find intriguing.

A certain slime was separated from its group. Interestingly, from what I gathered, it has a mind of its own. None of the slimes would dare to leave the group. Under my grasp, it's impossible to do so. But if a miracle existed, and they found a way to resist my control, then they would be disposed of. But this slime not only escaped but did something unexpected.

It was consuming something.

Slimes are well-known creatures to be dumb and unresponsive unless threatened, but this one appeared to have a mind of its own.

It had intelligence and possibly emotions as well.

Could this be the one that wandered around and smelled pure?

It explains why this slime isn't yet fully under my control. Normally, in this situation, I would kill it.

But no.

A smile grew on my face. It would be far too boring to do that and would ruin the fun. I will pleasantly see how this turns out. Living in this boring, damp cave for many years had left me bored.

I hope this slime will live up to my interest.