
A Ordinary(NOT) Slime in Another World(LitRPG)

So basically to sum it all up... I'm a slime in another world. Where gods, Demigods, Monsters, Cults, and Terrifying abominations roam free. And I'm a slime, just a slime. Fuxking great. (Cover Page Not Mine. Found it on Pinterest:P) (Also, This can be found on Scribble Hub! With the same title)

JustAnError · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2

Being in a dark place and seeing nothing but darkness for a long time bothered me. I get it, Slimes don't technically have eyes, but how would I move when I don't see anything? Well, there's a recent solution to that problem.

Remember that one ability that is yet to activate? The Beyond senses? Well, after being bored and immobile for who knows how long. Suddenly, the ability finally activated and the darkness disappeared and what brought forth was something quite disturbing. 

It's like this. Back then, all I could see was darkness, right? This ability is not quite different from that. My vision of the surroundings appeared more or so like a drawing but in black and white. Like the ones you can frequently see in detective movies that are old like in the 1900's.

Still, I was very grateful for this ability though. It allowed me to see which is a very big help.

Looking around, I could see some structures that appeared to be giant rocks. Most of them have pointy ends at the top, while some don't.

I took the first movement, not necessarily a step like a human would make, but I moved a further inch and continued further and further until I was slightly far away from where I was before. I finally realized how slow I am; it reminds me to further improve my dexterity stat later on. Then again, I continued.

As I was far enough, I noticed there was something quite different further ahead. It appeared in a color of green and was quite small, which should be my height, I think. I thought of possibilities of what it was; could it be a rock? a plant? Hmm, or could it be something dangerous?

I was hesitant to actually approach it, but still, my curiosity got the better of me.

The good news was that it wasn't anything dangerous, thank god. It didn't kill me at first contact. But after using the skill <identity > on it, I was intrigued by the result.

[Substance found!]

[Allummine ORE!]

[- A type of energy ore that is commonly found at the innermost section of caves. It carries a wisp of energy that lures creatures to it.]

[If consumed, the host will gain a small amount of exp.]

Ho-ho, the amount of information it gave was certainly helpful. It just solved one of the biggest questions I have at the moment, which is where the heck I am.

Interesting. So I am in a cave, not as surprising as it sounds. Given that, there are rocks everywhere. Not a bad starting point. If I were placed in a forest, then probably I would have to deal with external forces and probably humans as well. Knowing that this is a fantasy world. Slimes are the easiest to deal with.

That doesn't mean we could ignore the most important part of what I found today.

The EXP!

One of the most important sources of growth I need right now.

Even if the amount was small, It's still quite a good haul. Now it would be sensible to use Gluttony to consume. It is the only consuming type of skill I have after all. So how should I activate it? Never thought I would be at a loss for how to activate a skill. It was as simple as clicking a mouse or pressing a keyboard back on Earth. Maybe I could shout it, but that's not necessarily needed… I think, and it's childish in my opinion.

[ANSWER: The system requires the host's participation to activate a skill. It is so to confirm that the host's will to activate the skill]


'You really want me to say it?'

The system didn't respond.

However, its silence was enough confirmation, and I was low on options, so in the end, I did do it.

[Skill activated: Gluttony]

I could feel my body spreading, not in a weird way. It doesn't feel uncomfortable, which I did not expect. I waited quite a while, probably a few seconds or so before my body returned to its original state.

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 10 exp!]

I felt joy at the sight of having my exp bar slightly filled. The feeling of the days when I spent all night playing video games grinding came back to me.

I could feel myself slightly motivated.

90 more to go.

Looking around, I spotted more of the ores.

Time to do some mining.


[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 8 exp!]

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 12 exp!]

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 14 exp!]

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 7 exp!]

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 11 exp!]

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 10 exp!]

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 13 exp!]

[Allummine Ore Consumed!]

[ - Host Gained 5 exp!]


In the end, I consumed about 8 more ores, and the total exp I gained was about 80, if I did the math correctly in my head. So right about now, I had 90 exp gained. I just needed one more left for me to level up. It was irritating to see that I finished up all the ores here, and not a single one could be found. Come on, at least give me the chance to level up.

Did I really use up all the ores here?

I was thinking about what to do next. Finding more Allummine ores was, of course, the plan obviously. But there was something stopping me from going further.

The Danger of this Cave.

I never actually thought about the safety of this cave. Seeing that I hadn't seen anyone other than myself was worrying. The thought of monsters and some beast ravaging a cute slime such as myself brought a newfound fear that I never thought I would gain.

I kept that thought away most of the time since I didn't want to hinder myself from that fear, which eventually stopped me from making actual progress. I knew that at the earliest phase of a game, you must make yourself stronger until you are stronger than your current opponent and eventually, that cycle will repeat itself.

Now the reason why I want to become strong is not some common goal like ruling the world or being the strongest being out there. It's to survive and potentially maybe, be strong enough to have leads so that I can find my way back home or get answers about why I was here and what my purpose is in this world.

Knowledge is, after all, the strongest tool there is.

Well, that will all depend on what will happen now and then.

And yes, I tried asking the system once about it, but it wouldn't respond. I guess it's not supposed to respond, possibly.

'Weird, this place seems awfully empty. Am I in a desert or something?' I mused as I scanned the new area I was in. It was mostly the same. Big rocks and stuff.

Still, no ores yet to be found much to my dismay.

Eventually, I was at a loss for what to do. The ores were the only thing that kept me from making progress. Without them, I would have none. This was a problem I could not afford to solve. Of course, I could still consume other life forms, but where would I find one?

Before I could assess the next step of my plan, I heard a squishy sound almost like slime being bounced off the ground—Wait what?!

I turned toward the source of the commotion. There was a blue signature. Not white which I was seeing most of the time. It wasn't just one, but tons. All gathered together.

I used the Skill <Identify > and much to my (not) surprise. It was indeed a slime.

[Lifeform Identified!]

[Cave slime]

[- A group of slimes that is most comfortable to live in caves.]

Apparently, there are other life forms of these other than me. Could I eat a slime? Is that considered cannibalism if I do so?

I pondered over that option. If risking my morality was worth it or not.

Seeing other life forms was both potentially rewarding and potentially dangerous. On one side, I have another way of gathering exp; on the other, there are more threats that could really endanger my life.

Sneakily, I proceeded to insert my way into the group. When I was close to one, I used <Further inspection>.

[Cave Slime]

[Lvl: 1]

[Hp: 100/100]

[Relationship: Friendly]

[Status Effect: Inflicted: Taint of the Void]


[-Devour - Allows consuming materials for essential growth]



Oh wow, I can see their skills and abilities. This skill is really handy.

While I was surprised, I was confused as well. Not because of that but because of the status effect It had.

Taint of the void?

I tried asking the system about it, but...

[Requirements not met: Intelligence 20]

It outright rejected me by the requirement.

I wasn't too obsessed with knowing what it was. I proceeded to move over to the other slimes and used the same skill on them. Suffice it to say, all of them have that weird Inflicted Status effect. I was about to leave the group and go somewhere else, but something stopped me.

"Ohh, what do we have here? Wandering around? Tsk tsk tsk, that's no good."

I heard a voice. It sounded rasped as if something had a cough that had been left untreated for years. I didn't get a chance to look at who could be the owner of the voice when suddenly I was carried above the ground. Two pairs of hands gripped me tightly. I finally got the chance to look at the source; it gave the presence a color hue of white.

The structure of what I am seeing appears to be that of a human. Could it.. there's a civilization here?

Once again, I used my trusty <Further inspection> at the human.

[Lich(Modified - Dweller of the Void)]

[Lvl: ??? (Concealed)]

[HP: ??? (Concealed)]

[Requires: 10 intelligence]

[Relationship: Neutral]

[Skills and Abilities (Concealed) (Requirement not met: Intelligence 20)]


What? WHAT???!!!!!

I was shocked, bamboozled, and terrified.

A lich? Seriously?!

I felt like all the colors of my body drained. A lich, a type of undead creature that used magic and sorcery, using souls as energy for their magic appeared before me. They are basically the incarnate of evil! They would do some nasty stuff using their magic.

I'm the victim here, aren't I? Oh God, please don't let me be the victim.

As he held me, I gave no resistance, afraid that he would decide to kill me. Ain't no way I could put up against everything he could throw at me.

Act as a normal slime.

Act as a normal slime.

Act as a normal slime - I kept repeating to myself.

It was a grueling minute when he still kept a hold of me. Why is he taking too long? Can you just like let me go, dude? I swear, I am no threat to your existence or whatever.

"Interesting, you smell… pure." He spoke as he began sniffing me.

What the heck is he smelling me for?! Weirdo!

Also, what's up with the pure thing? Is he calling me a virgin? 

I don't know whether the virgin situation applies to a slime so It has to be something else.

"Hmm, indeed it is so. Interesting."

I really wanted to squirm away from his grip, but my fear of the situation stopped me from doing that. Before I could react, he RUDELY dropped me down, not gently, just spreading his arms, and I fell, bouncing off the ground.

It didn't hurt but still, RUDE.

I stopped bouncing, and the ring of the system took my attention.


[The Host has been Inflicted with [Taint of the Void]]

[Completion: 1%]

[If completed, The Host's mind will be consumed by an unknown entity]


[Requirement for cleansing: Not met. Requires 20 willpower]

"Wha-" I was about to speak but was interrupted.

[Quest Found!]

[-Stop The Lich!]

[A lich that has a unique interest in slimes has gathered a large number of them in a remote mountain. Using the slimes as a source of energy for an unknown reason.]

[Time Limit: 2 days]

[If the Host fails to comply, The Host will be eradicated]

Eh? EHH??!! 

'Wait, hold on-'

[Rewards: 500 exp, Random Ability Chest (1x)]

[Extra reward if the host manages to kill/eliminate the lich: 2000 exp + Random skill chest (3x)]


You know, The funny thing was that I thought I would have it easy on this world since I have a system but I guess not.

I could only conjure one word that was able to sum up to my situation


What do you guys think?

Any comment, feedback, criticism, or suggestions is very welcome.

JustAnErrorcreators' thoughts