
A Nobody's Transmigration

-Read my new book Nightmare Mythos!! France Neemon was transmigrated into a body of a trash character, Noelle Portnner, in the novel Unyielding Hero. His knowledge of that world only contains volume one of it. With adversities, mysteries, and resolve to return to his previous world, France ventures into the world and accepts becoming the trash son of a rich character. The moment he stepped up and became a character, more questions filled his mind. Yet, amidst those inexplicable questions, is that really all? ----- The cover is not mine. If the creator wished it removed, then it will be removed.

Ordki_Hozei · แฟนตาซี
151 Chs

Answers, Choice, and Help

'It really is the Anomalies, and the author of that book is no other than Noelle?! Hah! Weren't secrets like this supposed to be revealed in the epilogue? And here I thought Senior would act so mysterious, giving me a vague answer but he straight up told me about it?!

'Strange… But, the Anomalies only came from the book! How is that possible that it landed in my world?! No, no, no, it can't be… Unless it's just really a trick… But again, Noelle said it is real… Do the fantasy and real-world overlap? Ha… haha what kind of cliché plot is this? Aren't that overly used?'

Thoughts passed through France's mind, unable to come to a consensus. He was confused, thinking of many plots he had read but seeing that the matter was very serious and he needed answers, he quieted after ten whole seconds before facing Noelle.

"Can I get back to my previous world?"

"The developments at this point are something I can't even imagine happening," Noelle, which didn't sound like an answer, said that even making France confused, "France, the moment your soul has been transferred to my body, that's it. You either die or live there,"

"But… how did I see that? And, does that mean I died in that world? I don't understand…" France spoke as his voice turned weaker.

Noelle let out a sigh as he said, "it's actually called Disruption Of Time. With my help, I managed to reanimate or well, revive your body, changing a bit of your fate. Miracles are common in this place but that doesn't mean one could just revive somebody without anything in return."

"You are dead, yes, that didn't change but using my small knowledge in this mysterious and expanding universe, I kept you alive but, what I did cause a disruption of the timeline, forming another branch that even fate can't even see.

"The moment you transferred to that world, your whole existence in your previous one vanished. Some might've remembered you but if a week had passed in your world, those days are when everyone's memories of your disappeared.

"Your soul was supposed to go back to 'Noelle' but it changed its course to 'France' since a day had passed there on your previous world. If it was a week, then it would've returned to 'Noelle'."

"Hahaha, I know, I know. Disruption of time is a rather complicated topic that even I can't understand its rules,

"Ah, just so you know, I gave a teensy bit of information regarding the universe. If I just gave you excess ones, whether it wasn't long or short, informative or not, your head will explode,"

'I feel like it will explode now!' France scratch his forehead and soon came up with a question that he was eager to know.

He thought the information regarding this wasn't needed, for now, thus, he changed it to the matters on hand.

He drew a breath and asked, "How did my transmigration work,"

France looked at Noelle's face to see if he could discern something on it but he could only see the smile that filled with so much pain and regret before he revealed it.

"It's my fault…"

France can't help but frown as he repeated, "F-fault? How is it your fault, sir?"

Noelle thought for a moment, letting out a sigh as he answered, "I mentioned that I was the author of that book, correct? I didn't use my hands to write words, you see. Those are my memories, fragmented memories to be exact.

"Due to the disruption of time, instead of you receiving my story of that world, you've seen what Isaac had encountered in his times. I know you've tried to find any more about that book but there is nothing more except for that, right? You must've thought that the author dropped the book or something but it didn't. The memory I had just stopped there.

"I'm starting to think it might be related to 'Them'. As you can see, Isaac has a system but where does it come from? I've been trying to find clues that I already have and you are not qualified yet to know more about 'Them'. Well, in your world, you can call them Gods. I'll tell you about them when you're qualified I guess."

'Gods? Isaac really have gods backing him? So, Isaac is really not a main character but just like me, a nobody, who is just unlucky enough, bound and being toyed at by these rules? Nah, I refuse to accept it…'

As France was thinking deeply, Noelle disturbed him by stating hard facts, "There's no main character, France. The Universe. We don't know why it is doing these things or why is it sending evil entities like monsters, anomalies, devils into our worlds,"

He looked at France gently, "I could understand if you are angry with me, loath, or even hate me but dragging you wasn't my plan at all."

France's eyes pricked, wanting to retort as an enormous amount of pain was flashing in his eyes, while his head is being overwhelmed with anger.

He wanted to punch and curse the person in his front. But he quickly calmed his mind and assessed the situation.

"When you said you are trying to 'maintain' or 'managed' to resurrect me in that world, you could've just transferred me there without dragging me into your space yet you did. There's also the case when everyone that knows my existence on Earth would forget about me when a week a passed, but you controlled the time there, making it a day passed.

"Senior… you are such an evil person."


"You let me see that the Anomalies would come to my world, let me see it, and drag me here in your space. On the other hand, you could've forced my 'soul' to transfer to Noelle's body without any question and left me there to think how I have survived yet you didn't, instead, you answered my questions with guilt on your face.

"Sir, what is your plan exactly? I could understand that you have no ill intentions and even want to cooperate with someone like me. Please, tell me this,"


Noelle, for the first time in their conversation, looked a bit surprised by France's words. He carefully chose his words, even though his information was vague. He even hid his true intention and wasn't trying to sound that this was some test.

Yet he forgets to do one single.

Why did he even drag France into his space? What is he even thinking?

He was busy hiding it that it showed itself!

'I've got caught?' Noelle mused inwardly as he sighed before responding calmly, "France, I'm giving you a choice. Either you want to go back to your previous world or the current one,"

"Which one is previous or current?"

Noelle faintly smiles, "Whatever you interpret it. Perhaps, whatever you choose, something will unknown will develop. Either the two, I can provide help."

France has now faced a dilemma, especially regarding how Noelle spoke the last sentence.

If he was on Earth, he would've already been told to go back there, and even receive a bit of help that didn't sound like a lie. Even though he was a pragmatic and pessimistic person, he will willingly help since not doing it might lead to his world's destruction.

On the other hand, the world where he transmigrated to had already felt he belonged there which is rather strange yet, that wasn't home. Knowing even the context of the book, thought it might help him to certain except, he will likely encounter dangerous places and enemies.

'Which world could even be considered safe…' France thought inwardly as he began thinking for a few minutes.

Silence enveloped the place. Noelle silently looked at France, waiting for his decision, and wasn't there to persuade whatever he wanted to choose.

It was his life. He was just unlucky to be in part of his plans.

After a while, France let out a sigh, and looked directly into Noelle's eyes without fear, as he nodded, "I wish to go back to the current one,"

'Current one…' Noelle mused inwardly as he faintly smile, "May I know the reason?"

France nodded, "Earth is strong. Though the people are shitty there, me included, they will find a way to survive. Everyone would probably unite themselves, and might even think of possessing powers on their own but once they knew that unity is needed and might cause the downfall of our home, they will surely be one.

"Hence, I choose the world where I have transmigrated into. And it's my 'current' world because… my life is already there. Oh shit, it's hard to explain,"

"I understand," Noelle smiled, "I completely understand. And not meaning to probe deeper but… is really the reason?"

France weirdly looked at Noelle as he sighed, "I don't have anyone there, anymore. Even though I was living, I was just alive but it's different from your world. W-well, I have some sort of family there even though it sounds wrong since it was supposedly yours. Oh god, so embarrassing."

Noelle, looking stupefied for a moment, let out a chuckle. It was filled with sorrow but joy at the same time.

"I see, I see. Ok, that's all for now," Noelle replied as he covered his mouth before coming back to the topic, "Now, I said that I will provide you help. What I can give to your previous world is where proficient grade ruins are located,"

Surprised, France was about to open his mouth when Noelle started landing names of some places he knew.

"Great Pyramid of Piza, Mariana Grench, Bermuda Square, The Colosseum… Your world is rich with proficient-grade ruins. They can take Piece there, probably by accident when they are trying to escape the Anomalies or some other situations you could think of. You see, ruins already existed in the world, whichever you prefer. The universe seldom drops this kind of thing but lucky for your previous world, they are very blessed."

"I don't understand. The trench is under the sea and the Colosseum is made by someone. It's different from the proficient grade ruins in my current world." France asked with a doubtful tone.

"There's no need for deeper explanations really. Either Ruins are brought down to the world or used the existing places to become one. The latter is rather economical and efficient but the former… there's danger in it.

"An example of that is Frenzy Maze. It was actually brought down to the world but only The Saviours have known it since it was underground and those are the places where they are actively present.

"Hmm, anything regarding Ruins, you could just research it when you come back."

'Important information about the Ruins… that's one help. Is there more I could ask?' France thought inwardly as he nodded, formulating a question in his head and saying, "What do I need to watch out or take a note for? The me right now that could understand your words."

"Hmm…" Noelle hummed as he holds his chin, and instead of answering, he was the one who asked, "What do you think are the things that the universe still hasn't answered yet it is powerful at the same time?"

Already seen through this kind of trope in the novels, France answered frankly, "I don't know. Maybe you could answer?"

Noelle's lips twitched as he shakes his head in an amused way, before raising his hands as if he was trying to lecture him, "There are three things in my knowledge, and these things are related to Time, Fate, and… Luck,"