
Hallucination and Acceptance

"You shouldn't pull this crap on me Brad after all we have done together, remember BITCH, I was the one who made you" Alex shouted, still disgruntled from the fact that BRAD somehow managed to get to his bedroom without alerting him, or the small kid he brought alongside with a hoodie covering his face seemingly mocking the situation.

"Sure, you helped me along my career" Brad smiled manically, "but you are delusional if you think I was your pawn when I became the president of this country. I have and will always be loyal to the Numen. They just deemed it beneath themselves to do the dirty work you made your fortune out of. A pawn that didn't even realize he was one and has outlived his usefulness. And now, I want all that is yours. It should serve the world better than it would in your hands and it is the reward I have asked for"

Alex had regained his senses by the time Brad was rambling and he reached out for his gun under the pillow. Pointing it at Brad, he growled, "you need to be alive to enjoy what is mine" and pulled the trigger twice, at his head and his heart.

But something he never expected happened when he saw the kid jumping in front of the pest he wanted to kill. He rushed up trying to catch the kid, hoping he was still alive, but before he could reach him, he noticed that the kid was standing before brad like nothing happened.

'Did I miss? Thank fuck the kid ain't hurt' and suddenly, it happened.

A burst of pain comparable to every painful experience he has ever had compounded in one instant came before it was gone as soon as it appeared. He heard a small thud, and looked down to see a dark reddish object thumping on the floor.

'Is that my heart? Wha.. what just happened? Am I hallucinating? Did this bastard brad give me a drug? Well hopefully its good stuff, that way I will have some fun before I go'

Then he felt a hand grabbing his hair and shaking it. Looking up, brad's bloodshot eyes were close enough that he could see the veins.

"you bastard, not so high and mighty now, are you? I'm gonna take everything you have. I will destroy everything that you hold dear and piss on the ashes. I will never have to answer to you ever again" brad was yelling frantically.

"yull neda ebalve"

"What you bastard? Speak properly. Cat got your tongue?"

"Ya need to be alive to enjoy what's mine" Alex spoke a bit more coherently this time, but brad was enjoying his reversed role too much to pay attention.

The kid got startled and moved, but Alex was too close to Brad. He barely had any strength left and he couldn't feel his limbs. So, he lunged and bit down on brad's neck with his teeth, putting every last ounce of his strength on it. He could feel someone pulling at him, probably the kid, but he focused on the struggling and twitching body of the bastard he never imagined would have the guts to plot for his life.

Suddenly, he felt like he was floating and then his face slammed against something cold. He tried to look up but all he could see was brad bleeding out, lying in front of him, missing a good chunk of his neck. He spat out whatever was in his mouth and started laughing.

"What do you find so funny you idiot? You have destroyed the one good thing you did in your whole pathetic life." A raspy voice reached his ears. Alex couldn't see him, but he had an inkling of who was talking. "haha his last words were whether the cat got my tongue. It didn't. But his flesh did hahah"

"You truly deserve death. But your resilience is something I have never seen in my life. A man with his heart torn out can kill a man and still have the strength to laugh and retort. It's a shame you are a third-class citizen, or you would have made a good knight" the kid replied

"Heh I may be a third-class citizen, but the ruler of this country used to grovel at my feet. And I never once thought of being someone's pawn, or knight. In this meaningless world, I rose from the dumpster to rule over it and I was always meant to be the king. It's a shame I did not find about your sewer rats mumens or whatever earlier. Or I would have eradicated every last one of you" Alex snarled

The kid suddenly joined in the laughter, "You? Eradicate us? We are beings that are above the mortals, untainted by your petty wars and unbothered by your fancy toys. We exist for purposes you can't fathom and erasing you is something even our toddlers can easily do." Suddenly there was the sound of metal clanking. Alex opened his eyes and saw two bullets that he had personally ordered, bullets that were his signature, falling on the ground. "This is what you fired at that idiot. Now go in peace, knowing that you might be the righteous self-proclaimed ruler of the mortals, but you tried going against the gods and it cost you everything."

That was the last thing Alex heard as he slowly lost the last senses he was barely holding on to

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