
A Nightmare's Point of View

The book is about a monstrous alien named Embrance trying to change his species deathly eating habits. It is a Sci-fi fantasy adventure with an array of emotions and colorful characters and perspectives. It isn't a light read. This is a healthy size Sci-fi dark fantasy and a plus-size adventure. Warning: contains some adult themes and some gore. This is just a sample of my book.

Winter_Blade1980 · ไซไฟ
13 Chs

Captain's Journal


"...This is the captain's journal entry 20."

"Where to begin...Where did I leave off...Sorry...Yes, I spent a couple of years in Chicago. Made many friends, had enjoyed my peaceful life for two years. So what changed my peaceful and uneventful life? Not sure if for the better, but I don't regret it."

"What happened was, a few friends wanted to go to San Diego for the week; they had been planning to go for months, and one of them, nearing the time, couldn't go. He invited me to go, well, actually he talked me into going. I wasn't interested because I was trying to keep a low profile, but I decided to go, because he pleaded for me to pick up a list full of things for him. Just because if I didn't I wouldn't get the chance again, or so he said, I agreed so he would stop. It's a funny story...how I met her...Ms. Marianna McKinney, my wife. She was in San Diego to see family, and on her way out, her car broke down. Talk about one of those stories. Well, it didn't happen that way. Actually...I didn't want to stop and help, but my friends saw an opportunity to meet girls, and what better way to than five stranded ladies."

(Chuckle of humorous sentimentality.)

"They stopped and took a look at the engine, but none of them knew what they were doing with the older engine; they just wanted to show off. I got tired of waiting for them and got out to see what was going on. Funny thing was, it was a simple fix. Marianna and her friends were so grateful that they invited us for lunch at a restaurant in the next town. That's when I got to know her. One feature that never faded from my memory, her eyes...They were a brilliant green..."

(Nostalgic sigh.)

"She was the one that caught my eye. We corresponded with each other, video chatted, and visited San Diego to meet every chance we got. The last visit to San Diego, I brought something with me, and I proposed to her. They say every man is nervous when they propose...I was, maybe a little, but I was more excited than nervous. This was an adventure and one I wanted to share with her. I must admit that she would tell you that I was very awkward. I had never done this before, but she said it was very romantic and said yes. Within two years we married, and we settled on a place close to where she could get to work easier."

"Now, I know many of her family were unsure of me. I looked too young for her, and no one knew my past. I didn't care how old she was, but for the record, I was twenty-two and she was thirty-four when we married. At the time, Marianna was working at the space administration in Hermosillo, Mexas Space, and shuttle port as a scientist in the engine technician department. She worked along her coworkers to keep the space shuttles and airlines working. We moved to Narzonah, Flagstaff. I opened a repair shop in Phoenix, and she took the railway to work. I even grew a beard so I would look older...Five years we were married and had two beautiful children...The...the first was a son, Jacob, and three years later, a daughter, Elizabeth...I...I...for a time forgot my past, but it didn't forget me...The regional council member found out who I was, and I realized that I should have said something to Marianna when I had the chance...They unfortunately talked to her first, and then they invited me to the regional office...to...to talk to me. They asked me everything and were polite about that. After asking all their questions, the regional council member told me that when they found out about me, they spoke to the UFA...before speaking to me..."

"My father and his powerful constituents lied to the UCA committee..."

"They told them that I was a spy, deep undercover, and I was to do any means necessary to get information on technology, science, and military. I again explained that I wasn't or interested in any of that. It made sense to the UCA committee members; many believed me, but others couldn't take a chance...I don't blame them for not taking any chances. Since the war, the UCA has been very wary of the UFA."


(Rueful sigh.)

"The history books said that after UCA began to form, they changed a large amount of things. Um...a few examples, it's a long list. Together they fixed the educational system, changing it entirely; they focused strongly on mental illness, homelessness; people didn't have jobs, they went back to school; those who wanted to be homeless, if they wanted things they had to work for it; they fixed money problems; currency changed, and that was just a small part. Because they let go of all their differences, they were able to solve so much."

"Many who disagreed with the changes started a form of anti-UCA in South America. War broke out between the UCA and involved many other countries. It quickly stopped with aid of many allies who agreed with what the UCA was doing. A lot of people left the country, a lot of political and wealthy people left for a place that no one had claimed, Antarctica...This history between the UFA and the UCA was what came between me and my family. It hurt my poor wife...I didn't want her to find out this way. The UCA committee members gave us a few options. Our little family could—UCA would provide—move to Europe, the moon, or even Mars; transportation to a new home and financial aid will be provided. They didn't want anything in return, but my wife didn't want to leave; this was her home, her family and friends lived here. If she left, she could no longer be able to work as a scientist for the UCA...

Because of...of me...I felt terrible; she was willing to forgive me for keeping things from her. She understood why after I told her why I left...and...what they wanted me for and still...still wanted me to do..."

"The UCA committee gave us time to think about it, but I knew the answer, went to the committee members, and offered my own option. I asked if my family could stay if I left, I would leave the planet. I...even sweetened the deal by offering information on the UFA. I was angry with my father and the UFA and stupid for what I did. I hurt people, a lot of people with that information...My family, family friends, and many more...At the time I didn't care. All that mattered was her love and happiness..."

(Sound of shifting frustrated in a chair.)

"...They agreed, I said goodbye to my family and...and left..."

"I left...I knew I couldn't see them again for their safety...I left them, just left them, and with them my...my heart."
