
A Nightmare's Point of View

The book is about a monstrous alien named Embrance trying to change his species deathly eating habits. It is a Sci-fi fantasy adventure with an array of emotions and colorful characters and perspectives. It isn't a light read. This is a healthy size Sci-fi dark fantasy and a plus-size adventure. Warning: contains some adult themes and some gore. This is just a sample of my book.

Winter_Blade1980 · ไซไฟ
13 Chs

Captain's Journal


"Okay, Auwssya. Thank you. I'll see you later..."

(Wistful sighing of uncertainty.)

"Okay, okay. This is my first journal entry. Umm, my name is Captain Jack. I, uh, am the captain of the Star Challenger. I guess I should start with my full name. Captain Jonathan Jack Bailey. I am from a distant planet called Earth. Ah, man, this is hard...I guess I never thought I would be speaking about any of this stuff. What's in the past is past. I am a private person and would rather be judged for who I am and not judged by my past. It doesn't matter where I came from, what matters to me is I am here and have a real specimen to work with...That's not right. Embrance is not a lab experiment. Something in a petri dish. He is a person..."

(Sigh of apprehensiveness.)

"All right. Need to take this seriously...I want to make a note, this is for future reference....I was born in the UFA, the United Forces of Antarctica, in a city called New D.C."

"...I want to add that the reason why I am having difficulty with a journal is I fear this information could fall into the wrong hands. When I left my planet, I didn't leave on good terms. I am sure the UFA is still looking for me. They aren't a pleasant country to live in...The problem is, I want to put the past behind me and focus on the future and now my study on the Atheireyn species."

"I...I think that is enough for one day."
