
The revelation


I didn’t go in one day first because I was disgusted to see my pervy boss. I still can’t forget what he did that almost made me run when he suddenly kissed me. I don't know what he thought then why he did such a thing. Suddenly my chest throbbed and my heartbeat stopped beating normally. Whether I admit it or not, I guess my heart liked my boss's kiss. But not in my mind. I must be angry because he just stole a kiss from me. What right does he have to do that and what does he think of me as a free woman? I was deep in thought when my cell phone suddenly rang. I saw Tanya's name. What does this witch need from me?

Hello, what's up? I asked here, because I knew it wouldn't call for no reason.

"Where are you? I'm here in your house with a man here. Are you a lover?" the question is still thrilling.

W-what? please again lover. How? e 'I'm not misleading. Why are you letting that in? "I asked her. Do you ask his name?" I have a question here.

"No need. We are already talking to each other right now and he is Draeden." the witch said that I just need to fry it in harot.

"Okay. He's my boss. I have to go. Bye," I let him know.

What is Sir Draeden doing in my house? I was leaving the Mall and in a hurry to go home. I walked to the parking lot and saw my car right away so I quickly got in it and started it. I got home and just a short distance away I heard the voice of my witch friend who was obviously obsessed with my boss. It didn't even notice my entry. To get the attention of the two I sneezed. Suddenly the witch was startled and distanced herself from my boss.

"Hi! You're already there." surprised by its language.

Of course I've been beshy for a while-- I didn't finish what I was going to say because it covered my mouth and pulled me onto the sofa.

"Aren't you tired of sitting down first?" he said while pulling my left hand.

She looked at me with what happened and the witch just laughed at me, it's really nice to pinch my groin if my boss isn't here. Only yesterday it was broken hearted with bisugo, and now the jaw is almost out of laughter.

I know my boss has a sense of humor that any girl can hook. I also joined in what they were doing. They were playing with a monkey. I wonder what the witch taught my boss. Unfortunately, the face is full of lipstick. I almost burst out laughing when I saw what it looked like, but I just restrained myself lest I be kicked out in no time. What a pity for my son in case I lose my job.

I went upstairs and peeked at my son who was fast asleep. I kiss him on his cheek and I come out as well. I went to my room to change my clothes and take a half bath as well. As I soaked in the bathtub I remembered Sir Stevenson stealing a kiss from me.

I dismissed my thoughts.

When I finished what I was doing I thought about going down. My eyes almost widened when I saw the two kissing. The witch's blouse was also twisted. I just went upstairs and closed the room. I can't handle what the two of them are going to do and tomorrow I'll really pinch this witch.

The next morning I woke up to kiss my son.

"Good morning mommy." he greeted me.

I kiss him and say good morning too. I got up because I knew it wouldn't stop me. We went down at the same time, fortunately the two were gone. I prepared breakfast and we ate together. My son is busy today so I will take him to school before I go to work.

"Let's go mommy." It cheers me up.

We got to his school and I took him inside. He kisses me before he enters his room. When I was sure he had entered I got in the car and quickly turned it on. I arrived at the hotel early.

I greeted the guard and he smiled at me. I went straight to the elevator. Unfortunately, I wonder why we always meet.

"Come in." he says. I didn't want to go in but I was forced to. The surroundings were quiet and no one wanted to spill the words between the two of us. Until he couldn't stand it anymore and he broke the silence between the two of us.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do it." he said with a sincere voice. I felt his sincerity, I gave him a sweet smile as a sign that I accepted his apology. Later we heard the click of the elevator and he told me to get out before he followed. Maybe he also doesn't want to see us together because fake news has spread that we have a relationship. I don't know why people spread fake news.

I went into my office and locked it well. I couldn't even sit properly when I suddenly heard a knock. I walked over and opened the door leaf. I could see the radiance of my witch best friend and I let her go.

"Where's your boss?" the witch asked. I was still unconsciously aware that I had seen their lewdness.

No, aren't you two together. I asked him back.

"Yah! But when I woke up in kw-- I cut off what he was going to say because I didn't want him to talk about what they did.

Admit it, you're a witch, don't you say you are? I asked her, while staring and waiting for her to answer me.

"Ahm! Uhm beshy, because what." hoarse stutter its utterance.

"What? Tanya Isadora Monteverde," I asked here as I raised an eyebrow. He knew I was disgusted once I mentioned his full name.

"Beshy, just chill." its language, simultaneously holding my hand.

"How can I chill beshy, last time you were crying because your ex-boyfriend cheated on you and now my boss has intervened with you right away. Tanya wakes up. Haven't you been brought to me yet? In my opinion I wonder why I have a child, "I slipped.

I covered my tongue with the words I left out.

"Wait, beshy, what are you talking about?" its confused utterance.

"F-forget about it," I said. Because I don't want an interrogation about my stupid past. But I'm thankful when Axel came into my life, everything changes and I never forget the day that he was born, because it is the day that my life is totally complete.

I marched away from Tanya but here she was tattooing me.

"Beshy, tell me what happened to you?" it's a question. I've been quiet and never to ask you, maybe this time I'll tell you first who the father of my child is, "he said directly.

I swallowed hard and wondered if I was right to admit that it was all here.

Until I suddenly burst into tears without realizing it and little by little I told Tanya everything.

I remember last night I almost got drunk and I flirted with a stranger and something unexpected happened. I lost my virginity that night and he was Axel's father. But I didn't know his name or even his identity. I started to cry, Tanya hugged me at the same time.

"Sorry, beshy! I don't know. What do you plan to do to find him?" its a question.

"I don't know, my son and I are happy. But sometimes I feel something is missing in his life even though I give him everything he wants. How do I find someone I don't know beshy, where do I start?" How can I say we have a child? And he will believe so.

"Home beshy, let time tell." when he took pity on me. I felt so relieved when I said that my long secret, the thorn in my chest, was gone five years ago.

Surely no one else can understand you but your true friend. I was afraid he might judge me, but I was wrong and he understood my situation.

After my emotional revelation to Tanya, I am here today in my son’s room. I found it busy doing its assignment and I don't bother anymore. I slowly broke the door leaf so that it would not interfere with his study. I also went back to my room and started to close my eyes.

Until I fell asleep. The next day I woke up early because of the severity of my headache, I was still hanging over but I also felt good. It was light inside that I had nothing to hide, as if a large thorn had been pulled out of my chest.