
My son meet my boss


Son, I call it, while stroking his hair. You haven't paid attention to mommy before, are you still upset with me? "I asked." You know you can't do what you want, "I said sadly. Instead of him turning his back on me, it's just dead malice. while playing with the toycar he was holding. "If only I could tell you everything son," I whispered.

I said goodbye to him for a moment to go down. He turned to me so I was relieved to leave him.

I was about to board the elevator when my eyes caught sight of the man who passed in front of me. He was wearing business suit attire. The man was handsome and had a muscular body. “Obviously his taking care of his body at the gym,” I thought.

I went inside the elevator because I remembered my true intention and why I came out. I have reports to do for this month. I quickly reached the second floor and hurriedly picked up the important documents I would need. I carefully broke the door leaf and walked back to the elevator again.

I'll be back to Axel, because I know he's still sulking with me. I thought of inviting him to watch a movie, just in case he loses his temper.

If only I could really tell him everything, but I don't even know his father's name. "Haixt! What a wonderful thing I did," I whispered to myself.

When the elevator opened, I walked quickly and walked along the hallway, because I was suddenly so nervous that I couldn't figure it out.

When I arrived at the office, the door was open and my son was gone. I was caught in the wall, because my knees suddenly shook so I wouldn't fall. I don't want to panic first,

I tried to look for him inside the office but I could not see even his shadow. I was starting to get nervous, because it was getting late. I called over and over, over and over his name, but no Axel came out.

"Axel, son. Where are you? Show up to mommy please. Stop joking with me, it's not funny." I shouted, just in case he passed away wherever he was hiding.

I went around his possible hideouts but I was disappointed. I kindly left the office and quickly dialed Draeden's number, to ask for help. It's only been a few rings and he answered my call right away.

"Hello, Draeden, is Axel there?" I shuddered at the question.

"H-ha. Aren't you two together," he replied.

"Axel is missing help me Draeden please." I said as I shed tears that were about to fall.

"Okay. Please calm down and meet me at the ground floor and tell the security too" he says to consolation.

I put down my cell phone and put it inside my bag. My tears kept falling. "I swear I can't forgive myself when something bad happens to my son. Why else would I leave him, I wish I had just taken him," I blamed myself.

"Draeden, I called my boss and he suddenly hugged me. He comforted me, because I did nothing but cry and cry. I also talked to the guard but they didn't see anything coming out of the CCTV footage.

"Let's just thank ma'am that he didn't come out, your son is probably just here. It's better if we split up so we can find him quickly," said the guard.

Meanwhile, the child went up to the fifth floor. Where Stevenson saw him wandering.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" its a question to the child.

"I'm hiding my mom. Because I hate her. She always tells me that my daddy is dead, but sir I know and I felt he is alive. Can you help me to find him please." its pleading language.

Stevenson felt sorry for the boy and felt his longing for his father. So he talked to the boy and promised to help him.

"Okay. I will help you, but just promise me one thing." he said.

"Really sir. And what is it?" smiling child's language and I wondered what it wanted in return.

"Promise me that you won't be mad at your mom. Understood?" its strong language.

"Okay sir," he said cheerfully and raised his hand to signify that he was playing high five.

Stevenson was pleased with the boy, so he put him on a bed and carried him. The boy clung to him and whispered.

"How I wish that you were my dad." He simply dismissed what he had heard.

They took the elevator down to the ground floor. He was a little unhappy with the scene.

Andrea and Draeden hug

He suddenly felt annoyed at what he saw and he didn't know why. The boy quickly went downstairs and called his best friend.

"Daddy Draeden." cry of the child running closer to the two.

Andrea let go of the hug when she heard her son's voice.

"Son, he hugged her at the same time. Where did you go? Mommy is worried about you," he said tearfully.

"On the fifth floor, I'm with sir pogi." its language at the same time pointed by the man behind it.

I suddenly looked behind me at what my son was pointing at. Suddenly our eyesight was right and because it didn't take long for the look to hit me, so I just avoided it and turned to something.

My son approached the man he called sir pogi. And pulled it closer to me.

"Sir pogi, she is Andrea. My pretty mom." the boy introduced her mom to me. And we even clasped our hands.

Thousands upon thousands of electricity flowed through the depths of my body during those hours. I immediately withdrew my hand because I could no longer understand how I felt.

"Sorry. I have to go." he says. And called sir Draeden to go out with him.

The friend gets what he wants so he said goodbye to the mother and son.

My son and I walked out of the hotel and got out of my parking lot where my car was parked. I quickly opened the door so he could get on. When I was sure it was okay, I quickly started my car.

While the two friends were talking.

"Buddy, tell me, do you like that single mom manager?" questioning it.

"No. Andrea is kind so I'm comfortable with her." he says.

"Really? It's like I can't look at you and hug you." its language.

"I'm just concerned, don't be malicious and when have you been a gossip buddy." he said while laughing .

"I'm not. I just saw your sweet one before. It's like you're a couple looking for a child." he mockingly says.

"Still check up buddy, your eyes are broken and I don't know what you're seeing. Let's see, how's your business trip? Have you ever caught a fiancé," he asked teasingly.

"No, but I closed the deal. What are you saying I didn't go there as a woman like you, I'm a woman." he said again once he was with his friend.

We got home past eight o'clock in the evening. Exhausted, my son fell asleep so I just carried him up to the room. Slowly and carefully I lowered him and avoided making any noise so that he would not wake up.

I went to the washroom and soaked in the bathtub to relax. I also only lasted a few hours inside. And I went up as well. I took the clothes to cover my body and went straight to the room.

I lay down on the bed again and the man came to my mind before. Its eyes are gray and I don’t know where I saw him. He's a little familiar with me. Until I fell asleep too. And I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the kiss of my handsome son. I'm happy that it doesn't contribute to me anymore.

"Wake up mom. It's already 9:30 a.m. I'm hungry now." my son's words seem to be just waking up and I'm already being crushed by a kiss.

I got up in a hurry to prepare breakfast with my mother. I first went to the washroom area and washed my face and I also immediately returned my unico hijo and we went down at the same time.

We enjoyed eating breakfast. And I also asked him if he wanted to go out for a walk.

"I wanted to watch a movie, mom." my son said quickly.

"Okay son, just finish your breakfast and take a bath, so that we can go to the mall and watch a movie together," I said.

I saw his eyes suddenly twinkle at what he heard. In less than a few hours it had finished eating.

"I'm finished eating my breakfast mom. I'm going to take a bath now," he said and kissed my cheek at the same time. I was left alone eating. I quickly finished my meal, knowing my son didn't want to wait. And I don't know where he got it, I'm not like that.

"Where else but his father," my mind screamed.

My son is growing up but he still doesn't know his father. How can I tell him the truth that he was just the result of my one mistake but I'm happy and I don't regret that I have a child like him. If anything good happened to me, it was my son. Axel is my life and I am afraid his father will take him. So it's okay for me to be just the two of us. In fact, my job is good and my salary is also high. I don't need my son's father anymore and his identity will remain a secret to everyone.

I stopped thinking when I heard its call.

"Mom. Why did you take so long? I'm ready now." he says with a matching pout on his lips. My son is so cute when he does that. I warned him for a moment.

"I'll take a quick baby shower and just wait for me there," I told her. I kissed his forehead and I saw his frown. I remembered that he didn't like being called a baby.

"Mom, don't call me that," he muttered. I just messed up her hair and turned my back on her and went straight to the bathroom area.

I just took a quick shower, because I knew that boy would get bored right away.

I took a towel to cover the nakedness of my body and I went straight to the walk-in closet to choose what to wear. I saw the blouse and jeans.

When I saw that I was fine, I went down immediately, because I knew my date had been waiting for me.

"Let's go, my son. Are you ready?" I asked him.

"Yes. I'm always ready, mommy. I'm really excited." my son replied. Fun and excitement can be seen on its face.

Our trip to the Mall took only one hour. It quickly dragged me to the cinema.

I'll buy a ticket and popcorn for two. Then we went inside and sat down. I was just watching my son, I could see the joy on his face, while seriously watching.

I was a little bored because I didn’t like what he was watching. I'll get my cell phone and take a photo of my son.

After one and a half hours the movie also ended. I invited him to come out and I let him choose where he wanted to have lunch. He dragged me to a restaurant and we had lunch there.

Suddenly my phone rang and I saw Tanya call. I think it's urgent so I will answer it.

"Hello beshy, w-we're gone." she says at the same time moaning in tears.

W-what. Since when? I ask her.

"K-just yesterday, I caught him. He was fooling me." she answered.

Okay beshy we are here at the Mall. If you want, you can join us. We will wait for you here. When I take care of my best friend because I feel the pain she is feeling right now.

As you can imagine, that look of disappointment, even a woman did it. Laughing I think.

After one hour, Tanya's is here. She's wearing sunglasses, maybe to cover her puffy tearful eyes. I know my bestfriend very well. During the time we were together I knew how crazy it was to love. That's why I hate to commit. To me, all men are cheaters. Like my father. So mommy disappeared early because of my worthless father.

I kissed her, when I saw her and I invited her to sit next to me first.

For a few moments we thought of going home, so that Tanya and I could talk properly.

My son quickly climbed to the top. And Tanya left us in the living room. It poured out all the resentment. I just let him vent his resentment so it would be okay afterwards. I thought of asking him to have a drink.

I took a can of beer and gave it to him. He immediately swallowed the beer I handed him. I thought gaga was okay, I was surprised when she suddenly cried again.

"Beshy, what's wrong with me? Am I ugly?" she asked me.

"Of course not, you're so beautiful. Don't waste your tears on worthless men," I comforted her.

"Beshy, why did he change me? I love him so much. I gave everything, why did he even hurt me," she said and cried even more.

" You're i***t, who else said you're going to have a boyfriend." I suddenly spoke up and I expected it to make me angry. I was surprised when she suddenly spoke.

"Yes, it looks frustrating," she said with a laugh.

When I heard what she said, I burst out laughing too.