
I'am sorry

I mouthed sorry, but she kept ignoring me. She just averted her eyes from me and refocused her face on the food and almost sliced the steak into slices. I heard that her fellow hotel staff asked about it.

"Hey, Andrea, I'm just talking about that steak, I'll cry when you tear it up." I mouthed a joke with her.

"Nothing." I heard her say it and looked at me. Its blade makes you think you can eat a human at any time. I just smiled at him and signed peace. I also finished the meal and went back to the 5th floor.

I can't sit still, I look like a teenager with LQ, what's worse is that I'm not a boyfriend.

I need to release my stress. I left the office and climbed the rooftop.

I lit a cigarette to relieve the stressed feeling. When I felt I was pretty okay. I looked at the moon shining and stars shining in the sky.

I remember when I was young and I often stargazed with the telescope that mommy and daddy gave me. I just gasped when I remembered the happy past with my family.

How I wish. I can go back from the past, so that I can do that again," I whispered.

I got off the roof top and went back inside the office. I glanced at my wristwatch, the staff was about to leave and I needed to talk to Andrea ..

In that case, how can I talk to that, if my anger is completely in the bone.

I wondered how ...

Hmmmm until I remembered that my best friend and I were close. Maybe he can help me apologize to her. I know Draeden won't reject me.

I took the cellphone out of my pocket, but I couldn't get it.

F-uck! I was shocked to remember that I had landed it. My footsteps were fast as I climbed to the top of the rooftop. I immediately saw it and started calling my best friend's number. The number you have dialed is now and please try again later.

F-uck I'm cheap. I dialed a few times but only the operator answered. Where else on the continent does it wear? Sometimes there is really nothing to look forward to here.

Because I was not comfortable with what happened that afternoon, I thought of going to the night bar where I first met the woman who captivated my elusive and delicate heart.

I quickly got off the roof top and even walked to the elevator. I went inside and got out of the parking lot. I quickly found my car. I got on and drove quickly away from here.

The weather was a bit cold and it was nice to go on a road trip, I opened the top of the roof of my car. I could feel the scent of the wind on my skin. I just kept driving while one hand was raised. I feel like a child playing at midnight so much that I miss the things I did when I was a teenager.

I was enjoying a road trip while listening to music when my cell phone suddenly rang.

Speaking of the d **** My best friend is calling now. I let it ring first when my cell phone rang in return for him. Is he the only one who can wait. I wish she was a good girl. It only took a few miss calls and texts. I laughed at her messages, because she was a woman with a visitor. It was up to me to call and he answered right away.

"Hello asshole," its opening greeting. It was nice to greet him.

"Do you have two buddies?" I have a teasing question here.

"All right, you're still pissed off. You're going to drink alone now. I'm not going there id ***." its language is obvious in a disgusted voice.

So I kept quiet and maybe we'll shoot more. I just gave him where we would meet and I ended the call. I continued to drive during the sound trip.

I got to the night bar and it still didn’t exist. I just parked and went inside. Excessive noise due to super loud music. I sat at the far end so I was a bit away from the noise and the people.

It's true that Draeden had just entered and I motioned for him to come over.

"Asshole, what's your trip again? Are you broken hearted again?" its teasing question.

"Is it bad to hang out? Stressful in the office," I lied. Because the truth is I'm not comfortable with what happened earlier.

"What's this for? Is that serious? You interrupted my siesta time again," he said wrinkled.

"Nothing. I just want to have fun. If you don't want to go with me, that's fine," I said.

"I'll come with you. It's like you're still nagging there," he said while calling the waiter and ordering wine and honey.

I don't know if this is the right day for me to tell a story, I know it will make me laugh.

Soon after, the order arrived and we started the session. We talked a lot about our plans for life. You'd think it was a business that I didn't know about. Due to our busy schedule, we only bond like this once.

Until it opened about Andrea and that's when I took the time to confess and ask for advice. In serious conversations, it is polite to talk.

"Buddy I have something to tell you, but don't be mad at me," I said.

"Depends buddy. What is it?" he asked and looked at me seriously.

I didn't know that I would continue to tell the story.

"Because what, I kissed him," I said.

"Ha! Who?" It's a curious question.

"S-Andrea," I stammered as I sipped the wine from my glass.

"W-what? Seriously buddy? You're really crazy," she asked in shock.

"Yes seriously. I didn't mean it buddy. I just suddenly kissed him," I explained.

I was waiting for him to say something else, but it was quiet and that drinking alcohol was straightforward.

Suddenly it spoke.

"Did you type her?" It's a question.

"I don't know, but the one thing that I am sure of is I'm attracted to her," I said.

"It's not that I don't like Andrea, in case--" he interrupted.

"Is it because she's a single mom? There's nothing wrong with that right and besides I really like Axel, if ever her mommy likes me, I'll accept him wholeheartedly and I'll treat him like my own child." I said.

"It's really bad that you're right buddy. I have nothing to say but good luck. Andrea is still a bit sleepy," he recalled.

"I know, but I can handle her," I replied. I just really hope he supports me.

"Well, that's your plan, who am I to be an obstacle? I'm just advising you to restrain your heart. We don't know if Axel's daddy will come back suddenly, so how are you?" his concerned voice and ask a question.

I kind of thought about the last thing he said but it's up to you.

We just kept drinking until we didn't realize that it was getting late and we were drinking more alcohol and we were going to drive.

I quickly dialed my driver's number so he could pick us up. I'm also a bit tipsy and I can't drive anymore. It is difficult and we may even have an accident on the road.

We got a few more bottles of wine before it arrived. Draeden was also very drunk so we helped him get into the car.

Draeden's house is a bit far away so he will stay with me first. I again asked the maid to help me lift it, because he was a big man so four of them hung out in the room.

I went straight to the bathtub because I felt so hot and I needed to cool down. There is warm water so it's okay. I soaked it first and closed my eyes for a moment.

I wondered what I really wanted. I know that I'm really attracted to Andrea, but I'm just holding back from showing it because apart from the fact that it's so pretty, it looks like she has an allergy to men. With the exception of Draeden, they are close and it looks like he is still typing it. I still can't forget the moment I saw the two of them hugging.

It was as if my heart was pounding when I saw that. Sometimes it also crossed my mind that maybe I just wanted to get her so this is how I feel and when I get that maybe what I want will lose it too. And maybe after that, I'll forget about her.

I was getting a little conditioned myself so I went upstairs. I didn't hesitate to put on a towel because it would come out of my room.