
A night with her

Dean Grey is a man who loves his wife and is willing to do anything to make her happy. Even though he is a struggling Photographer, he does his best to take care of his family. But what happens when his wife returns home from work one day with a proposal he finds very hard to refuse? Will he accept and do what his wife is asking of him for her to gain a promotion from work?

filtered_writer_30 · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Make me yours 18+

Katherine's P.O.V

I was taken aback, my heart skipping a beat when Julia revealed that her husband had acquiesced to our arrangement. The news sent a jolt of surprise through my veins, for I knew Julia to be a woman of immense ambition, a quality I had always admired. She was a force to be reckoned with, unyielding in her pursuit of her desires, and I respected her for it.

Yet, I never fathomed that she would so readily surrender her husband to me. I had expected hesitation, Perhaps even a firm refusal, but to my astonishment, she not only agreed without a moment's pause but also managed to convince her husband to comply.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I pondered Julia's unwavering determination to ascend the helm of the PR department. I had never witnessed such unwavering dedication in anyone before; it was a sight to behold, truly inspiring.

But my intentions went beyond merely snatching her husband away. I was genuinely captivated by him, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Our paths had crossed one fateful morning at a quaint coffee shop during my daily commute, and since then, my eyes had been fixated on him. I had been discreetly observing him for quite some time.

After delving into a bit of investigation, I unearthed the truth- he was Julia's husband. Armed with this knowledge and aware of Julia's insatiable ambition, I presented her with an audacious proposition. To my astonishment, she willingly cast him aside, tossing him at my feet. Did her husband hold so little significance in her heart that she was willing to sacrifice him for a single night, jeopardizing a position she could easily lose?

Rising from my chair in the sanctuary of my home office, I made my way to the bedroom, preparing myself to embrace him fully, to revel in the forbidden pleasure that awaited us.

Later in the evening, as I sat down in my most gorgeous black dress, Rosa, my housekeeper, and nanny brought me the unexpected news. Dean was here. Smirking happily to myself, I made my way out of my bedroom to meet him in the dining room where I had instructed them to keep him. And to my surprise, he looked like he was about to leave.

Even though I found it amusing that he had tried to leave without saying goodbye, it also felt a bit insulting to me. So, to let him know I already knew of his intentions to leave, I asked from behind him.

"Is it not considered impolite to depart from someone's house without saying goodbye to them?"

The moment my voice reached his ears, his focus shifted entirely towards me. His face lit up with a mix of awe and admiration, a sight that brought me immense satisfaction. With a gentle smile, I closed the distance between us, and a flicker of nervousness danced across his features.

"Forgive me, Miss Katherine. I never intended to be impolite. I...I was..."

His struggle to find the right words was palpable. I maintained my smile and gracefully settled into the chair opposite him.

"Please, take a seat," I whispered, and he let out a sigh before returning to his previous spot.

"I am certain Julia has briefed you and clarified the purpose of your presence here," I remarked, watching him swallow hard.

"Yes, she has. But I still fail to grasp why you extended such a generous offer to her," he responded, causing my smile to deepen.

"Because, my dear, I am a shrewd businesswoman who always strikes deals that serve my interests. Julia is a woman driven by ambition, someone who knows exactly what she wants. She toils as diligently as any other employee of mine. She was willing to make a sacrifice to achieve something greater, and that audacious risk she took will propel her to extraordinary heights," I explained, my words dripping with certainty.

"And what does that make me? Am I merely a pawn in your game? Or some sort of advantage?" He questioned me, his smile fading. Unease danced in his eyes, and I yearned to soothe that discomfort.

"It is all just business, Dean. Nothing personal," I responded, a sly grin dancing on my lips.

As dinner was served, Dean displayed no interest in the food. He appeared tense, incredibly uneasy. I studied him closely, noting his heavy sighs and furrowed brow.

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked, and he glanced up at me.

"I am trying to comprehend all of this. Why did you offer her such a deal if you believed she deserved the promotion? Or is there something more?" He questioned me again.

"Something more? I don't understand," I replied.

"Never mind. Besides, I have a purpose for being here. I did not come to share a meal with you. So, I can't fathom why you went through all this trouble to prepare this feast," he stated and I chuckled.

He is not as simple as I initially assumed. He possesses eloquence and intelligence. And it seems he harbors a deep love for his wife. Otherwise, why would he be here in the first place?

"Don't worry. We will get there in due time. Please, have something to eat. I would not want you to grow weak on me now, would I?" I said, finally witnessing him take small bites of his meal.

I felt guilty for him, but my desire-driven mind urged me to keep him by my side. The right thing would have been to send him back to his wife. But, I did not do that. I was resolute in my pursuit of indulgence and passion this evening, and he was the chosen one to fulfill those yearnings.

After our meal, the housekeepers cleared the table, and I unveiled a bottle of wine, pouring a glass for myself. I extended the offer to him, but he declined.

"Tell me a bit about yourself," I inquired, observing the expression on his face.

Dean's P.O.V

Did she truly just pose that question?

Her query caught me off guard, particularly considering the purpose of my presence in the first place.

"Miss Katherine, I believe it is best if I leave. I cannot continue with this," I declared, rising from my seat.

"I wouldn't recommend that if I were you. You came here with an intent. Why do you want to go back on it now? It appears rather cowardly if you ask me," she responded with an air of authority.

"What do you want from me?"

"You. I merely wish for you to share my bed with me tonight. I don't believe that is an unreasonable request," she calmly stated.

"I am a married man. This is morally wrong. It is utterly wrong," I protested.

"Well, you already agreed and you are here. Your wife has also consented. So, I fail to see the issue," she replied serenely as she continued to sip on her wine.

She swiftly finished her wine and approached me. My heart raced within my chest as she drew nearer. I felt an overwhelming nervousness as if it were my initial encounter with a woman.

When she was within proximity, she enveloped her hands around my neck and leaned in, whispering in my ear.

"Let us ascend the stairs and demonstrate your capabilities. Tonight, I want you to possess me."

Those words alone sent shivers cascading down my spine, a symphony of anticipation playing in my veins. With a deep inhale, I summoned composure, preparing myself for what lay ahead. She delicately took hold of my hand, her touch a gentle breeze guiding me to her bedroom, or so I presumed.

We halted before a door, its presence a gateway to a realm of awe-inspiring grandeur. The room, a tapestry woven for royalty, unfolded before my eyes, leaving me breathless in its opulence.

With a tender push, she urged me onto her bed, straddling me with an intoxicating grace. My breath, once steady, now danced erratically as she drew closer, her warm breath caressing my skin. Raising my head, I propped myself up on my elbows, feeling the electric current of her presence. Slowly, she traced the contours of my earlobe with her tongue, a delicate exploration that ignited a symphony of sensations.

I closed my eyes, surrendering to the waves of pleasure coursing through my body, each touch a melody that resonated deep within. Gradually, she guided me further into her bed, our fingers intertwining as if entwined by fate itself.

"I shall bestow upon you an ecstasy unparalleled, a pleasure that shall eclipse all others," she whispered, her words a seductive promise as her lips met mine in a languid, unhurried kiss.

The taste of wine lingered on my tongue, mingling with the intensity of our kisses. Our tongues danced in a passionate duel, a tempestuous tango for dominance. Emotions swirled within me, a whirlwind threatening to consume me, yet I suppressed them, knowing that at that moment, there was no room for distractions. 

Suddenly, she shifted her focus to the other side of my neck, her lips and teeth leaving a trail of fire in their wake. I struggled to catch my breath as I sensed her descending along my collarbone, my chest rising and falling with each laborious breath, a testament to the desire that pulsed between us.

She withdrew her hands from mine, leaving me breathless and gasping for air like fish yanked out of its watery home. With a daring touch, her fingers roamed across my chest, causing me to close my eyes and surrender to the sensations. As her hands ventured beneath my shirt, tracing a tantalizing path toward my trousers, I was overcome with anticipation.

While our lips remained locked in a fervent embrace, she skillfully undid my belt, teasing me with every movement. My breath became erratic, and a soft moan escaped my lips, betraying the pleasure she had ignited within me. Her mischievous chuckle revealed her satisfaction in arousing me to such a degree.

Her lips, like explorers on a passionate journey, left a trail of kisses from my face to my chest, descending further until they reached my belly button. The intensity of her touch left me powerless to resist any longer. I pulled her down towards me, capturing her lips in a fervent kiss before flipping us over onto the bed. With hunger in my eyes, I positioned myself above her, locking my gaze with hers, both filled with a burning desire.

At that moment, I lost control of my senses, transforming into a primal creature. My hands seized her dress, tearing it away from her chest, revealing the beauty that lay beneath it. A smile of satisfaction spread across my face as I witnessed her surprise and vulnerability.

Leaning in close, I whispered in her ear, my voice dripping with promise, "Prepare yourself for a pleasure beyond your wildest dreams."

Her body trembled beneath me, her anticipation palpable as I leaned in once more, resuming our passionate kisses, eager to fulfill my whispered vow.

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