
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

After the War

It has been 3 days since our war with that foolish nation has ended.

As expected there were no causalities on our side at all. Having powerful subordinates will do that to for you.

Out of the 150,000 soldiers to attack us, there are only four survivors.

The King of Farmus

An Archbishop named Reyheim

That girl from their sneak attack named Kirara

And supposably the strongest mage in their kingdom. I would have not known anything about him if it wasn't for Ciel, but his name is Razen.

There was five but I dealt with her already. Her name was Myulan. Before the war started, I learned from Ciel that there would be an 'Inside Man' here. Turns out they have been here for a few days already. I further learned that she was a subordinate of Demon Lord Clayman. He tasked her with putting a barrier up in Tempest to weaken us. It's not like she could refuse, because if she did Clayman would kill her. Her heart was quite literally in his hands.

So what do I do? I free her. Simple as that. I removed the fake heart he put inside her and then gave her a pseudo heart. The thing was.... I sorta had to kill her in order to save her. The kind of bastards who control their subordinates like that piss me off. And he has had a hand in why my nation has been attacked. Although we fended it off with no casualties on our side does not mean he will get away with this. I now have a new target.... Lets see if he can face me.

Although they have only been in our prison for three days so far. They are how you say..... Mentally broken already. Well only the three guys, I told Shion to leave her alone until I had a word with her.

Shion, along with a while ago when I just evolved into a demon lord, she received a new Unique Skill called [Cook]. Lucky thing with that is now her food tastes good. The reason for that is because her unique skill allows her to interfere with the laws of this world, but to simplify it she can cut her desired outcome into reality. To make it worse, this can be used for combat of course and now we have three meat cubes inside of our prison cells.

But forget that now because it kinda makes me sick.

But as there was news that the kingdom of Farmus has attacked Tempest with the intent to annihilate us. That part is already known to the world. King Gazel even sent his concerns and was about to head out to offer some help after he heard the war was over. He had some other concerns as well, but I dismissed them and told him he had no reason to check up and to just relax. He sounded pretty mad with my laid back attitude towards this, but I assured him I already knew of his concerns and dismissed them properly.

During this downtime we had, the idiot trio along with Fuze returned. I get the feeling they were concerned about the war, But I felt that they more likely just wanted to visit us. But with this squad there was one more person. They called themselves Erald.

Apparently this man was Erens father, and out of nowhere this man was preparing to attack me for supposedly "Taking his Daughter".

I kid you not.

I mean she did also reveal she was a elf.

If Ciel was not my wife, the chances that I would take Eren as my wife was high.

So after some talks with that overprotective idiot, they are staying here for a bit. Eren and her friends I am not so sure about. They might just try to move here.

But screw every mundane thing that has happened. Time for something exciting!

With Guy and Velzard gone it is time for my next trick. Although Ramiris is still here, she has began reading manga with Veldora for some reason.

I shall summon some demons to serve me.

I mean, what is more demon lord than having a demon serve you?

With the bodies I stored up from the massacre, I believe I had a sufficient offering for whatever I ranking of demons I summon.

With this objective of mine set, I got up from my seat in my office to find the perfect summoning spot.

But when I headed to the door and opened it, there was a tan man wearing a white button up on the other side, manga in hand.

"Rimuru, I would like the next volume of this manga." He was holding up the third volume to a manga called "Chainsaw Man".

"Yeah, whatever, I have important buisness to attend to." I said as I had Ciel print volume 4 and handed it to him.

"Hoh! Your doing something interesting, aren't you? Then I shall accompany you!" Veldora said loudly like always. But I guess I can ignore it and just let him follow me.

"Fine, just don't interrupt me while I am doing it."

Veldora and I proceeded to leave the building and flew directly in the sky.

My destination was the place where I slaughtered all those soldiers. It has enough room for me to just drop all the bodies in one place.

{Rimuru-sama, I have a report regarding your demon summoning.} Ciel notified me of something important, but I have something to tell her first.

'Ciel, can you please stop calling me 'Master' or 'Rimuru-sama'? We are supposed to be married after all, plus it's weird to have my wife calling me with honorifics or master.'

{!!!} There seemed to be a pause there, but something definitely changed in her demeanor.

{I-I will try m-my best R-R-Rimuru.} That's much better.

'Anyways what was that report?' I asked in anticipation.

{Regarding the bodies and souls mas... you harvested, with the souls still intact your chances multiple high class demons are high.} I would have figured since I had a lot of bodies, but I didn't think the souls would matter for this. But the more the better I guess.

'Anything else?'

[As a matter of fact yes. Does Rimuru recall when you evolved into a demon lord, you gained a skill called Uriel?}

'Yes I think I remember that. It went into Anos if I'm not mistaken.'

{Master is correct. But the previous sub-skill [Food Chain] allowed you to access your subordinates skills. Even though the skill [Uriel] itself was merged with [Chaos] and [Monster Ruler] to create [Anos, Lord of Destruction]. The core of the skill remains. I can merge that core with the effects of [Food Chain] to create a new skill, would you like me to perform unification?}

The amount of times she surprises me, it should not be possible anymore. But I still get shocked anyways. This Manas keeps finding ways to make me stronger. Not that I don't love it, but isn't too much power a thing. But not that it matters.

'Merge them.' I gave the okay.

{Thank You!! Master must be the strongest after all.} She sounded giddy like a child running around in a toy store. But somewhere in there, it felt like she was somewhat worried about something.

I guess I will deal with that later like most things.

Veldora and I have reached our destination.

It still looks like how it did three days ago.

The ground was heavily scorched as well as there being craters in the ground. I turned to look at Veldora and he appeared to be in awe.

"Rimuru, just what the hell did you do?" Veldora questioned me.

"What I didn't do anything. It was just one simple spell." With my words leaving my mouth Veldora seemed even more dumbfounded as he stood there with his mouth agape.

"Shocked are you? Just look at how strong your friend has become." I boasted to Veldora.

'Alright but lets just get this started. Ciel, release the corpses.'


In the sky above, a massive pitch black portal opened up and out came the hundreds of thousands of bodies.

it took about 30 seconds just to drop all of them out.

"With this done, It is on to the next step."

"Rimuru, what exactly are you doing?" To my right came a question from Veldora. I proceeded to smirk and then answer him.

"Well I am a demon lord aren't I? So I figured what's better than being a demon lord and having some demons serve me."

"Oh. Cool." That was a pretty lackluster response. I thought he would be more excited about this, but oh well.

{I believe I have located the demons most worthy to serve master. And the skill synthesis has completed as well.} Hm? She located worthy demons? Can she even do that? Oh! And I have my new skill as well!

'Tell me about the skill after I summon these demons.'


On the ground appeared four magic circles, all dark purple in color, same as when I summoned Beretta for Ramiris. Out came four purple cocoons. Judging from the magicules I sense coming from just one of them, they would have to rank as a disaster class.

The cocoons finally unwrapped revealing one man and three women, although the women seemed pretty bruised up, unlike the man who was just patting down his clothes.

'What did he do to them?'

{I believe he was teaching them a lesson for doubting the greatness and radiance of your existence.} Judging from that, I guess he already knew about me. While I was still looking at them, the man in black got on his knees and bowed.

"I am filled with upmost joy to be summoned by one as great as yourself!" The man said. He was practically preaching what he believe to be the gospel.

"Um.... What exactly happened to them? And did you already know about me?" I asked this sadistic demon.

"To answer the second, to be truthful, I have been watching master for a long time." He has! And wait this guy just called me master? He is already willing to be my subordinate.

"To answer the first just before I showed them the greatness of yourself and your country's fighting power, I 'taught' them a lesson about doubting you." Yeah. 'taught' is just another word for 'beat into submission' isn't it.

"Well anyways I(Ciel) summoned the four of you here to serve me. But that is only if you want to." As I said this the blonde woman popped up immediately.

"Just because of one spell I saw from you does not make you stronger than us!" She said practically shouting. Then a purple haired loli popped up as well and proceeded to add on to her words.

"That's right! Us demons take pride in our strength. We will never serve someone weaker than us!" The purple haired girl said. Lastly the white haired beauty spoke us.

"I agree with my 'friends'. We will only serve someone who are absolutely stronger than us." She said. To their words, the man looked at them as if he was a lion stalking his prey, ready pounce and secure the kill.

'Is that so?" I thought to myself. I turned my head towards Veldora, basically asking what I should do. Our eyes met and he just nodded.

'Okay I know what to do. Ciel release about 40% of my aura. And direct it towards the three women.'


In an instant, a fierce and massive pressure was released onto the three women. Causing them to kneel before the one releasing that pressure. The worst Veldora got was a little sweat drop. The black haired demon, rather than being in fear or nervous by this aura. He was in awe.

'I have chosen the right master. Look at the sheer radiance and power of his aura. It is beautiful.' If only Rimuru heard his thoughts, he would be a little disturbed by it.

After a few more seconds of directing his Haki at them, they began to go even lower to the ground, so much so that their full bodies were on the ground. With that point reached, Rimuru sealed his aura away.

"So what do you say? Willing to become my subordinates now?" I asked the three, while bending down towards them.

They instantly perked up, getting up from the ground into a kneeling position.

""""We Primordials take you as our new master."""" The three said in unison. I didn't need the guys answer since he was already calling me master.

'But wait. What are Primordials.'

{Primordial Demons are the oldest and original demons created by The Great Spirit of Darkness.} How many times do you want to shock me? You located the eldest demons of this world to serve me. Talk about being efficient.

"Good! Now how about I get you some names." The ladies put on a shocked expression.

"You are willing to give us names?" Said the blonde and purple haired girls in unison.

""But being nameless doesn't matter to us."" Said the white haired beauty.

"They are right we are fine without names." Said the black haired man.

"All of my subordinates have names. So you four are not being left out of that. If you were worried for me, I have more than enough magicules to name you." After my words, they became content with it and just decided to take these names.

"Your names shall be Diablo, Testarossa, Carrera, and Ultima." The magicules required we sucked from me. Once again they were wrapped up in a purple cocoon to undergo an evolution.

'I can only imagine how strong they will be once it's done.' I thought to myself.

Their evolution was now over and the cocoons dissipated once more to signify the end. Now their clothes have changed. Diablo was now wearing a black butler uniform. I guess he wishes to be my butler with all this dedication he has towards me.

But I am not gonna lie, he looks handsome. Ugh! How many hot guys will be around me. There is Benimaru, Souei, Sakame even Rigurd has a masculine body.

But well back to them.

The three women didn't change in appearance like how Diablo didn't. But like Diablo their clothes have changed. All three of them were wearing something that looked just like the suits military personnel would wear.

They all bowed down to me once more.

""""Thank you for the wonderful names master."""" They spoke in unison. But this part may annoy me.

"Please stop calling me master. If it is more suiting call me Rimuru. I forgot to introduce this person earlier, but this is the Storm Dragon Veldora..... my brother." Once I said this Veldora perked up and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"You finally called me brother! Kuhahaha! It took forever but you finally did!" God, how annoying can this dragon be? Well I have to get back by now anyways, I did promise our daughters that I would do something they wanted to for the day.

(A/N: Comment on the paragraph above if you want a chapter on that.)

"Well lets head back and once were there I will assign you your permanent jobs and your role in what is upcoming."

""""Understood Rimuru-sama""""

With this now out of the way, we began to fly back to Tempest. It had been awhile since we left in the first place so the sun we beginning to set, giving me a beautiful view. We were encroaching on Tempest, when we began to descend was when I noticed something concerning.

For some reason there were groups of beastmen standing in Tempest. They had to be from Eurazania, because at the head on their groups was those two who came during the delegation and Phobio. I personally didn't attend that but my [Parallel Existence] did, and I have their memories. That is the only reason I know who they are.

They were Carrions Three Beastketeers.

We completely landed on the ground in front of the group, that's when Suphia, Alvis, Phobio and Rigurd rushed towards us or more at me.

"Rimuru-sama, thank you so much for taking in our people." Suphia thanked me.

"I didn-" I was about to say something but Rigurd ended up cutting me off.

"Rimuru-sama, It was I who offered them refuge here. I apologize for acting without your permission." Rigurd said before kneeling.

"It's fine Rigurd. If they needed refuge, it was better to lend a helping hand than to ignore them." I responded.

"Now, what happened? And where is that Phobio guy?" I questioned the Beastketeers.

"He is running late. He should be here soon." Suphia answered.

"She's right. As for why we are here.... Demon Lord Milim declared war on Carrion-sama." I could not believe my ears.

'Milim attack him? What in this universe would make her attack him?'

{I may have an answer.}

'Lay it on me Ciel.'

{It is related to Demon Lord Clayman.}

'How so?'

{Demon Lord Milim was suspicious of all of Claymans activities. So she went undercover of being controlled by Clayman. Clayman used Milim to destroy and kill Carrion and try to pin the reason for her actions onto you.}

'So that is why she attacked? But did she have to go so overboard? I mean destroying an entire capital is ridiculous, just for some plan.'

With the information Ciel has told me, I began to explain to the Eurazanians about what has happened. Such as Eurazania being destroyed and Carrion being captured.

As I was telling them, my own people and subordinates were behind me.

"So you knew what happened!"

"You didn't help lord Carrion?!"

"So much for an ally!"

These were some of the voices I heard coming from the beastmen. But I felt a killing intent coming from behind me. More so, it was coming from just about all of my strongest subordinates including our Primordials, so I have to mediate this quick.

In order to do that, I just released a bit of my aura to quiet them down. Not enough to make them pass out or kill them. Just enough to put the slightest discomfort in them. With them quiet I can now continue.

"Believe it or not, I have just found out of this information. At the time of when it happened, we were dealing with our own problems at the time. But rest assured we do have a common enemy and that is Demon Lord Clayman. He has made trouble for us as well so we will work together to destroy him. Offer us your hand and we will offer ours back." I gave a somewhat mini speech, which I am proud of If I do say so.

"""We will help with the destruction of Clayman, Rimuru-sama.""" The Beastketeers said and proceeded to kneel to me in respect. Upon seeing their superiors kneeling to me, the other beastmen proceeded to do the same.

"Good. I want you to hone your strength for the upcoming war. Together we will utterly crush Clayman." I gave my final words before departing. I proceeded to introduce everyone else to Diablo and the Demoness Trio. Once that was done I gave the newest addition of my retainers their roles.

With that in place, I was now free to go give my daughters the attention they wanted.