
A New Start in Arifureta!

Death wasn't something thats planned, but it definetly should be with the opportunity of reincarnating! Living his new life in Arifureta might make his viewpoint on his way of living change... Well, hopefully... ... HEY! It's me the author! This little story was an idea I just abruptly thought of, so it may not seem all that well planned out, and it wouldn't be too far from the truth. SO! Cut me some slack and if you decide to stay, just know that I will most likely be sticking with canon. ANYWAY, Enjoy.

KYS_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Chapter 1.

READ FIRST! IMPORTANT! - So, uh... there wasn't really any chapters in the original I wrote. But I got a different idea for this story and wanted to try it out. If it's completely different than what you expected, I apologize. This is the only chapter I have of the new one so far, but I hope you stick around.

I kept karma, but added some other things. Ah, uh... Yeah. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


Opening my eyes I was bombarded with the sight of gallant trees brimming with the most life I've ever seen. Among those trees sits a beauty, blonde haired Goddess. Her hair falls from her head to her lower back, swaying in the wind as she stares back at me. Completely unfazed by my sudden appearance.

I feel my chest burn and my heart beat quicken, I feel as if there's butterflies within my stomach, but I don't show it. I slowly sit upright breaking eye contact with the woman before me.

"Hey, you're finally awake." The words flow out of her mouth smoothly, just like a stream of honey coming out of its bottle. I nod slowly, still looking around the foreign area.

"It seems I am." I've already seen what I wanted, time to get down to business.

"What exactly happened?" I questioned softly, the sounds of birds and other animals chirping and singing quickly filling in the following silence. I stand up at this point, seeing no reason to continue to lay upon the soft grass. My short pink hair sways in the wind, my wandering eyes finding the Goddess of a woman once again.

I hear her sigh, it doesn't sound pleasant.

"You should know. You've died. Getting hit by a truck isn't something one should forget." Her left eyebrow raised, looking at me weirdly. I just shrug. Nothing much to refute. I do remember how I died.

"Just thought keeping a conversation would be the brightest thing to do… Was I wrong?" I start making my way towards her, the rock she's sitting on growing bigger with every step I take, signifying the difference between us.

"Hmm" She hums softly. Her blood red eyes inspected me.

"You aren't wrong, but I'd like to hurry this up. I've no time to talk with you as I have many others to take care of. I'll keep this short and quick." She shuts down the idea of a conversation easily. I don't mind though, I would like this to hurry up as well.

"Hurry up with what? Aren't I going to heaven or hell?" I question, my curiosity is rising like a steady torrent. She chuckles softly as she sits up and hugs her smooth, white skin. Her golden bracelet sliding to her wrist. The white silk robe she wore fluttered in the wind. I let out a sigh, It feels like she's doing this on purpose.

"While you have that choice. Wouldn't you want to hear the third option? Most seem to like that one anyway…" I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue.

She scoffs before responding:

"Transmigration. Sound tempting?" A smile now wears her face. My eyes shoot wide open, the first of many emotions I've shown since this whole thing started. I can't lie, I was clearly tempted… Going to another world sounds like every weebs dream.

"It does, but do I get any help? You know… Like a wish or something?" It's an important question. If I don't get some type of help, and my world is one of great perils, I'll die instantly. I don't want that… I'm sure this Goddess doesn't either.

"Yes, yes. You get three of those. So! Hurry up, get on with it." Her mood seemed to have suddenly lightened as she seemed more enthusiastic about my wishes. Kind of strange but I don't mind.

I nod to her words and quickly get to thinking. There isn't much I want, I'm not that big of an anime fan, nor of fantasy tv shows. But that doesn't mean I don't want cool abilities like the ones from the few anime I've seen.

'I'll go with these I guess… Something slight but useful.

"Well, I'm ready. For my first wish, I want Karma. But one without an evil Otsutsuki residing within. Secondly, I want a fully mature Sharingan, but strengthen the genjutsu by a lot. I really liked that part of it. And for my third, I want Gandalfr, the Left Hand of God." I say in a quick breath.

The Goddess eyes me with a look that shows just how disappointed she was with my wishes. It seems that these are very common wishes.

"Really? That's quite boring… Don't complain if you get tired of your own abilities!" She exclaimed with a sigh, plopping down on her back with a thud. I chuckle awkwardly as she snaps her fingers.

"Urgh! W-what?" My laughing comes to a stop almost immediately. An unbearable burning sensation taking over my eyes, as well as a painful stabbing sensation on my right palm, but I'm too distracted to notice.

I clench my teeth as hard as I possibly can, my hands clasped over my eyes. I feel something warm trickle down my cheek, some of it transfering to my hands. The sensation continued on for what felt like years, but when it was done… I was stunned.

Everything felt as if it was clearer, clearer than it's ever been. The world seemed brighter, sharper and more detailed. I could see the tiniest of bugs that crawled on the blades of grass.

"W-what? What happened?" I question, scrutinizing the rest of my body to make sure no other changes happened.

The Goddess chuckles a bit, but answers anyway:

"It was your wishes! I decided not to take away the pain cause of such boring wishes you chose. Should've been more creative." She says with a, 'oh well' tone. I glare at her but she shrugs it off.

"Welp, time for you to go~ Use those wishes wisely, and stay on your toes. Never know what I might throw at you during your journey!" My eyes widen and my eyebrows rise simultaneously.

"What do you me-"


Before I could even finish my question… My vision darkened and my consciousness slipped… Sending me to the world of dreams for my second time.

