
Chapter 1: A New Beginning 

Erica sighed as she gazed out the window, watching her daughters play in the yard. It had been two years since her beloved Isaac passed away, but the hole in her heart remained. While she never stopped caring for Isaac's memory as promised, loneliness had begun to creep in. 

The girls, just seven and five years old, had also felt the emptiness of being without a father. Lately they had taken to begging Erica to find someone new. "We want you to be happy again, Mama," Nella said with her big brown eyes. Erica knew she couldn't deny them forever.

That evening, she wandered down to the bustling market square, hoping the cheerful atmosphere might lift her spirits. As Erica browsed the stalls, a friendly face caught her eye. "Good day! I'm Oscar, I help my brother run this shop. Can I interest you in anything?" he asked with a polite smile. 

Though caught off guard, Erica appreciated his gentle demeanor. "Just browsing, thank you. The fabrics look lovely," she replied. Oscar seemed to sense her melancholy and engaged her in pleasant conversation to distract from her woes. His kindness reminded Erica that goodness still existed in the world, even after loss. 

In the following days, Oscar continued making small gestures to brighten Erica's routine. He gifted the girls fragrant tangerines to delight their senses. When Erica's usual market vendor fell ill, Oscar ensured she got the best cuts of meat and produce at fair prices. His unassuming acts of care soon made Erica look forward to their brief interactions each evening. 

One afternoon, Oscar appeared at Erica's door with worry on his face. "I saw smoke from your chimney and wanted to check all was well. Please, let me know if there's any way I could help," he offered sincerely. Though taken aback by his concern, Erica realized Oscar harbored no ill intentions – only a thoughtful spirit. 

Against her better judgment, Erica began opening her heart to Oscar's gentle nature. His warm smiles reminded her of simpler, happier times before loss and hardship. While she remained wary of the vulnerability of new love, Oscar's evident care for her well-being slowly began to win her trust. A spark had kindled between them that, if allowed to grow, just might blossom into something beautiful.