
Parents - End

After making great purchases with Yaeko, both left the last store they visited together.

Yaeko had changed her previous clothes, now she was dressed in a beautiful white dress that had printed red flowers on it.

Yukio on the other hand, had a white shirt with short sleeves, with black pants, wearing white shoes that made him play with his shirt

The reason why he bought such a thing ... Well, Yaeko said that it fit him and without hesitation he bought it

After all ... What father would not like to have the good point of his daughter?

Leaving those things aside, Yukio could not help but look at his daughter, proudly

He was immensely proud of how cute his little daughter was because they were in the human world, he had used a little magic to hide Yaeko's ears.

But he was sure that if he removed the magic, his daughter would dazzle once more with her elven touch, he even thought that when she grew up she would have a certain resemblance to her mother.

He could not help falling into a thought ... Am I in a position to give my little daughter?

If some idiot comes to ask for his hand ... First, he will have to fight against me!

Suddenly Yukio felt that Yaeko was no longer walking and was confused, he turned around just to see that his daughter was staring at him

Yaeko was looking at his father, and she was reluctant to say the words, but she had to say them because she had promised before.

Yaeko: "Uhh ... Father ... How about you take me home now? I think it's too late." She said quickly.

Yukio: "Why? Did you not want to go to the amusement park? Do you feel bad somewhere?" He said while bending over and looking worriedly at his daughter.

Yaeko quickly denied: "No, no, it's just that it's too late, and Mom says I always have to get home early."

She only now remembered her mother's plan, she had been having so much fun that she even forgot about it.

Yukio looked at her and sighed with some disappointment, after all, he wanted to spend more time with his little daughter.

Yukio: "Well, then let's go home, it's true that it's already late, and I have some things to do." He rubbed his little daughter's head.

The people around looked at them and smiled after all this interaction was heard by some, and without a doubt, they seemed to be a very nice father and daughter.

Yaeko smiled and nodded, she took her father's hand as they both walked to look for some deserted place and enter the portal.


Yukio had left his daughter in the house, but he wondered why he did not feel the presence of Saemys.

Then he remembered that all his women should be in the family home of the human world.

He thought about it a bit and decided not to bring Yaeko, first he would have to talk to his wives to tell them everything about how he had a daughter, he did not want to look for problems himself.

When he appeared outside the family cabin, he did not even pay attention to the surroundings and quickly entered.

But what he saw inside, left him stunned and he did not know what to do, there were clearly his wives inside.

But there were also other people he knew very well ... His parents!

Mr.Hyoudou: "Hahaha, what it felt like? Believe me, when I saw so many people inside, I could not help but be frightened, my son did not even tell me that so many people would come!" He said while laughing.

In his hands he held a glass of wine and was sitting on a sofa, while the others were sitting around, in front was a table with bottles and sandwiches.

Mrs. Hyoudou was looking at everything strangely, every woman here was too beautiful and very friendly, but the strange thing was ...

Yasaka: "Do you want a little more wine?"

Misla: "No, don´t serve him that much, that would be bad for him."

Grayfia: "Girls could you behave? Yasaka-san, don´t go around serving so much wine."

That was the strange thing, every woman here was trying to earn the favor of them.

Mrs. Hyoudou as a woman understood more than anyone else, and every woman who served her, also came to her husband as if they wanted to be friends with him.

They only meant two things, one, these women were really just friendly, or two, these women were interested in something else...

She took the courage and smiled as she looked at them: "Excuse me, girls ... Can I know what kind of relationship you all have with my son?"

Instantly, each of the women remained silent and stopped their actions, while they looked at each other.

Mrs. Hyoudou frowned, those actions said something clearly, and she looked at Issei for answers.

Issei: "... Mother, if you want to know, wait a little longer ... I think..." His words were cut off when Kuroka stepped towards the door.

Kuroka: "You arrived ... Why did you take so long?" She said while smiling.

Everyone instantly turned around, while the women smiled, the two Hyoudous was confused.

Issei who saw the person at the door, could not help sighing: "... Now, finally, the time came."


Yukio was sitting on the main sofa facing the two Hyoudous without knowing what to say.

Each of his wives was sitting next to him, while they smiled.

Definitely, if someone took a picture of this, they would possibly put in the title:

The Harem of a King!

He could not help but sigh, because right away he realized what was happening here, this was a trap.

A trap done by his wives, but ... was this not better this way? At last, he could see his parents again, he could explain things to them.

While he had a mental battle, in front of him were the Hyoudous.

Mr.Hyoudou, who might not have noticed it before, felt it was strange now.

Since this young man entered, each woman immediately stood by his side as if they did not want to leave ... He could not help thinking that these women were together with this man.

And no doubt that was called polygamy, something that was not very well looked at by society, but this was not his problem.

The problem here was, what were these people doing on their property, previously he thought that his son planned a party, but now seeing so many women and a man, the worst came to mind.

Mr. Hyoudou: "Young one ... Can I know what everyone is really doing here?"

Yukio who was thinking raised his head and could not find the words to answer.

-What the hell! How am I going to know what we're doing here? Even I fell into this trap myself.-

Issei, who was next to him, shook his head: "I think you should tell them ... Don´t you think it's about time?"

Yukio looked at him: "Time? Did you tell them about those things?" He said looking for an answer.

Mr. Hyoudou was confused by his words and wanted to say something, but Issei was faster.

Issei: "Yes, they know everything about the Underworld, previously I did not want to let them know about this world, but since I became the carrier of the red dragon, I had to find ways to protect them, and if they knew about it, it wouldn´t be as dangerous."

Those words left Yukio very happy, this made things easier, but Mr. Hyoudou was surprised.

He looked at Yukio and without a doubt in his mind, categorized this young man as a demon after all his son was related to some of them.

Mr. Hyoudou calmed down a little, he knew about the Underworld and some rules.

The powerful beings or the leaders of a clan could even have more than one wife and when seeing this young person surrounded by beauties, it was clear that he was someone powerful

Although he disliked the idea of ​​seeing someone with so many women, he could not help sighing ... He knew that in the Underworld these things were normal

Since their son became a demon, they have known some demons previously

Some are good, while others ... They are not so good

Suddenly his eyes fell on a red-haired girl who was standing behind the young man.

Mr. Hioudou: "Rias-chan ?!" He was immediately surprised

Mrs.Hyoudou: "Eh? Rias-chan!" She was also surprised, then she sent Issei a look

Previously they had met Rias, she the President of the Club where her son was, in addition to that she was his 'King'

The surprise of both ... It was because they told them about polygamy in the underworld

They thought that she would become one of her daughters-in-law since Katase and Issei were always with her.

But apparently, this girl already had someone in her heart, they felt a little helpless because they liked Rias a lot

Rias felt somewhat embarrassed by the look of Yukio's parents, but she only smiled shyly while waving her hand "Hi ..."

Both Hyoudou greeted her with their hands, while they maintained helpless smiles

Issei could only laugh, he knew the thoughts of his parents

-I wonder what they will say ... when they find out that Rias-senpai, is undoubtedly part of the family now ... "

Katase on her part, started to be mocking gestures towards Rias, she was clearly trying to embarrass her more

Yukio closed his eyes and then released a sigh before raising his hand attracting the attention of others towards him

Seeing that everyone was looking at him now in silence, he decided to speak

Yukio: "As Issei told you everything ... I should now tell you my part of the story, I think now you could understand it easier". He said while looking at his parents.

Mr. Hyoudou: "Boy ... I do not really understand what is going on here, what do you plan to tell us?"

He was confused, but he felt that his wife was shaking and he looked at her worried. "Is something wrong? What's wrong?"

Mrs. Hyoudou ignored him and her eyesight was only on Yukio's face.

She could not have seen him for years, but will she not recognize him?

Although Yukio grew up and his body changed a lot, she knew it was him ... She was his mother after all.

It had to be said that Yukio had been learning how to hide each one of his tattoos for a while.

Therefore he no longer seemed a Yakuza, besides that with the protests of Kuroka, he could no longer keep his hair long as he used to.

So if you removed the muscles, and that the eyes had those slits of dragon

Clearly, she could notice it much easier, but now that she looks at her so hard ... She had noticed it immediately

Yukio was going to keep talking and planned to tell them a part of the story ... But Ms. Hyoudou got up from the seat while pointing

Mrs. Hyoudou: "You ... You ... are Yu, you are Yukio, right?! Are you?" She looked at him while her eyes moistened

Mr.Hyoudou: "Hey, what are you talking about, it's not him ..." He suddenly tried to look at Yukio, but like all humans, when they look at things superficially, they will not be able to see anything, but if someone points out key things, they will undoubtedly observe everything differently.

Yukio scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably as his mother slowly approached him, the women moved away to give them space.

Yukio: "I ..." He did not know whether to answer them or not.

But Mrs.Hyoudou ignored his discomfort and threw herself on him, Yukio was surprised but quickly took her in his arms while hugging her.

Mrs. Hyoudou: "You are Yu, I know you are!" She kept screaming while hugging him.

She knew it, she could feel it, this was her son and it did not matter how she had this feeling.

Mr. Hyoudou stood still and did not know what to do, but he clenched his fists and turned his gaze towards Issei.

Issei: "... Yes ... I didn´t need to tell you right?"

Mr. Hyoudou: "Since when were you aware of this? ..." He said softly.

Issei: "Not for long ... He appeared in the Underworld to rescue Rias, that´s where I confirmed everything." He lied a little but decided that would be for the best.

Mr. Hyoudou: "I see ..." He looked at Yukio.

Yukio was comforting his mother, he knew he had to tell them everything now.

She stopped hugging him and looked into his eyes, those golden eyes, she remembered them very well.

Mrs.Hyoudou: "Why ... Why did you disappear? Why did you leave us?" She asked while clinging to her son's hands.

Yukio looked at her and then sighed: "It was not my intention ... I never wanted to leave you, and it was something that was not planned. When I returned I wanted to go back to you ... But how believable would it be to say that I came back just like that?"

Mrs. Hyoudou looked at him and nodded, that was true, but she was very hurt too.

Yukio cleaned the tears of his mother in a loving way: "I can tell you everything ... So you can understand why I disappeared all this time."

He wanted to tell them everything, although he would not talk about the system, at least he would tell them about why he disappeared.

Suddenly Mr. Hyoudou got up from the seat and walked with firm steps towards the direction of Yukio

Mr. Hyoudou pulled his wife away and squeezed his fist before hitting Yukio.

Yukio did not plan to dodge him, he knew he deserved it.


But still, the fist stopped, it was Issei who stopped the fist of his father.

Mr. Hyoudou: "What are you doing?"

Issei: "That won´t solve anything and you know it, dad, brother needs to tell you some things, if after listening to him you still want to hit him, I won´t stop you." He said while releasing his fist and sitting down again.

Mr. Hyoudou looked at Yukio, he was happy to see his son safe and sound, but ... was that okay? This boy disappeared for a long time and came back as if nothing happened, he also never appeared before them again.

He nodded and sat down, took a glass of wine and drank it waiting for Yukio to recount things.

Mrs. Hyoudou was shocked by her husband's reaction, but then seeing Issei stop him, she sighed in relief.

She took a seat next to her son while she held his hand, she did not want to let him go, she wanted to stay with her son.

After all, she spent ten years looking for him, ten years, wanting to be by his side.

Yukio squeezed his mother's hand while closing his eyes, he did not plan to say anything verbally ... He raised his hand to the air.

Yukio: "Memorial Recreation ..." Suddenly, on the roof, something similar to a lake was created where images were reflected.

Each person paid attention carefully, after all ... These were the memories of Yukio.

There they could see everything that happened, from the beginning where they were told that they were trapped, the beginning of a friendship, war, and Yukio falling in love with Saemys, Kuroka, Akeno, Rose and Miley.

Everyone saw everything, even until Miley's sacrifice.

--- An hour later

The skill had already vanished, and Mrs.Hyoudou was holding her son's hand, she was shocked about everything related to that place.

The pain her son went through was a terrible thing, and although she could not forgive him for abandoning them, she still decided not to pay attention to that now.

Her son suffered, but she looked back at some women and saw Kuroka and Saemys, also Akeno.

Although she was upset that her son had more than one love relationship, they were the ones who saved her son.

Everyone looked at Saemys' betrayal, but Yukio also showed that she was actually controlled.

Now the other women understood who Saemys was, and without a doubt ... Was she not the real queen of the Harem?

Mr. Hyoudou sighed and shook his head while looking at his son.

He was not an irrational person, nor was he as if he wanted to hit his son, and even if he wanted to, he knew he would not even hurt him.

He could not avoid this feeling of anger, but he could not help but feel sad about what his son went through.

He sighed and looked directly at Yukio, he had to know now.

Mr. Hyoudou: "What are you doing now? ... As you can notice, your mother isn´t going to let you go anywhere, will we still be your parents or will you abandon us?"

Although his words sounded calm, he was hurt to say this, Yukio left for ten years, even ... would they even be considered his parents?

Yukio shook his head; "Nothing ... I don´t plan on doing anything, and even though I left for ten years, that does not change the fact that you are both my parents. If what you're trying to ask me is if I will visit you, I'll do it every day ... and about my mother."

He looked at his mother who had a look of pleading on her face, it was as if she did not want to let go of his hand ever again.

Yukio: "... Well, I think I'll stay for a few days here with her." He said with a helpless smile.

Mr. Hyoudou smiled and sighed, his son ... His son was back again.

--- Night

It was already night, but still, everyone was still sitting in the room, after the talk, they were having dinner and laughing among themselves.

This was the meeting of a son with his parents, it was something they had to celebrate.

Katase, who was holding two glasses of juice in her hands, looked at everyone before seeing Murayama who was sitting on a sofa in the corner.

She could not help but smirk, she immediately sat next to him offering one of the drinks

Katase: "Do you want? ... But I think that at this rate you will be drooling, you know?" She said trying to make fun of her friend.

Murayama sighed and took the glass of juice, she was looking towards Yukio who was talking to her parents

During all this time she was silent, she looked at those memories and everything overwhelmed her

Katase: "What's up? ..." She could see that her friend seemed somewhat distracted, she knew about her secret ... But was it really that?

Murayama: "I do not know ... I think I'm thinking too much, after all ... He has not even recognized me, has he?"

She took the juice while she had some disappointment in her eyes

Years ago she fell in love at first sight with Yukio, after all, he was young but very mature

A strong and kind boy, but for some reason, everyone was afraid of him

Although she did not feel any fear of him, she was just curious about him, but it was difficult to talk to him

That lasted for quite some time, and she got to know him thanks Katase, but she could never tell her anything

Sent a lot to Katase, she was more direct with her words and that's why from a young age she was with Issei, but instead ...

She was very slow, and she lost her chance now

Katase punched him on the shoulder "So you get discouraged? It's not the great thing you know ... If it happens it will happen, if not ... You do not have to force things"

His words were rough, but Murayama nodded, she knew it too

Although it could be called love as a little girl, I still had some feelings towards Yukio ... She wanted to be sure

Murayama: "Thank you ..."

Katase: "Why do you thank me? You're my friend, and so you know ... If there are three girlfriends? Who says they can not accept another one?" She said with a giggle as she walked away

Murayama was speechless, she suddenly smiled as he thought it was true

Murayama: "Even if there are ten ... I'll try ..."

Suddenly Mrs. Hyoudou thought about something and looked up: "Hey ... I want to know something if these three girls are my daughters-in-law ... Who are the others?"

When she finished her words, she saw how they all smiled at each other with flushed cheeks.

She had the greatest feeling, that this question, she should not have asked it now.

"... Bless us mother!" Everyone said with smiles on their faces.

The Hyoudous were shocked and looked towards Yukio who started whistling while looking at the other side.

Kuroka laughed looking at Saemys: "Are their actions not very similar to you?!!"

Saemys was embarrassed and sat next to Yukio ignoring Kuroka, but the Hyoudous fixed their eyes on Kokeno eating sweets.

Mrs.Hyoudou: "... Son, tell me it's not what I'm thinking .."

Yukio: "Believe me mother, I have not touched even a hair! I ASSURE YOU!"

Upon hearing it, everyone began to laugh comically, while Koneko had black lines on her forehead.

Koneko: -Jum! Since you have decided that, I have no choice but to use what older sister has given me!- She said in her thoughts, remembering that sphere that Akeno had given her.

Yukio unknowingly, just for attending this place today ... He ends up bringing two more problems to his life

Editor: maave

Chapter 2/2

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