
Connection with the fallen angels

After Ophis and Yukio left through the portal they were now in a wooded area.

They both looked at each other, Yukio had a triumphant smile on his face.

While Ophis was with her typical look but had some blush on her face.

He extended his hand to Ophis' head while rubbing it "Are you happy with that?" He asked about the previous fight.

Ophis nodded and took his hand to squeeze it "... Thank you" She said with all her heart, after all, this boy achieved something that she could not, also brought her to this mystical place.

Yukio smiled and turned to go somewhere else, he wanted to see someone in specific.

But Ophis who was behind was very confused, she thought that the boy would ask for his prize, but he retired, which made her feel something bitter.

She quickly took him by the hand, giving him a pull, Yukio stopped and looked at her somewhat confused. "Is something wrong, Ophis?"

Ophis nodded and touched her lips with an expression of 'why?'

Yukio bowed and smiled "Well ... I do not want to force you to anything, it could have been a very luxurious reward, but I want it to be something that happens by itself" he said as he looked at her with affection.

Ophis nodded and closed her eyes in thought, but Yukio gave her a sudden kiss on her forehead.

She opened her eyes a bit dazed looking at Yukio's back who said: "I'll visit you soon, little one."

The corners of Ophis' mouth moved upwards, showing that she wanted to smile, she had already decided ... "Woman .."

--- Somewhere else

There was a beautiful woman with long blue navy hair tied in a ponytail, a tuft falling over her face hiding her right eye, which was brown, dressed in a dark shinigami costume and wore wooden sandals.

Her footsteps resounded in the place while many beings looked at her.

Angel Caido: "Is that not Kalawarner?"

Fallen 2. "Oi, I heard that she was taken the prisoner, so how is she here?"

Fallen 3. "Have they released her?"

Fallen 1: "It's not the time for that, she's coming" The nearby fallen angels surrounded her quickly, she could have been one of their allies but recently they heard that she was taken as a prisoner.

Kalawarner looked at everyone with cold eyes and sighed. "I come to see Azazel, tell him it's a request." She said without paying attention to those around her.

The fallen angels put themselves in battle positions by noticing the lack of 'sama'.

Fallen Angel 1: "What are you doing here Kalawarner? We heard you were taken, prisoner!" He said to verify his doubts.

Kalawarner "That's right, but this time I came to make a small bridge between two factions." She said simply.

The fallen angels seemed confused by her words "Two factions? What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, a fallen angel with a serious face came forward. "Have you betrayed us Kalawarner?" He said seriously.

Kalawarner looked at the man seriously and shook his head "I have not betrayed anyone, you were the ones who abandoned me and Raynare to my fate." She said seriously.

The man shook his head "That's not true, we were looking for both of you for a while, but we did not find anything about you."

Kalawarner laughed at his words "Looking for us ... nice words, but false."

The man looked at her strangely "What are you talking about?"

She sighed "You or others could have been looking for me, but I know that Azazel did not even move a finger to get to know something about us or is not true?"

The man was speechless, and it was true, Azazel at no time gave orders to find out something about them, simply limited to ask for information.

The beings around her realized that this woman was openly betraying the fallen angels.

Angel fallen 1: "What trash ... to betray your own faction!" He said feeling hate towards the woman in front.

Kalawarner "Angry? ... How strange I thought you. yourself betrayed Heaven" She said mockingly.

The fallen angel did not find words to refute, and he shut up, he limited himself to be in position in case something happened but everyone felt two energies coming from behind.

Fallen Angel: "Kokabiel-sama!/Baraqiel-sama!"

There in the distance came Kokabiel with a playful expression, while behind was Baraqiel looking at everything seriously.

Baraqiel stepped forward and looked at the situation "What's going on here?"

The nearest fallen angel approached and told them both about the betrayal of Kalawarner, Baraqiel looked at the woman with navy blue hair.

Baraqiel: "Is what they say true?"

Kalawarner nodded. "Yes, I have no problem saying it, could you call Azazel?" She said politely, she did not dislike Baraqiel, in any case, he was someone who helped her in the past.

Baraqiel was going to speak but Kokabiel went ahead "What makes you think we'll call him just because you say it?"

He stood in front of Kalawarner.

She just looked at him "I came for a deal between the Gotei 13, and the fallen angels, it's their decision to accept or reject."

The fallen angels were surprised and looked at the woman's clothes again, now they realized that she was one of the Gotei 13, except that she did not have the white haori over her clothes.

Kokabiel showed a confused expression "That's a surprise eh, I heard that they took you as a prisoner, but now they send you as a sacrifice," he said mockingly as he approached the woman.

Kalawarner smiled bitterly "I guess Lady Kuroka was right with you." She said looking with pity towards Kokabiel.

Kokabiel was not going to accept a deal, he did not care if Azazel got upset, he went ahead and wanted to take Kalawarner by the neck, but when he was a meter away.


He had flown and hit several fallen angels, all looked at Kalawarner again to notice a beautiful woman in a similar suit.

She had long black hair with pointed ears, white skin and golden eyes, in the gap of the suit of her chest you could see a tattoo similar to a black dragon in a wizard circle, in her right hand, she had one of a black cross.

She had a serene expression on her face "Does anyone else want to attack?"

The fallen angels around instinctively stepped back, but Kokabiel, who already stood up, had a dark expression looking at her.

Kokabiel: "You! Damn who you are!" He shouted and pulled out five pairs of black wings, while he was ready to attack.

Saemys stared at him and smiled darkly, but Kalawarner put her hand on her shoulder and shook her head "You know the leader wants to stay neutral, do not look for problems."

Saemys looked at her reluctantly and nodded while complaining.

Kalawarner clarified the voice "Azazel stop your games and appear now" she said as she looked towards a specific direction.

Everyone was confused except Baraqiel, Kokabiel, and Saemys who had felt Azazel in the distance for a while now.

Soon steps were heard while a man with brown hair and a blond lock appeared "I'm surprised you managed to capture my presence." He said somewhat surprised and playful.

He looked at the costumes of the two women and smiled broadly "Your leader ... He has to be a pervert to make them wear that suit." He said laughing.

But he felt a strong thirst for blood coming from the black-haired woman, something that made him tremble.

Azazel: "* Cough *In any case ... What do you need with Gregory, beautiful ladies?"

Kalawarner "We came to ask him if we can sell our 'Magic Pills' in his faction, of course, these will be useful for the fallen angels," She said taking out a black sphere.

Azazel looked at her and nodded "Follow me please."


In a decorated room, you could see three people sitting, these were Saemys, Azazel and Kalawarner.

Azazel: "Well, you tell me that these things are the same as the ones the demons used a few years ago?"

Kalawarner nodded.

Azazel: "I see ... Can I know why if your faction is neutral, they still help to strengthen the others?" He was not stupid he knew something was happening.

Kalawarner sighed and shook his head "I'm sorry, but if you want to talk about it you need to ask the leader."

Azazel looked her up and down "Then you left the fallen angels to join them, uh ... What did they offer you?" He said with a curious tone.

Kalawarner looked at him and smiled something that was rarely seen of her "Something I will never receive here."

Azazel sighed and smiled bitterly "I guess for you to say so, it has to be true." He stood up and extended his hand "Then it will be a pleasure to make a deal with you."

Kalawarner stood up and both clasped their hands "It will be a pleasure, we will send someone to act as an intermediary, I will be the main person in charge of the connection if there´s any problem you can talk to me." She said as she let go of the fallen angel's hand.

Azazel nodded "I understand, in that case, I'll wait for you to bring those products."

Azazel directed them both to the exit and saw their departure.

Suddenly Baraqiel appeared at his side "Is this okay?"

Azazel scratched his neck "Well, I really do not know, but that black-haired girl could have killed me if she felt like it."

Baraqiel looked at him somewhat surprised. "Are you serious?!"

Azazel: "Would I tease you with my life? Are you an idiot?" He said smiling bitterly "I will never call that boy perverted in front of her again."

He said seriously when he realized that if it were not for Kalawarner, he would be dead.

Azazel "Nobody respects their elders anymore!" He said smiling as he entered again.

He left a Baraqiel sighing and remembering his words "Under the protection of Agarus ..."

--- Underworld

Yukio had arrived at the house of Sairaorg, he had planned to tell him to start selling the "magic pills" in this place for demons.

He entered the house, anyway he did not think that someone would be angry with him when he entered he noticed that there was nobody, he decided to extend his perception and he caught two in a room.

He was excited to know who they were and immediately went there.

Yukio: "I'm back Misla-san!" He suddenly screamed when he opened the door of the room.

Misla / Coriana: "Eh?"

Inside the room was Misla, who wore a beautiful wedding dress, had a white color which really made her figure stand out, while Coriana was helping her.

Both women stopped short when they saw Yukio.

Misla: "Y-Yukio-sama it´s you!" She said covering her face, while Coriana felt very embarrassed, she covered herself because she only wore her underwear at that moment.

Yukio: "... Should I come back later?"

Editor: maave