
A New Dawn (Solo-leveling / Multicross)

Blink, and Magnus is drowning in the neon sea of Shibuya. His reflection, etched with tired lines, stares back - a ghost in a corporate machine. Work sucks the life out of him, leaving an apartment filled with dust and the deafening silence of being alone. He craves something real, something more than the soul-crushing grind. . But fate, that mischievous trickster, has other plans. Time warps, the world dissolves into chaos. Protecting a stranger with eyes like pools of twilight, he takes a bullet meant for her. Gasping, his final plea echoes: I want to escape this ordinary hell. . Will death grant him an extraordinary adventure, or just another Tokyo sunrise? Dive in and discover. . . . . . I'll be honest, I'm not a good writer, but I'll do my best to create a novel I'd love to read even if I pick it up five years from now. It's my first time writing anything literary at all, a bit nervous but also quite excited to implement some of the ideas I have here. There will be a lot of deviation from the source material for every world I write about, so don't go all Hermione on me and expect me to stick to the rules... I mean roots... I'm not doing that. . . Also the MC and his fam will be OP, if you don't like OP characters, I suggest skipping this book. . . . Anywho... *nervous chuckling*.... Let the story begin!!! . . . . PS - massive respect to authors out there! . . . none of the characters of the worlds I write about belong to me, except for my OC. . . I'm doing about 5 chapters/ week now

RyunjuSimu · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Frost Monarch II

// This one's a bit of big chapter (3.8k words), tell me if the fight scenes were good in the comments. Next chapter in a few hours, I'm guessing its gonna be just as long as this one...Have fun! //

[ Jin-ah POV ]

Oh? He's able to look into my eyes when I'm releasing 0.005% of my aura huh? not bad, he must be around peak A rank...quite impressive...

"Hello, I'm 'Iron' an A-rank hunter, affiliated with the White Tiger Guild, may I know who you are lady?" he says while smiling gently.....at least what he thinks is a gentle smile, to me it looks like he's constipated....ewww...my sense of beauty seems to have been skewed due to living with Mag, every action of his seems graceful....eh stop jin-ah....there's somebody in front of you...

"Good morning, I'm Jin-ah, unranked for now, I came here to see White Tiger Guild's recruits in practice" I replied with a fake smile.

"Ah I'll protect you inside the gate then, don't worry I'm confident in my tanking skills, you can leave the front line to me!" he thumps his chest plate with energy and steam coming out of his nose.....is he a gorilla? this guy seems like one of those braindead stupid people.

"Can I get your phone number Jin-ah? You see as an A-rank I have quite the influence, I can teach you the ropes when you join, we can be a part of the same raid team too, all I need is one date from you after we finish this gate" he says arrogantly, with his nose up high, I look left and right of him to see if some lackeys would come running to butter up to the young master...no? shame...

"Oi." my dark and powerful voice resounds in the ears of all hunters around me

I release 0.01% of my Haki, the ground under me remains the same, but the ground and walls around me begin to shake and crack and to anyone that can feel mana, it was like a whale was sitting on them. I obviously exclude oppa and song-yi from this, but I want everyone here to know that I'm not to be messed with...

"Be respectful, brat...don't make me cause the White Hunter Guild to loose an A-rank, it'll be a bit troublesome...besides you can't even tank a fraction of my aura....and you say you'll protect me....fool." I shake my head and walk towards him who's on the floor and breathing raggedly...I whack him on the head and turn off my Haki.

I hear audible gasps and struggle for breathing around me, while I sheepishly chuckle and scratch the back of my head, "Oops.. sorry for that! Got a bit carried away there"

Section Chief Ahn Sangmin, looks between me and oppa, asking for who I was most likely, I heard from oppa that he's been after him to join their guild....eh he is gonna be after me now isn't he? with even more intensity ?? 

Oppa looks at me and raises a questioning brow, I shake my head and gesture to him that I'd tell him later, he nods at me and continues talking to Chief Ahn, while Song-Yi is studying the gate from up close, much to the displeasure of the guild's people.....guess she really is fascinated by this stuff huh? Mag is the same too, he said something about runes and stuff, he lost me at runes though...I'm more of a people person and a fighter, not much of a scientific thinker, I'll leave that to darling...umu.

'Beta scan nearby areas for high mana density' Now let's see what we have here, that Dung-su should be here today, but before that it should be Baek Yoonho, this dude deserves respect, although he does seek talented people like a mad dog, he has been through a lot of tough fights, especially the one on Jeju Island where he lost a friend.....and is still working as a hunter and saving lives, that is respectable. I'll see if I can plant some seeds in his head for our future projects.

[ Understood Master, scanning a radius of 50 Km for high density mana signatures....found 2, master. One of them is closer and is on its way here, the other one is at a hotel and is stationary. ]

'The one closing in must be Baek Yoon-ho, and the other must be Dung-su' I'll leave dung to oppa, after all this is between them and oppa's strong enough to beat him.

'Thank you, beta....resume battle simulations between me and darling, where are we at with the losses now ?'

[ .....You've lost all battles, master. There is simply no way to bridge the gap without you reaching at least SSS+ rank ]

'I know! but I'm a bit impatient you know...we are supposed to be equals!.....I'll have to hunt some monarchs sooner!' I think while drooling a bit...hehe~

*all monarchs shiver*

I hear someone panting, as a beast-man comes to a stop near me....Yoon-ho catches his breath for a bit and then stares at me with the eyes glowing golden, he seems to be gauging me.....hmm shall I test him a bit? .....I direct about 0.05% of my Haki directly at him, his eyes widen and he falls to his knees as the ground cracks under him, but he's still able to remain conscious ....hmmm good, he passes...

[ Baek Yoon-ho, Guild master of the White Tiger Guild POV ]

I was sitting in my office, pondering over today's recruits....the quality of hunters is slowly increasing, it must have something to do with the increasing mana density....where is the world heading to, why do we have gates, why do we get to harvest parts from there? There has to be some grand purpose to all this right? I fail to believe that this is just random....only time will tell I guess...

The A-rank 'Iron' is with them today, so they'll mostly be fine....but I can't help but worry that something would go wrong today, call it my beast instincts...but I've learnt to trust these instincts ....they're warning me of something...

Suddenly, a highly dense mana washes over me, I immediately snap my head at its origin...

"Isn't that where 'Iron' is?! that's near the gate, did it change to high A-rank??!"

I rush out of the guild and take off my suit and shirt and switch to beast form while rushing towards the origin of this horrible pressure that only seems to be getting denser as I get closer to the origin....FASTER!!!

I run like I've never before ..... Then I reach near 'her'..... a tall lady, who is oozing danger, I look at her and my entire being freezes, others can't see it...but this lady is oozing the mana of a peak S rank ( around National-level) casually.... my eyes that can get a read on an opponent's general power level... can see it, she's not making an effort to do this...

And then it happens....she looks at me with her piercing silver eyes....she seems to be testing me...from her expression...just one look... and then the world come crashing down on me, I'm forced to get on my knees and pant like I've run a marathon on one leg...WTF!!... What NATIONAL RANK HUNTER?! SHE IS THE STRONGEST ON THE PLANET!!

I then slowly and with difficulty turn my head to the right and see my section chief begging for someone to stop this being in front of me, he seems to be related to her...huh? he's as strong as me ? Where the fuck are all these people coming from ????! 

She then tones down her pressure and reaches out to pull me up..... heh to be thoroughly humbled like this...how long has it been ?... Jeju huh...there have been talks about going there to clear it recently.....I then look up at her, with her we can definitely win....quite easily too.....hahahaha....sigh, I take her hand and let her pull me up...

[ Jin-ah POV ]

Sigh....I think I went a bit overboard this time, Chief Ahn seems to be on the verge of tears begging oppa to stop me, I stop releasing my Haki and then pull Yoon-ho up...I'm only doing it coz he's a respectable character and it was....sort of my fault after all....I grin a bit sheepishly at that.

"hey, are you alright now?" I ask him, he's obviously not....but it's a good conversation starter huh...

"It was certainly enlightening that's for sure!" He says while smiling wryly after undoing his beast form and wearing his coat, he then proceeds to remove the dust on his pants.

"I'm Jin-ah, I decided to accompany oppa here to witness the training of your guild, but that dude over there decided to act like a young master" I said while pointing at a collapsed and unconscious 'Iron'.

"Young master ?" he said while asking the healing team to get 'Iron' checked and healed.

"You know, overconfident punks who try to force people to do stuff, coz they think they deserve the world" I said with a scoff...

"Ah, I knew he was a bit arrogant, but to think that it was to this extent.... I hope what you did today can humble him a bit... and thank you for not injuring him" he says while bowing at a full 90 degrees to me.

"Please raise your head, it wasn't such a big issue....besides..... we will soon have guests..." I said, sensing the gate tremble a bit, changing colors from blue to red and then to pitch black as a portal opens... and then a baleful aura spread for about 30 Km....it's about to begin...."fufufu~ finally!"

I immediately use my mana and erect a barrier around 10 Km wide, while notifying darling about this through beta.....no worries though..... I should be able to easily handle this...I flex my shoulders and warm up for a bit by circulating mana inside me at higher revolutions, when I'm primed for battle, I yell at Baek-Yoonho who's still in a daze....are you for real??

"Come on! get a grip guild master! guide the common people to safety and alert nearby hunters A rank and above, to form a perimeter in a radius of 10 Km now!! This is a dungeon break with above rank S!!

"Above S??!!" He starts shaking as soon as hears that, but then slaps himself in the face and steadies himself..."It will be done! Any estimates on the number of enemies?" he asks me while shouting out orders on his radio and signaling to the people present here to prep themselves for battle.... good he's now thinking clearly....I'd give him a B for response time...

"1 Million at least, most of them at B rank, a few hundred at A rank , 20 S rank and.....one at SS mid rank, way stronger than all national hunters in the world combined."I said with a grin while reaching for my inventory

I take out my Katana - Yoru no Bansho (Mirror of the Night), its an obsidian black katana with a white grip (hilt), I've also got hakai (destruction) imprinted just above the hilt... its time for it to taste blood!

"20 S-rank ?? and someone above national level hunters?? Wtf is happening!?.....sigh.....I'll get everyone ready!!" He looks at me with a face that says, 'why live ? Just to suffer.....' and runs off while barking commands over the radio..

Oppa who looked very serious, walks right next to me and asks

"You ready? This is the first time we're going to fight in public you know? With the lives of many people in our hands.... did you tell Mag about this ?"

"Heh, I'm fighting for myself, I'll save a few hunters if I see them in trouble.... but I'm no hero, they knew what they were getting into, when they signed up for this..." I grip my hand tightly around my katana....only the strong are free...Mag drilled this point into my head since day 1.

I look around me and see people panicking and pushing each other while running to nearby shelters created for such emergencies.....He's almost always right huh...look at me, I have the strength to stand right in front of such a seemingly overwhelming force while being carefree..... this is STRENGTH! and I yearn for more of it!!

Oppa looks at me with an approving nod, "You are correct, we just help who we can....also, you can handle the 'SS' rank and a few S rank right ? I'll handle the rest of the S ranks and a few A ranks" he says while taking out his daggers from the inventory and twirling them around in his hand..

"Yeah, I'll handle the SS rank dude, he's mostly here for me anyway....I'll leave the S rank minions to you and the other S ranks from guilds who are now almost here, happy hunting!" I say to him when I suddenly feel a fast moving projectile close in on my location, it...seems to be a spear, I use a quick draw and slice it in half with ease...hoh... he's testing me huh....fun~

[ Jin-woo ex-Main Character POV ]

I see Jin-ah drawing her blade and slicing at something....fast!.... both the projectile and her quick draw, I was just barely able to follow that! shit! Overtaken by my younger sister.....I'll have to get stronger....I clench and unclench my fist and with renewed determination I say :


and then all my shadow soldiers who are emitting a bloodthirsty aura rise from my shadow and assemble around me with me in the center.

This kind of a large scale battle is right up my alley....more shadow soldiers! I nearly droll at the thought.

"Go forth my soldiers, rip them all apart!" We rush to meet the enemy, Jin-ah blitzes past me with her katana coated in an eerie crimson flame like aura, she swings her katana with the precision of a trained master, with every swing she decapitates thousands of Ice elves and monsters....damn!

My soldiers are working on reducing the number of enemies to make it easier for the approaching S-ranks

I swing my daggers in arcs and deliver fatal strikes to all the enemies that manage to get through my shadow soldiers, and so begins my killing spree...

[ Jin-ah POV ] [Slight gore warning] 

I see oppa doing chunni stuff..... it looks cool!.... anyway I began running towards the hundreds of thousands of ice elves right in front of me, while imbuing my katana with crimson haki, I move my katana at mach speeds and while mowing through the army in front of me in a straight line I skid to a halt and stop my charge.... decapitated, burnt bodies and organs rain down around me...about 200,000 dead already...it feels so liberating.... to be able to swing my sword without restraint like this....

I feel one of the S-rank minions flash behind me and use two daggers to slice my head off, I block them both with a quick draw and slice my way through the daggers and his body, 1 S-rank down already.....come on! where's the boss?? I unsummon my katana, I want to use Taijutsu for a bit

Oh? he's in the air....he throws an ice spear at me with a sonic boom, I deflect it with my hand covered with haki at an angle to hit one of his other S rank minions, and I lightly flex my leg muscles and and instantly appear in front of him, he snaps his fingers and tries to use sleep inducement on me...heh that isn't going to work on me!

I extend one hand forward and press down using Empress's Authority to smash him down on the ground, and then I use my custom close combat arts, that I made with the help of Beta....Ketsueki no Mai - Dance of the Crimson Flame (七式) : Third Form : Enjō,

With my hands covered in dense crimson flames, I appear in front of the downed monarch and hit him with a series of rapid strikes at speeds greater than mach 2 aimed at his vital points, each infused with searing heat....He uses Ice to coat his vitals and tries to parry my punches with his trying to redirect my hits, I coat my right leg with the crimson flames and smash into his left side with a roundhouse kick with a sonic boom, he was able to block it with his arms at the last moment.....tch. 

He grabs me by the leg and throws me up, he conjures a million ice swords and launches them at me, reorienting myself in mid air I use the seventh form of my fist art : Enmetsu (Annihilation)

I rapidly punch the air in front of me with my arms covered in crimson flames at supersonic speeds, the air gets compressed and heated to a dangerously high degree and then as if a high pressured canon has been launched, the almost plasma like air in front of me explodes with an intensity of a pseudo-nuclear bomb all the ice swords around me disintegrate , the monarch on the ground receives third degree burns that start healing slowly.....Ouch.

"You Dare Injure Me!! The Monarch of Frost?!! I'll peel your flesh off human!!" saying so he moves at supersonic speeds right at me with a trident of ice ready to skewer me, I just dodge the strike and bitchslap him with my right hand , he flies off with a sonic boom and gets deposited inside a large crater.

Sigh, mindless brutes are uninteresting to fight, the moment you gave in to anger, you'd already lost...Darling would have said something about rage giving you an energy powerup, but this isn't gonna happen in real life...hehe~

The battered monarch of frost climbs out of the hole in the crater, and yells

"Wretched human!! I'll kill you no matter what I have to do!!!!" 

He claps his hands together and says "Monarch's authority : Ice Domain"

An area of about 10 Km around me freezes and temperatures reach way below 0 degrees, the very air seems to get denser as if the air was freezing too...I immediately flare up my Haki to 40% and blanket the surroundings with my crimson flames, providing respite to many of the hunters that have now joined us...Oh the guild masters are here as well.....Cha-hae-in too! fufu~

*proceeds to ignore the angry monarch in front of her*

"Oppa! You see that blond lady fighting the S-rank minion over there?? I want her as my sister-in-law! Go get her!" I yell to oppa from across the battlefield, I can see a tick mark appear on his forehead as he yells,

"Jin-ah!! I'll get Mag to whack your butt if you say stuff like that!" he says while dodging a shield bash from a S-class minion tanker.

"Hehe~ We both know he won't do that!" I smile smugly while still being alert...

"ENOUGH!!" the monarch of frost yells and raises Ice Golems and sends them my way...they're around S-rank....a distraction?

I simply remove my katana from the inventory and lazily swing my coated blade at them.... I'll stop playing around....it's getting boring...

I vanish from where I was standing and appear behind the frost dude, swinging my katana at his neck, while this is happening, my senses starts blaring alarms at me...I jump back just in time to block the sharpened claws of a tall tanned muscular dude, who reeks of wet dog stink.....sheesh he must be the beast monarch....doesn't he ever take a bath?? I jump back and create distance between us...while observing the duo with slight caution..

"Tch..... I didn't think you'd summon me, frost. To think you'd have trouble fighting against a bitch" says the beast monarch in a deep voice while looking mockingly at frost..

"What do you know rakan?? This bitch is strong! Why do you think I gathered a million of my underlings to fight against her, she's an anomaly, we need to get rid of her!" says frost while glaring at me and glancing at oppa for a while....

"We should retreat for now, we'll come back later for this bitch, now that we know what she can do, it'll be easier next time" the beast monarch smirks and tears a hole in space with his claws opening a rift to retreat...

oi oi you think I'll let you go after you insult me like that, plus you're gonna be my nutrition!

"Time to get serious.." I flare up about 80% of my Haki and direct it at the two monarchs in front of me, They freeze instantly. Using Empress's Authority to hold them in place, I appear right in front of Frost and swing my blade at him: Hakaimetsu : Total Annihilation

Realizing that he's gonna die soon frost, laughs maniacally and points up while saying - "You can't stop that! You along with the people in the city and half the world are gonna be crushed and erased from existence!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! 

I swiftly cut him in half, burning his body to dust, I use a weaker version of gluttony and store his soul and mana inside the inventory for cleansing.

[ Report, it appears that a meteor of radius: 25 Km is on a collision course with the city of Seoul, should the meteor land, the people in the bunkers will be vaporized by the heat, and the resulting shockwave alone would be enough to disintegrate the Japan and mainland China and cause earthquakes and tsunamis all around the world....in other words ...it is an extinction level event.......One moment, please....Alpha just contacted me, she says that Master Mag will take care of it. ]

'Phew...Extinction Level Event!!....I shouldn't play around with the enemy from now on...a desperate enemy isn't a good thing' I sigh wearily....lesson learned.

I shake my head at my poor performance and look towards the frozen beast monarch who seems to have still not overcome the shock of seeing a fellow monarch die so easily....I use my Authority to make him kneel and place my blade on his neck

"Any last words ?" Darling said that they usually blab about their plans if I do this, classic villain tendencies...time to see if they work

He starts shivering in fear, feeling death so close to him....but then suddenly becomes catatonic and opens his mouth to say - "Crimson congratulates you on killing his generals, he will come for your pitiful planet and raze it to ashes, be ready strong one...to face the might of him....the devourer of worlds..." and that must be it....I then swiftly slash his neck off.....and again repeat the same process as before.....with this one of the bigger threats is over....I feel....good? Yes, but no....I let the enemy make such a big move due to my arrogance.....but I've come this far from being so weak....still a long way to go though....

I look up to see a colossal meteor falling down toward us.....reminds me of Madara....Now darling where are you ?? I need a hug so bad!!


This is where the story starts having major difference from the source material, man this took way longer than I thought it would, another chapter coming in about 9hrs, this one's about 3.8k words enjoy! tell me if you liked the fight scene

RyunjuSimucreators' thoughts