
A new adventure is forged in a remnant world

*Disclaimer* I do not own the cover art. Or rwby and Fate. Rwby is owned by rooster teath and monty oum. And the fate series is owned Type-moon ======Synopsis=================== As shirou finished his daily cooking for the servants of chaldea. He gets transported to a new world. Follow shirou's journey in this new world filled with monsters and hidden conflict.

Vortex_Luminos2v · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Moon?!

"Uuuugh. What happened?" Grasping his head trying to ease a headache. As the pain eased he opened his eyes to be greeted by an old wooden ceiling.

'Where am I?' Getting up he looks around to see where he was.

As he looked around he found himself in a room with a furnace, an anvil and other smithing tools.

'Am I in a smithy?' as he questions that. He continues to look around and saw a door. Opening the door he was shocked to see a forest in the dead of night outside.

'How in the heck did he get into a smithy in the middle of a forest?!'

Shocked that he was no longer in chaldea. His thoughts kicked in.

As shirou was deep in thought trying to remember what happened how he got here something fell on his head knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Ow...what was that?" rubbing his head at the fallen object. looking down at what hit him. He sees that it was an old piece of wood.

'Did it come from the ceiling?' He questioned as he looked up to see where the wooden piece came from.

As he did, his eyes widened with shock and horror. Blinking several times and rubbing and his eyes in hopes that he was seeing things. Unfortunately he was not.

In the night sky the moon was... In lack of a better term in remnants.



'Deep breath. I need to calm down' After calming down his shock from witnessing the moon in shambles. He begins to try and figure out what this place is and how he got here.

'This must be a singularity.' He concluded. Being that this is the only possibility he can come up with. On the reason he was in a smithy in the middle of a forest and the moon looking like that.

But the question on how he got here still remains. He begins to dig through his memories to remember what had happened before he got here.

'As I arrived in my room after cooking dinner for the servants I saw a screen with a 'Z' displayed on it as I tapped on it. Blinding light exploded blinding me and I felt something entering me and I was suddenly found myself here.' As he remembered what had happened prior to being here questions arose.

'What was that screen, what was that blinding light, what was the energy that entered my body, what is this world and finally what was that Z on the screen.'

Trying to figure out the answer his thoughts focused on a specific question. What was that Z on the screen?

'Why was there just a Z on the screen?' Trying to figure out what the Z was for shirou pondered for a while.

'Z... Is it perhaps an alias?' He thought but the question still stands. 'Who's name starts with a Z...'

Stopping his thoughts there. The face of a certain true magic using magician popped into his mind as it finally dawned on him.

'ZELTRECH!!!' The magician who considers shirou his entertainment.

'Of course the Z would be that magician.' he thought angrily. As he grasp his head trying ease a massive headache.

Calming down realizing that just knowing that zeltrech was the culprit wouldn't exactly give him all the answers to his questions in fact it just gave him more questions that need answers. Specifically the reason why he is doing this.

'*Sigh* Why do I find myself in this situations.' Shirou lamented on his luck as he sits down and relaxed his mind. As he was relaxing he remembered something else.

'What was that energy that entered my body.' checking his body to see if there is anything different or strange. Seeing that nothing is wrong with his body. Shirou projects a mirror to see if there was any weird changes on his face.

But as the mirror was being projected something surprising happened. Instead of a bluish translucent flow of energy and electricity. A Red translucent flow of energy akin to flames and golden electricity appeared as the mirror was projected.

Shocked and suprised at the visual change of his projection shirou checked his magic circuits to see if it changed as well. As lines glow across his body he is shocked to see that the cicuits did indeed change as well. Instead of circuit like patters. Red flame like marks appeared not only that he felt a strange and mysterious yet familiar and calming energy across his body as the marks exude a red and gold hue.

'What is this energy? And why did my circuits change?' He questioned. He then experimented on the energy in his body and projected multiple swords and objects.

After testing and experimenting with this new energy he found out a few things.

' My prana is still present but it seems this energy fused itself with it and that the energy seems to amplify the strength of my body and projections by a small margin. But there is this feeling that the energy running through my body is restricted or sealed.' As he thought that he notice something else as he was using his magecraft he didn't detect anything from the collective will of the planet Gaia. As he noticed this another realization came up.

'If I can't detect gaia than that either means that a powerful bounded field that blocks its control was placed around the world or that I am in an entirely different world!' as it dawned on him he dismayed at the fact that he was possibly in an entirely different world than his own and that this might not be a singularity. Soon after calming down he shakes his head to clear his thoughts still in dismay.

'None of that is important right now. I need to find some way back to chaldea.' He thought wanting to see everyone again. But quickly realize that he has no idea how and that he has no idea what world or universe his in.

Grasping his head he wallows in his frustration.

'Great just great. Where am I suppose to find a library or any kind of town or civilization?' He sighed.

As he despaired on his situation he suddenly felt something approaching his direction. Turning his attention to the direction the possible threats was coming from he readies himself as he unsheath his katana prepared to face whatever was coming this way ready to slash at any threat that may arrive.

Rustling was heard as the ground shook a bit indicating that whatever was approaching was big. His gaze hardened and his grip tightened as he awaits the threat.

Soon it appeared. A giant dark like bear that was covered with bone plating. Shirou was surprised not just at the creature but also the little girl that was running away from it with tears in her eyes as the creature was chasing her.

Without hesitation he charged towards the creature and delivered a powerful strike that obliterated the monsters upper body. As the monsters lower body collapsed to the ground he turned towards the girl that was being chased.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded still scared as tears streamed down her eyes. Seeing that the girl was okay he turned attention backed to what's left of the creature.

'What kind of creature is this?' As he questioned what happened next shocked him as what remained of the creature was beginning to disintegrate soon disappeared without leaving a trace.

To say shirou was suprise was a slight understatement he was flabbergasted at what happened to the remains.

'Just what kind of world did you send me to zeltrech?' Shirou questioned as he suddenly felt something cling to him. Seeing the little girl grasping his pants as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Y-your huntsman... Right?" The girl asked.

'Huntsman?'He thought confuse at what the girl called him.

As her grasp on him hardened her eyes were filled with tears.

"Please *Hic* Please save my village! Please!" She desperately pleaded for him to save her.

Seeing the girl the girl practical beg him. His heart ache. Kneeling down I patted her head to calm her down.

"Please tell me what is happening to your village." I asked with a gentle assuring smile. Calming down a bit the girl explained what is happening to her village.

"*Sniff* Please... Our village is being overrun by the grimm please... Save them!" As the girl pleaded. I nodded

'Grimm huh? So that's the name the creature the creature that was chasing her.'

Without hesitation he asked where her village was. She wiped her tears as her eyes brightened with hope and she immediately points towards where her village was.

"I-its that way over there."

Nodding his head he lifted up the girl and placed her on his back.

"Hold on tightly."

Nodding her head. Shirou immediately dashed to where the village was.


In a village screams of terror spread out as the village was being overrun by the dark and soulless creatures known as grimm. As screams reverberate through out as some were being mauled and some were running for their life. In this choas a mother can be seen holding on to her son as a wolf like grimm was charging at them ready to kill them.

Turning her body to shields her from the grimm as the boy cried out for her. Hugging him tightly as she awaits for the fangs that will maul her fully prepared to sacrifice her life to save his son.

As she waited the fangs of the grimm never came. Instead the sound of air and flesh being cut was heard. Turning her head she saw the remains of the wolf on the ground as a red headed teen with a little girl stood there. He turned his head towards her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. As the mother replied by nodding her head.

"I suggest you evacuating with your son." He said as he turned his attention towards the other grimm that were still rampaging.

Nodding her head she lifted up her son who looked at the teen in awe.

"Thank you." She said as she ran with her son to somewhere safe.


Seeing that the mother and son were safe and evacuating he mentally sighed and immediately focused on the hoarde of these grimm.

Seeing the carnage that the grimm were causing tears begin to fill her eyes as she hugged shirou tighter.

"Please... Save them." She pleaded.

Without turning his attention away from the creatures known as grimm he assured her. "Don't worry I will."

As warmth and energy course through his body his gazed hardened as he prepares to wipe out these monsters.

"Trace on"


A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger (😖)

Cliffhanger '1812 words'

Vortex_Luminos2vcreators' thoughts