
A Neko Girl’s Journey

The story of a high school student who becomes a cat girl in another world.

9 Chs


The knight looked at him with rage and hatred.

"How dare you speak of the king and me like that? The king is the rightful ruler of this land. He is the supreme authority of this world. He is the one who gives me orders. And he ordered me to bring him this girl."

The magician reached out his hand at me and said.

"Come with me, Ryuu."

He looked at me with hope and curiosity.

"Come with me, Ryuu."

I looked at him with gratitude and wonder.

He was Leon, the leader of the rebel alliance. He was the one who saved me from Gustav. He was the one who wanted me to come with him. He was the one who believed in me. He was the one who cared for me.

He was a magician.

He was a friend.

He was a hero.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to expect. I just felt something in my heart. I just felt something in my soul.

I felt trust.

I felt curiosity.

I took his hand and said.

"Ok, Leon. I'll come with you."

But before I could say anything else, Gustav interrupted us.

"No! You won't go anywhere! She's mine! And I won't let you take her from me!"

He drew his sword and charged at us.

He swung his sword at Leon, but Leon dodged it easily.

He raised his hand and pointed it at Gustav.

"Light Beam!" he shouted.

A golden beam of light came out of his hand and hit Gustav in the chest.

Gustav fell to the ground, stunned and unconscious.

Leon looked at him with pity and disgust.

"You're pathetic, Gustav. You're weak and foolish. You don't understand anything. You don't understand her. You don't understand me. You don't understand magic."

He looked at me with kindness and warmth.

"Come on, Ryuu. Let's go."