
A nameless man in a novel

In a world of a novel, Ren Artega descends determined to search for a fragment, with a system that entrusts him with the mission of being present in the events of the novel, called "the return of the dragon king", the protagonist and son of luck From this novel, Kyou, came back to his hometown to form a financial empire and fill himself with women, that was his destiny, but for his good or bad fortune, his destiny will no longer depend on his luck, but on Ren in a or another way, without counting the heroines, where in the novel they were beautiful, successful and brainless women, they suffered strange changes in attitude in which Ren only thinks "I just want to finish the story"

Andre_Saavedra · ไซไฟ
7 Chs


After Ren had left the office, the fat boss returned to his seat and with a trembling hand, dialed a phone.

answered a man's voice.

- It is done?

-sir... this...


- she didn't want to sign.

- what?

After a few moments of silence, the voice on the other end of the phone turned cold.

- ...if you don't get that deal your family will die instead, get him to sign it.

-please sir no-

The boss couldn't speak because the other side hung up the call.

The boss thought for a while before calling another number.

- Julio, call your guys, we need you to convince someone.




On the other hand, Kyou was sitting in the surveillance camera office while he was frowning.

"Damn, she can't not sign, I need Eira to sign so my plan can go into motion and she'll be mine."

Kyou said out loud, since there was no one around they couldn't hear him.

When he arrived in the city he got news of the 4 families, from the first moment he saw Eira he decided that she would be his woman, the more he reviewed her profile, the more excited he was.

the eldest daughter of the Fujikuro family, an enormous business talent as well as a cold and unattainable beauty, she has all the requirements to be able to enter kyou's radar, of course, there were 3 more families and the daughters of those families are beauties First level, Kyou already had plans for each of these families, but Eira's family was the easiest to get and in the shortest time.

"Eira, I will have you in my bed soon, hurry up and sign so you can run my business obediently.

Kyou said with a pretty screwed-up smile in the narrator's opinion.




In the limo, you could see Ren driving and Eira in the back looking at the city.

Seeing Eira, Ren thought of something and parked at a nearby store.

"Excuse me for a moment, boss, I have to buy something urgently.

Eira only blurted out 2 words absentmindedly.


Ren got out of the limo and went to a nearby herbal shop, then returned with a white bag put it on the passenger seat, and then continued on his way.

Upon arriving at the company, Eira entered his office directly and closed the door.

Ren returned to his original position and stood looking straight ahead while he waited for Ariana.

Ariana returned after 15 minutes with more documents in her hand.

Ren helped Ariana quickly and asked her a question.

"Miss Ariana.

- Yeah? something is happening sir...

" Ren

- Mr. Ren

"I would like to know if there is somewhere to prepare tea here

- Yes there is, but why do you want to know?...

Ren showed the small package, it was lavender leaves prepared to make tea.

Ariana, seeing the small package, asked with confusion.

- Something happens?

"Today President Fujikuro had a little discomfort, I thought that giving you lavender could help calm her down.

Ariana at this moment looked at Ren with pity.

'so another one fell under the effects of the president's beauty eh?

Ren looked at Ariana's expression and almost couldn't help but make a strange face.

[what does your pitiful face mean? Do you think I fell in love with that stupid woman? I just want to give her some tea, woman, some tea, she is still the one who will give me my salary at the end of the month]

Although the fat boss did not touch Eira, Ren could see the slight panic in Eira's eyes. His idea was to have Ariana bring him some tea for a possible post-anxiety effect from the attack.

Ariana ruined all of Ren's intentions with a few words.

-Mr. Ren, do you really not know that we also have tea leaves here? The tea leaves in her hands are of too low quality for the president to take, I will save you the embarrassment, save her leaves.

"Thanks for the information.

Ren nodded at Ariana and she returned to her place thinking mockingly.

'hum... mister kyou can get better leaves

Ariana felt that kyou was more powerful and could achieve better things for Eira, in Ariana's eyes, kyou was a powerful man, and she firmly believed that others would realize it.

Ren didn't know the little secretary's thoughts. Even if she knew, the most that would come out of her mouth would be "The protagonist's aura to attract women is still irrational."

Meanwhile, Ren thought.

[um... I spent my dinner tonight on these lavender leaves thinking my boss might need them, I forgot that she is from a big family, and these leaves couldn't be worth a rag in her eyes, it was my mistake... I'd better just do my homework and forget everything else]

Ren thought to himself.

Although Ren knew that he was in a novel, he did not think that all the characters were just characters, Ren considers that each of them is a life and therefore he has a certain curiosity towards those people.

Although he called Eira stupid, she had become his boss, a good worker who knows what to do to support his boss, Ren who was a boss and also a worker in their former lives, knows this, and that's why he wanted to buy the leaves.

[it is said that beautiful women awaken in a man that desires protection, it seems that I fell into that for a moment, I forgot for a moment that Eira does not need my help more than my strength, I must be more focused and forget everything else]

Ren knew that to give up on a woman the solution is to be as realistic and cruel to yourself as possible. Although Ren had no intention of doing anything other than his job, he was curious to meet the person Eira, not the stupid woman created by a bad author, with only minimal details in his setup, Ren was curious about what kind of person his boss, Eira Fujikuro, was.

Ren returned to his initial mentality, making his mission.

First, he told Ariana that she could bring tea to the boss and then he got in position to wait for the rest of the day.




It was the night when Eira opened the door to her office.

-take me Home.

Ren nodded silently and followed Eira.

Upon arriving at the parking lot, Ren left the tea leaves that he had bought on the passenger seat, he was not going to waste something that he already bought.

Eira on the other hand looked at the tea leaves for a moment before returning her gaze to the window.

On the way to the villa, a van blocked the way for the limo.

Ren braked the limo and was about to reverse it, but from behind another truck appeared blocking any exit.




Ren, seeing himself surrounded and blocked, calmly spoke to Eira who seemed a little nervous despite her cold face.

"Boss, some gangsters surrounded us.

Ren's calm words froze the atmosphere and put the limo into silence.

After a few moments, Eira responded as calmly as she could, but the tremor in her voice revealed her fear.

-... what do they want?

"Let's wait and see.

Ren replied calmly.

In the back seat, Eira's gaze was turning into fear while Ren thought about the novel.

[was there this event in history? I think so, very much so, the issue is... which of all Eira's enemies was brave enough to attack her... let's see what happens]

The gangsters surrounded the limo and a bald man who seemed to be the leader spoke loudly.

- If they leave the limo peacefully we will not harm them, if they resist, we will use force.

The man spoke with a smile, but the sticks held by his henchmen did not seem peaceful in the least.

Ren spoke to the boss about him after quickly analyzing the situation.

"Boss, can you call your bodyguards from her family?"

Eira grabbed her phone and tried to use it, which took a while due to the tremor in her hand. Ren didn't rush her either, despite the urgent situation. Ren waited patiently for Eira to control herself. After a minute, Eira responded with her voice. It seemed like he wanted to break down from fear, but his pride wouldn't allow it.

-... I don't have coverage

Upon hearing that, Ren casually blurted out a few words while he rested his elbow and face on the armrest.

"ho... what a problem.

Ren said nonchalantly while Eira who was already nervous felt bad, she out of nervousness thought that Ren was talking with disappointment about her inability to contact home in an emergency, but Ren didn't really blame her, he knew that it was a situation. annoying and was planned to make it impossible to communicate with anyone.

- What will we do?

Eira asked with hope in Ren who was calm even in this situation.

'He will be so calm because he has a way to escape?

Eira had that little hope, which was quickly cut off by Ren's thoughts.

[die?... there are no escape routes possible in this car, we still don't know what they want, they bring weapons like electric sticks and some sharp weapons, but hey, at least there is no firearm]

Hearing Ren's thoughts, Eira began to really get scared, Ren's voice was carefree as always, but to Eira's ears it was like a sentence towards the inevitable, she did not doubt Ren's mind, Eira tried to speak calmly. asking a question about Ren, Eira concluded something about Ren after a short time of knowing him.

Even though Ren seems calm, he does stupid things.

- You're not going to fight with them, right?

Eira said leaving Ren somewhat surprised by the strange concern in Eira's tone of voice.

" ought?

Ren asked.

[I guess there will be broken bones]

Ren thought with amusement but had to be taken aback by the loud voice behind him.



Eira spoke out loud leaving Ren confused, realizing that he lost control, Eira coughed a little and spoke again.

-that is, don't go to fight.

Eira said with inexplicably low.

[what's wrong with this stupid woman? Is she afraid that she will die and be left without a bodyguard? well, in this situation, she is understandable, don't worry boss, those guys will have to step on my corpse before they get to you]

Ren thought as he repeated a movie phrase in his mind, he wouldn't say that here, but he thought of that phrase as something funny.

At the same time, the gangster spoke again.

-if they don't come out! We'll break down the limo and kill them!




-Go guys, break this!

[I guess it's time]

Ren thought before rummaging through his pocket for something.

Eira, understanding that Ren was taking out a gun from his pocket and going out to confront that large number of gangsters, spoke.


[she discovered me?]

"Is something wrong boss?

Ren had a cold sweat on his forehead, he thought that he had been discovered by Eira and what he was about to do, he couldn't help but swallow.

-... you don't need to risk your life for me, let's wait for the reinforcements to arrive, they should get here before they destroy the limo.

The coldness of Eira's voice dropped several degrees, and there was even a sense of worry in his tone, but Ren couldn't focus on that.


[what is this woman talking about?]

Ren turned back and looked at Eira with a "?"

Eira also spoke in confusion, feeling embarrassed inexplicably.

- Aren't you going to confront them?


[what is this stupid woman talking about? Your limo is armored, even if they come with 100 sticks you won't be able to get in, I just wanted to secretly get my bacon because of the policy of not eating at work, I'm starving]


Eira was stunned and her cheeks couldn't help but blush from embarrassment, which Ren didn't notice.

"Will there be problems if I eat something now?

Ren's question was so out of place that Eira could only answer something.

-no problem

Ren took out a small package in which there was some smoked bacon already cooked, taking advantage of the fact that Eira had her head down, Ren thought that because of the nervousness of being in this situation, she couldn't speak.

"Do you want some?"

Ren tried to give Eira food, but Eira's mind was in disarray due to the various things that were happening now and she didn't listen to Ren.

Seeing Eira silent, Ren did not hold back and directly ate a slice of bacon while he leaned back on the seat.

[the only thing I have left to eat is this, how annoying it is not to have money, will I have to use stocks?... na, very annoying, better to wait to play a game of chance later, I could use some pocket money ]

Eira was in the back seat not knowing what to say with such a carefree attitude, she didn't expect Ren to be so... Ren?

Eira could see Ren sitting in the driver's seat eating slices of bacon while looking ahead as a gangster with a bat and his face red from exhaustion was trying to break the windshield glass without any progress to which Ren only laughed while He said phrases.

"You can do it, bro, you almost broke it."

In the end, she didn't say anything and decided to wait for the reinforcements to come while calming her heart beating with fear, and sure enough, they didn't make a single dent in the car even though they hit with all their force, Eira noticing that She lost her cold president face for a moment in front of someone like Ren, she wanted to find a hole to bury her head like an ostrich.

Eira is monitored when she leaves by her father's intelligence, since there is no signal, they must have already noticed how they can't contact her in addition to her delay, Eira calmed down as she watched Ren eat bacon, out of some kind of instinct, she wanted to ask him a bite of bacon to Ren, but he knew he would lose all his face if he started eating bacon from a small glass container.

[eating while enjoying the funny faces of the gangsters who trying to use all her strength to break this car without success is not bad]

Outside the limo, the bald boss looked quite angry at how his useless henchmen couldn't make even a dent in the limo of the lady from the Fujikuro family.

Iván had the mission of scaring President Eira into signing a contract, they received the information from the president and knew that she would pass by here.

Eira, like a girl who does not know the darkness of the world, thought that they could easily scare her and make her get out of the car, but they did not expect the limo where she was to be armored, in addition to the bodyguard who seems not to care about the attack, as if it were something of laugh, but luckily for him, he somewhat predicted that it would be difficult to kidnap her, so they sent a group to go capture Eira's secretary since they received information that she was a friend of their boss.

Iván is waiting for the call from her boys, once they have it, they can threaten Eira to get out of the car, but the idiots so far have not returned the call.

Bald Ivan's anger was at its limit.

At this moment, barking was heard and they could see a dog running towards her.

Ren also stopped eating and began to watch the dog approach the bald man. Eira noticed that Ren reacted for the first time when she saw the dog approach here.

"I don't like this at all

Ren said frowning.

The little dog started barking at the bald man as if he wanted them to stop hitting the limo.

The bald man, who was already at his wits' end, saw the dog and found the dog's barking annoying.

-Get out, damn flea!

The bald man kicked the dog hard, causing the dog to howl in pain and fall to the ground while he fainted.

Eira who watched everything frowned as she commented.

-damn animals.

Eira felt sorry for the dog, but she couldn't do anything now, she could only wait until the puppy wasn't so hurt so she could take him to the vet after this was over.

At that moment Eira heard a voice... a voice that made the cold penetrate her bones, made her body go numb with fear, and made Eira feel a lump in her throat while she felt like a small animal in front of him. awakening of a beast.

"Boss, I'm going out for a bit.

Ren's voice was flat and contained no emotion as she stated clearly that he would come out.

Eira couldn't get out of the state of fear until she heard Ren's mind.

[I change my mind, it won't just be some broken bones, I'll make sure they can't kick anything anymore]

Eira, while she trembled, finally understood that when Ren said broken bones, it was not his bones that would be broken.

The gangsters, seeing Ren come out at last, thought they managed to scare him, but Ren calmly walked toward the puppy's position without looking at the large group of people with weapons.

Ren was surrounded, but for some inexplicable reason... no one wanted to rush towards this bodyguard.

rather, they couldn't.

one of the gangsters who was further away looked at Ren and was able to formulate a thought.

'what is this? I feel like I will die if I move.

No one said anything in the dark atmosphere that Ren gave, the bald Ivan who considered himself a veteran in staying in the gray zone of the city, couldn't move and couldn't even produce a few words, everyone for some reason felt that if they bothered To Ren at this moment, dying will be the lightest of his worries.

Ren crouched down next to the puppy on the ground.

Upon touching his fur, Ren petted him a little before directing his hand to the puppy's head.

The puppy moved its muzzle slightly and licked Ren's hand.

"Don't worry, you'll be cured."

Ren looked at the cub's physical state as he thought.

[um...he just has some internal injuries, he will live]

Ren nodded to himself.

The reward he received from the system after the second interview event was some physical statistics, furthermore, although Ren didn't understand why he received this, he still appreciated it.

[medical skills-intermediate]

Ren regained his medicine skills that he accumulated in his travels, although he is limited to the limit of this world, if he upgrades to god level, Ren could even revive someone from a drop of blood.

Although with intermediate, Ren already has enough to cure many rare diseases in this world without problems along with his magic, he can cure any being, and that includes puppies.

Ren pressed some pressure points on the puppy, easing his pain, and then looked at all the gangsters present.

Ren already has all his knowledge of medicine, therefore, his magic can work correctly since he now knows everything about the human body, especially the correct nerves to cause pain.

With that knowledge in mind, Ren acted.

Ren sent an electrical pulse that no one noticed through the ground that landed on all the gangsters present.

They only felt a small sting in the head, but right now everyone has their pain receptors at maximum power.

Ren grabbed a small stone on the side of the road.

He then looked at a gangster.

The gangster, upon being looked at by Ren, spoke unconsciously as a defense mechanism.

-what!? What do you want bastard?

the gangster stammered as he was observed by Ren's flat gaze.

" try something


Ren threw the stone, it was a soft throw and only left the guy's skin red, but the guy screamed in pain as if he had been hit with a sledgehammer.

Ren instantly ran towards the screaming guy and hit him in the throat, rendering him mute.

"shh, there is ladie watching this, be grateful that my boss is watching us, I'll be quick.

Ren then took off his coat and threw it in the direction of Eira's window, covering her view.

Eira was beside herself until Ren threw the coat before her window.


Eira didn't expect her to be covered, and not knowing what happened to Ren, it was a minute before Eira stopped hearing muffled sounds outside.

Eira thought for a short moment, but hit the moon to remove the sack, but only left a small space where she could observe what was happening.

When Eira's brain understood what she saw, she had a view of everything.

all the gangsters were now on the ground passed out.

and further away she could see Ren lovingly holding the puppy, but Eira saw something incredible.

She watched as Ren's hand appeared something out of this world.

Ren's hand was filled with blue rays giving a beautiful sight.

She then had that same hand go down towards the puppy making a little sparking sound.

Eira watched in amazement as after the sparks ran out, the puppy got up from the ground and began to jump at Ren, Ren petting the puppy for a while before saying goodbye.

Ren then turned in Eira's direction.

[umm? Did she see something? I hope not, erasing the memory from this woman's brain will be difficult because of her high IQ]

Ren then, keeping her calm, approached Eira, removed the jacket from the window, and asked something.

"Is something wrong, boss?"

Eira was speechless with surprise, the boundaries of her reality were breaking as she saw the magic.

but upon hearing both Ren's thoughts and voice, she forced herself to calm down and think of a countermeasure, she didn't want to bet that Ren wouldn't erase her memory if she knew something, it was a bet that the businesswoman Eira Fujikuro did not participate, but he had already seen the sparks in the distance, he only came up with a plausible excuse.

-did you use a stun gun on that puppy?

Eira asked calmly, but inside the limo, she was pinching her leg because of the observant look Ren was giving her.

Ren looked at Eira's reaction and not noticing anything, she sighed internally.

[phew, looks like this woman is stupid enough to confuse magic with a simple stun gun]

Eira, although she got angry at being called stupid, her face didn't change since she was a little used to it.

"That's right boss, I read on the internet that electroshock therapy could help a puppy in a fainting state.

Eira casually accepted that terrible excuse as she blurted out a few words.

-Let's go, they will come later to clean.

Ren nodded without much trouble and accelerated the limo towards Eira's villa.


