
Chapter 1

Luna POV

I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ear. I reach over to turn the little bugger off so I can go back to sleep. But, as soon as I turn it off my mother comes barging into my room.

"Luna you know you have to go to school. You can't just skip." My mother says as she turns on my light.

I look at her and groan. I hate going to school since we moved to a new town. I have no friends being the new girl, and the worse thing is today is the first day.

Even though I would rather stay in my bed I get up to get ready. I'm done in a little over 15 minutes because I don't worry about makeup. The thing is I think it does no good, makes my face feel suffocated. Throwing on shoes I head down stairs to grab some breakfast before heading out.

"Luna me and your father are going to be late tonight. We have a important dinner party to attend."

Of course they are going out. My dad works at this big company that does construction on buildings. Even at the last house they were out a lot because of his work.

"Okay, I'm heading to school."

No point in arguing with them I'm used to it by now.

Walking out the door I hop into my blue Jeep. Heading down the road to a new school and new life.

When I pull up to the school it looks amazing. It looks like a college building with a lot of windows.

When I get out of my car everyone kind of just stares. I don't know why but who cares. I walk into the main office to get my schedule.

Sitting in a desk is a old woman who looks very kind.

"Hello dear, how may I help you?"

"I'm new here and I came to get my schedule."

The woman then starts searching through her computer to find me.

"Ahh, you must be Luna. Well Luna here is your locker and schedule.

"Thank you"

Taking the paper she handed me i head to my locker first. I put all the things I don't need away in my locker and head to my first class.

Walking down the hallway of the school is even more beautiful inside. As I'm gazing at the school I run into someone, and drop my folders and schedule.

"sorry I wasn't paying attention." I say feeling so embarrassed.

"It fine I wasn't paying attention either." A guy says.

I look up at him and his eyes are what catch my attention. They are a beautiful light blue, not only that but he is handsome as well.

We both are picking up my folders, and he hands me my things back. But, on the floor he sees my schedule and reads it.

"You must be new here" he says. I just nod and say yes.

"Well my name is Connor it's nice to meet you..Luna? Is your name Luna?"

The way he asks makes it like that can't possibly be my name.

"Yes, my names Luna. Is it a weird name?"

"Ohh, no I was just kind of shocked because how pretty it is."

I blush because of what he said and don't say anything else.

"Well good thing is we have classes together, so I'll show you around."

Even though this morning I didn't want to go to school, I think I will like it here.