
Chapter 04 A dream and a rescue.

At midnight She was lying on the bed in a room given by Comte to her and her room was next to Hana's room.

She was sweating and seems to be struggling as she was having a nightmare.

She saw herself in the Void again but this there were voices, They were mocking her.

You are a failure Nyx!, you can't do anything!,a woman voice said mockingly and laughing at her.

You are nothing but disgrace!, you can't achieve anything!, said a man laughing at her.

No, I am not!, I did my all, I gave my best!, said Nyx chasing after the voices.

No you didn't! You are a failure! They all left you alone!, they abandoned you Nyx, said the man.

You aren't needed anywhere!, you are nothing but trash, said the woman laughing evilly.

Have you ever done something you are proud of? Is there something that made you, you?, said suddenly another woman but her voice was kind and gentle.

Yes, I did!, I may be a failure, I may be forced but one thing I am happy about is I helped others, I helped them with all I can, I help them genuinely,as I can't see anyone in pain and trouble, Nyx replied to the kind lady's voice.

I see, you are a very kind and selfless person, said the woman with kind voice.

If given a chance will you do that again?, said a different woman with a kind voice.

Nyx began to follow the kind voices of two women. Mocking man and mocking lady keep calling her but she didn't look back.

Yes I will help people again If I had a the chance, said Nyx smiling softly and follow the kind woman's voice.

Then promise us that you'll be kind gentle and helpful to all people regardless of their race and promise us that you'll live your life to the fullest, said both kind women's voices together.

Yes I will, I promise, said Nyx smiling softly.

Then use your gift wisely that we're going to give you, said both women in kind and gentle voice together.

Gift? what kind of gift? Hello!? Anyone?, said Nyx confused but got no reply the voices faded and she woke up and sat up in her bed breathing heavily.

That was a strange dream, said Nyx confused in a whisper.

Suddenly she heard footsteps outside her room and she realized that it is Hana and according to different routes Hana might try to run away and get herself in trouble.

I gotta help her, Nyx said quickly getting up and drape her shawl over and wore her glasses and came out of her room in her night gown.you also reach there Sebastian after the conversation finally said to her what rose Hana's fear.

You see residents of this mansion, they're exactly as your dream, they're all vampires, said Sebastian calmly but seriously.

Hana's face turn pale in shock and realization and she managed to contain herself for sometime.

Oh.... well... I... have to go back to sleep, said Hana quickly getting away.

Hana !?, Nyx called after her but she didn't looked back at you and kept walking away until she was out of kitchen.

Nyx sighed, that was not a good time to reveal the truth, Nyx said looking at Sebastian and he looked at Nyx with shock and you went after her walking out of the mansion, you reach her in the alley and she was already surrounded by three ruffian men.

Leave her alone!, said Nyx furiously at them.

Oh look at that, trying to be hero? Get her first boys said and began to move towards her.

Shakespeare who saw Hana came to help them but he paused as he saw Nyx.

Looks like you guys need to be taught a lesson! I'll make sure you never treat any woman like this again, you said crack your knuckles and next thing Nyx knew was that she gave those three a good beating and they were on the ground terrified and hugging each other.

Shakespeare's eyes widen in shock and he decided observe everything.

What are you! , said one of the the men terrified.

You are a monster!, said another one of men terrified.

I know right! You must know there's nothing more dangerous in this world than an angry woman!, said Nyx coldly and seriously with her hand on her hip.