A man died due to the mistake of God, and got the chance to Reincarnate in random universe with some cheats. He reincarnated in MCU as a Mutated Kryptonian. . - First world:Marvel -Second World: Not decided yet.
~Kamar Taj, 2008~
——— Ancient One's P.O.V ———
The Timeline has changed, even though I know who changed it, but I still can't see his future involvements through the Time-Stone, it's like the Time-Stone can't find his presence in the future, the only thing it can show me about him, are the things that I already know and happened in my knowledge, l can't even trace his past through the stone, and this only happened to me when I tried to use the Time-stone on those Universal being, even then it wasn't as bizarre as this, as most of the time, those beings sensed my probes and prevented me from seeing anything I wasn't meant to see, the only information I have on him are those old military achievements, and his mission records, I already tried use the Time-Stone to see how our meeting will go but the stone once again failed, to notice his presence, and the only thing I can do now, is to meet him without any knowledge about the future, and honestly this unsettled me a little because it's been quite a while since I have done something, I don't know the definite outcome of, I guess, I have become too dependent on the Time-Stone, standing up and fixing my rode, I checked all my prepared equipments and weapon, even some darker ones, as I can't risk it, after checking all the the things I prepared for this meeting, I entered a portal to Mr Fury's house, which I made without even lifting a finger, existing the portal, my eyes met a pair of unique eyes that made me feel, like I'm drowning in the abyss, Although unsettling but it had a pulling charm to it, but I quickly collected my scattered thoughts, and I greeted the owner of those unique eyes, with a smile, but also not dropping my raised guards.
"I guess I don't have to knock on your door, Mr Fury, as you're already here, waiting for me"I joked, with a calm smile, hoping to lighten the mood, I have read somewhere that, people with good sense of humour are more likeable, and they make friends quite easily.
"You know my name, but the same can't be said for me" Mr Fury stated, and his eyes scanning my body from head to toe, barely stopping for a moment on the the eye of Aggamoto, which holds the Time-Stone, although his face is showing a calm smile, but I can tell he's being cautious of me
"I'm the current sorcerer supreme, protector of earth, and my name is something I have long since forgotten, but You can call me The Ancient One" I introduced myself to Mr Bryan, and tried to see his expression but got disappointed because his expression didn't changed, still having a calm smile on his face and serene eyes
*A few hours ago*
—— Bryan's P.O.V ——
After helping the people, and doing some damage control, I returned to the riverside, and landed near the unconscious Bruce Banner, I lifted and placed him on my shoulder like potato sack, and flew away, still completely ignoring the Abomination, after that I called Fury to inquire about the situation, and after talking him for few minutes, I left the Harlem City, and returned to my home, while still carrying the very much unconscious scientist.
—— Bruce Banner's P.O.V ——
"Why did you thought, I'll become a good butler again" I asked the same question, like millionth's time
"Like I said, 24 times before this, You have a matching given name with someone, who has the best butler in all the Reality" Replied the tall handsome, maybe I only questioned him 24 times, but my God!, how can someone with such good genes exists, is beyond my genius brain's comprehension
" Yeah, I heard what you said for the previous twenty fourth and now the twenty fifth time, but isn't it too random for you too believe that, right? How can you be sure that just because I have a matching name with someone who has a good butler, I will become a good butler too" I questioned him
"Although, that's the main reason for kidnapping you, but I guess that's not the only one" He answered while moving towards the kitchen, did this guy just confess that he kidnapped me?
"And may I ask, what are those? I questioned again, while following him to the kitchen, and not mentioning about my suppose kidnapping
"Firstly you will not go outside too much, will enjoy my hobby of watching the rain peacefully with hot coffee, and I guess after my wife died I isolated my self too much, so it's time I start and socialise again, and I think you will be a good company"Bryan replied, while making the coffee
" Are you really sure, I know you defeated The Hulk, and not afraid of him, but are you really-really sure, what if you are not here, I change into The Hulk and destroy your house, while also attracting the military, you know General Ross will never leave me alone, right?" I nervously questioned him again
"It's fine, you are thinking too much" He assured me again, pouring the coffee in two cups, handing me one them, and walking away, maybe to watch the rain
"…Ok, I will accept your offered job" I hesitated a little, but ultimately I accepted his offer because it's too good to decline
"Well, I'm glad you did"I heard his deep voice coming from the backyard, quickly following the fading voice, I saw him leaning on the railing near the stairs, while drinking the coffee and observing the rain
"We have an uninvited visitor, you should go inside" Bryan suddenly said, and told me to go inside the house, which I did without even asking him about the reason.
*Present Time*
Bryan's P.O.V
"Quite the name you have, but I have to ask, why did you come here, I don't think I ever threatened the earth" I questioned her, even though I already know why she's here
{AN: Short chapter as I was super busy today, I came home at 10pm today and had little time to write. Originally I wasn't going to post chapters on Saturday and Sunday but I will upload a small chapter tomorrow, to complete my weakly 10k word count personal goal}