
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
83 Chs


Blair was sitting on the chair, staring at the grey bubble on the floor while drinking a bottle of whiskey. There was dead silence in the room

"Master, It has been 3 days, Should Lucas get you something to eat," Lucas said.

Blair didn't say anything, He just showed him the half-filled whiskey bottle.

"But master...." Lucas stopped as Blair raised his hand, gesturing him to stop. After that Lucas didn't say anything else, his both long pointy ears went down. He was worried about his master. Even though his current master was cold, he never punished him even if he did something wrong, unlike his previous master who used to beat him whenever he felt like it.


One can only hear the tic tok voice of the pendulum clock which was placed at the corner of the room.

A few hours later.


As Blair was taking another sip of whiskey, The grey bubble suddenly burst out releasing grey smoke everywhere. In just a matter of seconds, the smoke spread throughout the room. As Blair took out his wand and was about to clear out the smoke in the room, He heard a baby crying. The cry was so soft that he could barely hear it. He quickly rushed towards the cry and saw a small silhouette of a little infant laying on the floor. He gently picked her up. The infant was covered in a black gooey sticky substance, Blair couldn't see a single bit of her skin due to the layer. He glanced at Lucas.

"Clear the smoke and cast a cleaning spell on her " Blair's both hands were busy holding the infant.

Lucas hastily made a circular motion with his hand and the smoke in the room slowly began to fade away. After that He made another hand gesture and the gooey substance on the infant slowly began to fade away, revealing a skinny baby with pale white skin, shiny white hairs and small closed eyes.

After looking at her state the first thing that came to his mind was.

'She is too skinny'

she really was skinny compared to the other newborns. This made Blair a little worried. He quickly summoned a black silk cloth and wrapped it all over the infant forming a bundle. One can only see the infant's face.

"Lucas go and bring Severus Snape in front of our house," Blair said while exiting the room and heading straight towards the front gate of the estate.

Lucas apparated right away.

The good thing was she was breathing normally and her heart was also beating normally. Blair walked through the roadway looking at the infant who was sleeping in his arms the entire time. As he reached near the exit he casted a disillusionment charm on the infant's face to hide her features from the Death Eater he was about to meet.

A sleepy-eyed Severus Snape was standing near the exit in his nightgown. Lucas was standing by his side.

"May I remind you that our deal is over as well as our vow. I will not reveal anything about the body and you will leave me alone." Snape complained, "you can't just send your house-elf to bring me here in the middle of the night."

" Why is her body so weak" Blair ignored his complaints and came directly to the point.

"Who ar..." Snape stopped in mid-sentence " Did you performed the ritual successfully?"

"Just answer me, You were the one who made the body."

"Let me look at her"

Blair revealed only the infant's hand. Snape looked at it carefully.

"She just lacks nutrition. You can get nutritional supplements for babies from any Apothecary"

"I will send you your fees tomorrow just send a letter to Gringotts" Blair nodded before turning around and started heading back towards the Grindlewald's estate. Just as he took 4 steps, he suddenly stopped. His grey eyes turned dead cold.

"Think twice before attacking me, If anything happens to her due to your idiotic move. I swear I will let you have a taste of real hell, It would be so painful that even madness with Cruciatus curse will be considered as mercy" Blair said in a cold voice, his head still looking forward towards the estate. Behind him was Snape, pointing his wand towards him. Both of the men stood in silence for nearly half a minute before.

"Our business is finished, We will never meet each other again"

Snape said as he lowered his wand. At first, he wanted to catch him by surprise and he was also probably at his most vulnerable state. But Blair somehow saw through him. His element of surprise was gone and Even though Severus was considered a powerful wizard he knew he was no match to the wizard in front of him in a face to face dual. People like Blair were, on the whole, another level. So he decided to retreat.

"Let's go Lucas," Blair said as he continued his walk towards the estate.

"Yes Master" The house-elf followed him.

After seeing both of them disappearing in thin air due to Fidelius Charm Snape apparated away.

"Lucas, go to Gringotts and bring a Goblin to perform a blood recognition ritual here," Blair said as soon as heard the disapparation sound.

Lucas nodded before apparating away.

The reason he waited for Snape to apparate away was that if he were to fight Snape with The infant in his hand, there were high chances that She would have been injured and even a small wound would have been fatal to her already weak body. He didn't want to take any chances.

Suddenly Lucas and an Old Goblin appeared in front of the gate.

"Where do you bring me elf"

Blair again walked through the giant door.

"So this elf is Mister Bradley's house-elf. What can I do for you"

"I want you to perform blood recognition ritual on this child" Blair revealed the infant who was wrapped into black silk cloth.

Goblin looked at the infant before taking out a paper with a small paper pin attached to it.

"May I," Goblin asked while holding the infant's right hand. Blair just nodded.

The goblin poked the infant's thumb with the paper pin that was attached to the paper. The baby suddenly began to cry loudly, Her eyes still closed. Blair didn't know what to do now he didn't have any experience in handling a baby.

"Master, Lucas know how to silence the baby," Lucas said, extending his small hands towards his master. Blair handed the baby to Lucas before turning towards the goblin, even though the elf's sentence was quite horrifying, he knew the house-elf didn't mean any harm to the infant.

"How is this possible" Goblin whispered to himself.


"How does this child have only a Father and no Mother" Goblin tore his eyes away from the paper.

"You don't need to worry about it. I just want to know her surname"

Goblin nodded before taking out another paper from his rob and handed it to Blair.

"Before I reveal you the name, Sign on this receipts, 10 Gallons is the cost for the ritual and 30 Gallons is my personal fee"

Without saying anything Blair signed the papers and handed them back to the Goblin. The Goblin kept the paper back into his rob and handed a paper to Blair.

Blair gave a sigh after seeing the surname on paper.

'I should have expected that much'

_________. Grindlewald, Daughter of Gellert Grindlewald and ___________.

"Ok my business is done, You should know that Mister Grindlewald will hear about it "

Blair nodded.

"And I expect that this knowledge will only be known to Gellert Grindlewald"

"Of course, Gringotts doesn't share personal details to anyone" After saying that the gobin took out a Gallon and said some Grubbish. He instantly disappeared.


After that, the master and the house-elf both entered the estate.

Blair looked at now silent infant.

"What name should I give you"

{A/N ok, Most of you guys choose Aurora and her name is going to be

Aurora Niada Grindlewald. ( Dawn filled with hope)}

what do you guys think.