

They went north for a long many days, and then turned west. Each day, Gelderel humped, cooked, mended, slurped, and generally did as she was asked. Every task was performed under Alavara's watchful eye. There was little to find fault with. Gelderel barely even talked back anymore. The blue-eyed she-elf is finding her new lifestyle much more thrilling than being a simple housewife with orchards.

The crisp, pale light of morning gathered itself in the east as Alavara savored her breakfast of rabbit stew. "Excellent victual today, Gelderel." The warm stew mixed pleasantly in Alavara's stomach with orc sperm. Alavara craved swallowing her son's hot semen everyday before breakfast and as a midnight snack. On most days, she made certain that she was the first to relieve Sontar. Prime wife privileges after all, though sometimes she's nice enough to allow Gelderel to drain their husband first.

"Mmmmppppphhhhhhhh." Gelderel couldn't give a proper thank you for the compliment, because she had her mouth suctioned around an enormous penis. She bobbed her head with vigor, hoping to coax out his seed with enough time to ride him before they had to break camp. Above her, Sontar's growls grew deeper and more frightening. That was good, Gelderel knew that meant he was going to explode in her mouth soon. She loved pleasuring him orally. It was 1000 times better doing it for Sontar compared to Rhildor. Maybe because she's grown addicted to the taste of her husband's potent release.

"We'll work our way up the mountain pass today." Alavara's vagina flooded upon hearing the beastly sounds her son was making. He would soon roar loud enough to echo back across the lake. She watched Gelderel's skill at her task. She was making a very fine deputy wife indeed. Almost close to making herself worth the trouble she had brought them. "It will get colder up there, and the way will be harder. There are troll caves along our path. When we descend on the other side, we'll face the Sea of Sands." Alavara held a suspicion about her health, and for the first time was setting a definite destination.

"Mmmppphhhhhh," Gelderel said.

"Rrroooaaaaarrorrr," Sontar said. He thrust up his hips and held Gelderel's head as he unloaded.

Gelderel gazed up lovingly at Sontar as she swallowed all of his climax that she could while deepthroating him. Some of his sperm could not be contained and leaked out of her mouth. She felt herself have an orgasm that made her toes curl. 'Yeeeessssss….your seed is so delicious my husband…'

Alavara smiled. She knew that no matter what they would all still have the energy for copulation once the journey became difficult. In fact, she just decided to get sexually intimate with her son one last time before they continue their journey.


It was high on a snowy mountain pass that Alavara confirmed that she was pregnant. She was sitting under a tree naked and watching her son and Gelderel copulate when her suspicions were replaced by truth. There was a nascent life inside her. According to common knowledge of most species, elves weren't supposed to be able to make offspring with orcs. Could it be Ruyvin's child? She shook her head. That was not possible.

Honestly she's not really that surprised something like this happened. While most times she did use her magic as protection from his seed impregnated, there were times where she did not. During the times she did not, she wasn't worried due to believing an orc and elf could not procreate life together.

As of right now, bringing a child into the world is unwise because of their current situation. Alavara knows of a few ways to delay her pregnancy for a long time, along with preventing the pregnancy from getting in the way of her daily sex routines with her son. With the power of magic, one can make the impossible very possible.

"You... are ... mine... aaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggg!" Sontar's roar was deafening as he held Gelderel off the ground and took her from behind.

He was brutally pumping his entire massive cock deeply inside of her vagina and Gelderel loved every single second of it.

"Not so loud .. my emerald jewel." Alavara is using her magic to keep her body warm. "There are trolls about and I doubt you want them disturbing us. After all, is it my turn to pleasure you next."

"Aaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh." Sontar slammed Gelderel's delicate body with one final thrust and emptied himself inside of her.

Gelderel felt his hot semen flooding and painting her walls as she tightened against his giant cock and squirted her release all over him. Her own ecstasy-filled howls echoed.

Alavara shook her head in amusement and shrugged. She can't find it in herself to be annoyed with her son for his roar of pleasure. Especially since he's about to pump her with his release next. While it was easier to go unnoticed in forests controlled by elves, up here they won't always be able to avoid unwanted attention.

She knew it was only a matter of time now that they were bound to be attacked.


The first attack came two days later when they were making their way through an icy ravine.

"You brought us elf meat, thanks, little brother." A troll stepped in front of them and addressed Sontar.

"You brought us orc meat, thanks haughty bitches." Another troll cut off their retreat behind them.

Alavara rolled her eyes at the two trolls, to someone of her caliber they are no different than canon fodder at best.

Gelderel on the other hand was nervous, she had lived a quiet, peaceful life in an orchard. Perhaps if she'd had apples, she could have thrown some at the trolls. Though she had faith in the strength of her husband and mother-in-law.

Sontar growled at their audacity to insult his wives. The elves in his village had not wanted him to learn martial skills for obvious reasons, however his mother ignored their words and trained him ruthlessly in secret. She told him that he needed to be very strong to be able to protect himself in this world. Especially since he's an orc. Luckily he was born with strong magical power.

Fast as lightning, Alavara unsheathed her blade, leapt high into the air, and sliced neatly and precisely across the first troll's neck. The creature gurgled and fell. She turned to find Sontar thrust his right fist to punch a hole through the second troll's chest, effectively killing it. She nodded in approval, feeling immense pride in him for how far he came in their secret training.

Gelderel stared slack jawed at her husband's feat, she had no idea he was this strong in pure strength. She felt her vagina weep in need for him to take her.

"It's rare to come across a creature in this part of the world that dwarfs Sontar." As Alavara's boots walked across the snow, she wondered what an elf family could do with a troll if it was raised from a baby in a peaceful village. The thought left her as quickly as it had come.

"Indeed it is…" Gelderel nearly ran towards Sontar. "Sontar…sweet husband…is your hand okay?" She hugged him tightly.

The orc chuckled. "Yes I'm fine, I need to get rid of the blood on my hand."

"Next time my emerald jewel, use your dagger. You brought it out of your inventory for a reason." Alavara advised. The growing half-orc baby in her stomach not is hindering her fighting ability whatsoever.

"Yes Mother…I will do as you say." Sontar looked towards his mother. "You were amazing as always, my wife." He always admired her strength growing up and still does now.

Alavara curtsied. "You should have seen me in my younger days." Saying as if she wasn't considered young still in elf standards. She checked the trolls for anything valuable, although she didn't expect anything useful. "Are you sure your hand is fine?" Her tone carrying a hint of worry.

"I'm fine." Sontar nodded.

"That's good. And next time you're about to ejaculate in the mountains, what will you do?" Alavara looked over at her son sternly. While they easily handled the trolls, it was still an unnecessary trouble to deal with.

"I will find my climax quietly." He bowed his head.

"Very good." Alavara found nothing useful. They moved out of the ravine and on with their journey.