

The sun was already shining far above when Alavara woke up. It was no surprise that the first thing that greeted her was the masculine scent of the sleeping orc that is her son. Second is that she's currently being held by her son in his strong arms. She breathed deeply and sighed, an image of her elven husband conjured in her mind by her guilty conscience. Alavara does not regret what she shared with Sontar, in fact she would make the same choice again if she had the opportunity to travel into the past.

'I am sorry Ruyvin, unfortunately you would never understand but I was guided by love. It doesn't excuse the fact that I betrayed you by sleeping with another man who is not my legal husband. As well as the fact that he's an orc, a being who is not well received by most of the world.' Alavara mentally apologizes to Ruyvin.

She will not make excuses for herself, while it was special circumstances that led to her and Sontar sharing a passionate embrace. The female elf still made the conscious decision to betray her marriage, it was her who initiated the sex. Her son may have brought her onto his lap, however he did no more than that, he didn't attempt to touch her inappropriately nor did he try to persuade her. He just explained his actions, apologized then removed her off of his lap. Sure, Ruyvin has multiple wives and pays her the least amount of attention out of them all by far. Yet that does not give her the right to commit adultery.

The guilt she feels is there, but it's vastly overshadowed by the love she has for her son. This is part of the reason why she doesn't feel nearly as guilty about the situation as one would expect. At the end of the day, she declared herself as the surrogate wife of Sontar. She would not take back her words on that. Plus Alavara is very positive that her small guilt will quickly be forgotten about with the help of her son.

Gently removing herself from the orc's arms, she sat up and stretched. "Oh…gods…what…did I do to myself?" Her body was sore inside and out, though it wasn't enough to where she couldn't function properly. The magic within her body had made sure of that, it healed her while she was asleep. But not enough to completely get rid of her soreness. Even now she can feel her magic instinctively healing her. If she rest some more, she should be 100% sometime after midday. Her vagina may have borne the brunt of Sontar's desire throughout the night, but it seems her son had tested her limits and beyond. She's eternally grateful that she's blessed being born as a mage, she stood up and found her dress. It was damp with dew, the elf put it back on. Luckily it didn't take much effort.

"Aaaaawwwwwwww…" Sontar yawned loudly and rolled onto his back. Without opening his eyes, he sniffed the air. He could smell his mother's sweet scent and a faint hint of their sexual liquids from last night. "So, it was a dream. You are my surrogate wife, mother."

"Yes my emerald." She sat on a log, her vagina still fully bare to his eyes. "Your slightly sore wife and mother."

"Are you hurt?" He opened his eyes and sat up, he knew she was stronger than him but he still was worried. Looking at her, she seemed fine. Her skin wasn't pale nor did she seem fatigued.

"No, a little rest and I'll be back to peak condition, maybe some meadowsweet will help speed up the process though it's not really needed. My magic is healing me as we speak." She eyed him. "Although you seem to need no rest at all, your father always seemed to need an extended amount of time until he was fully recovered. I always recover much faster than he does. Your stamina is more than impressive, my love." Nodding at his erect penis, its great length pointed to the canopy tree above.

"Well…um…if you are well enough…" He felt the familiar fires kindle inside him, he stared blatantly at her cleavage. It's hard for him to believe that he was mauling those magnificent breasts in his hands only hours before. "Maybe…we could…do it one more time?"

"I am well enough, Sontar." She stood." But I'd rather we do it again later on today if that's ok with you? I think today we should take a break in our travels. We are not necessarily in a rush. For now you'll have to be satisfied with what we already did until later. Come, let's go wash ourselves in the river." Alavara turned and walked toward the river.

"Oh yes, of course I understand." He jumped to his feet and followed her, his hard, heavy cock seemingly directing him to follow his mother. "I am very satisfied." Unfortunately that was not true, she had slackened his frenetic hunger. But that has been replaced by a powerful swell of desire that pushed on his mind like a tide.

Alavara removed her dress again, and splashed out into the water. The cold water seeped into her slightly sore muscles and did her good. Mother and son carefully scrubbed themselves for several minutes, her eyes never leaving her mountain of a twenty year old. "I would have thought the cold would temper your morning steel some."

"The sight of you keeps the chills out." Sontar stopped washing and took hold of his cock with both hands. "I cannot touch you, I know. But would you mind if…I took care of myself…while I watched you?"

"That is a thing no son has ever said to his mother." 'Nor an orc to an elf.' Alavara thought, briefly chewing on her bottom lip. "Yes, my jewel, take care of your needs. As your wife, it is my duty to help you. Should I just stand here?"

"You may…ugh…continue washing." Sontar stroked himself and stared at her pale skin. He had desired a wife from their village with all his being for so long. Now however, he prayed that his mother and father would never find him a match. No elf could be a finer mate than his mother.

Alavara continued to scrub herself, watching her son work his mighty penis just above the water. A change came over him quickly, he looked to her both hungry and fierce. His species were predators, but she so rarely saw that side of her sweet jewel. His muscles flexed and his expression darkened. "You look so angry, Sontar."

"I am…only…frustrated…" He pumped himself harder, the orc had came so much the night before, he didn't know how long it would take to do so again. "My release…ugh…is not near."

"I see." She stopped washing and walked through the water towards him. The loose river stones felt good on her feet. "Your father sometimes if he's around requests that I help him with my mouth. It's one of the times where he's very complimentary to me. I think instead of using my body since I want to save that act for later, I can use my mouth to please you. Would you like me to suck you?" The female elf stepped in front of him, the water was up to his thighs, but his penis was basically up to her breasts.

"You would put it in your mouth?" Sontar was in awe, his hands released his cock to see what she would do with it. "Wives do such things?"

"Loving wives do, yes and I am your loving wife my husband." For Ruyvin, Alavara would sink to her knees. But for her son, she could do this standing. "Tell me right before your climax, I will finish you with my hands."

"Of course." Sontar loved the way his mother called him husband, it made his chest rumble in delight. It made the orc realize once again how blessed he is to have her as his one and only mother. He watched his sweet mother open wide and take the green bulbous head of his penis into her warm mouth. Her wet hair brushed around her face, so he gently brushed it back. She seemed to struggle at first, but when she took hold of his shaft with both of her hands, she steadied herself.

"Gods…mother…your tongue is…wrapping…around…my…aaaaaaahhhhh!!" The orc's imagination never conjured anything that felt like oral sex. What else had he missed about the fantastic world that is opening up to him?

"Mmmmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!" She didn't put her full effort but she's still putting in a lot of effort in bringing her precious son sexual relief. Pumping his strong shaft, thrusting more than half of his huge length into her mouth. Sometimes she would only keep a quarter of his cock in her mouth and lovingly suck on his tip while rolling her head.

Alavara promised herself the next time she pleasures her emerald jewel orally that she would give him more than her full effort. He deserves nothing less than her best, as his wife it's her duty.

She smiled internally when her Sontar unconsciously placed his hand on top of her hand. Despite her less than full effort, her son definitely is enjoying her work immensely. Hearing his grunts and moans of pleasure made her vagina burn in desire, she could feel herself dripping clear fluids down her thighs. Sontar's grunts grew even more fierce the longer she took care of him. He muttered such sweet nonsense to her that made her happy no matter how much she tried to ignore them and focus on her task. Alavara found herself immersed into sucking off her son, she enjoyed this a thousand times more than she ever did with Ruyvin.

After some time, the blonde mother could feel him begin to tremble in her mouth. She knew that originally she planned on having him spray his climax into the frigid water. But her desire to please her jewel overruled any other option, she wanted him to finish in her mouth, to mark her as his mate. A mother shouldn't have such thoughts about her son, but the elf didn't care. She wanted his seed desperately.

"It's…time…mother…" Sontar tried to hold back, waiting for his mother to finish him with her hands as she said he would. However when he met her eyes with his own, her eyes were filled with an exponential amount of love and desire. Her beautiful green eyes told him she had no intention of pulling her mouth away. It made him happy and even more ready to cum. "Mother…I can't…you…you…oh mother…I love you…I….aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" His powerful scream startled the birds from their trees and echoed through the forest.

He shot strong, thick bursts of hot cum in her mouth. Just a short time ago, he hadn't known this was possible due to his ignorance and inexperience. Now, he wanted this as much as possible.

Alavara swallowed the first thick glob of his release with a needy and lustful expression on her face. The second burst was also swallowed with a decent amount still filled in her mouth. His cum was much hotter and saltier than she was used to, it's also much more delicious and addicting. The third glob of his release filled her mouth even more to where it overflowed and leaked down her beautiful lips.

The elf absolutely loved this, she tried her best to keep swallowing until she released him from her mouth. Coughing up some of his delicious sperm into the water. He continued to shoot, some semen flying past her while some was painting her gorgeous face. Her mouth was wide open, staring directly at him, when she saw his release dying down. The blonde mother took a quarter of his penis back into her mouth, loving sucking on him and sucking the remainder of his cum out of him. A moan escaped both him and her as she did this naughty act.

Eventually Sontar's screams turned into a long satisfied rumble. He gently ran his fingers through his mother's hair enjoying the sensation of her still orally servicing him. When she pulled away from his cock, her eyes met his own, a lustful smirk could be seen on his mother's face as she gave his green bulbous head one last sweet kiss.

"It seems…I've already…had…breakfast." She said slowly, Alavara dipped her face into the water to scrub away his semen. Once clean, she stood back up and gazed at her son. The obvious joy on his face melted her heart.

"Thank you for doing that mother, I had no idea what to expect but I enjoyed that greatly." Sontar expressed his gratitude.

The elf laughed softly. "You're welcome my green emerald, I enjoyed myself too. Exponentially more than I ever have with your father. I'm sorry for bringing him up constantly, but it's hard to not compare the two of you. Your father has never brought me to the peaks of pleasure in sex as you did several hours ago."

Sontar didn't mind, truthfully the comparison is working in his favor. He has no intention of letting his mother go back to being the wife of his father if he can prevent it. "It's fine mother, you must be somewhat tired so allow me to help you."

He reached down, lifted her into his arms, and carried her out the river. He stopped to pick up the dress, and then carried her back to the camp. His cock was no longer hard, although he can tell that it can instantly become erect once again if he wishes it. For now it was deflated and hung between his legs. "I will prepare you a proper feast for breakfast."

"Thank you, Sontar."

Alavara let her son shower her with affection all morning. Near a rekindled fire, she sat under his cloak, laughing with him and eating the smoked fish and porridge he simmered over the fire.

Sontar foraged in the forest and found some meadowsweet stems, which he minced then gave to his mother. He knew she said she didn't need them since she was over 90% in her complete recovery. But he still felt that she should take them since it would only help her in the end. His mother didn't mind so she took them, she was proud of how much his outdoor skills developed. She had trained him well.

They would be late getting to the castle, though that can't be helped. Due to the current circumstances, both mother and son wanted to take their time and spend all the time they could together before having to return to the village. Both had the same thought, neither spoke it.

In the early afternoon, she retired to her tent to get some more sleep. It only took a few minutes before she was out cold.

While his mother was sleeping, Sontar contemplated joining her before deciding against it. The green orc knew he would have a hard time trying to keep his hands to himself. The last thing he wanted to do is make his mother upset because of his inability to control his lust.

So he spent the day either traveling around the forest, though he made sure to stay close to their camp, or doing basic physical exercises that he was taught growing up. Time passed as he tried to keep himself occupied, soon enough the moon was shining in the star filled sky.

An owl's hoot woke Alavara from her deep slumber. She stretched and nearly smiled feeling the slight soreness of her body gone. Truthfully, she doubts that she'll ever be that sore again from sex with her son. Her body will adapt along with the fact that next time her magic should not take as long as it did today to heal her. The next time her body should be 100% the moment she wakes up.

In the darkness, she sensed that her son wasn't with her, which slightly surprised her. She would've assumed he would've taken the opportunity to hold herfigure against his own while she slept. Naked, she crawled out into the chill night air. The stag constellation peered in through the trees above. It was quite late, she noted that she clearly slept a long time, longer than she intended.

A hulking shadow leaned against a log by the glowing coals of their fire. "You did not join me in the tent, Sontar."

"You needed your sleep, mother. Also I could not trust myself to keep my urges under control. You are extremely beautiful, mother, I did not want to risk upsetting you because of my selfishness. As your husband, your needs matter just as much if not more so than my own" He turned his face toward her and smiled in the flickering light.

The elf felt her heart skip a beat and warm up due to his words and thoughtfulness.

"And what of your needs, my emerald jewel?" She felt happy to see that just the sight of her is more than enough to cause him to erect. Her eyes watched his penis rising under his cloak for her. She knew what she wanted to do, standing on her bare feet, the elf stretched before walking over to him.

"Can we do it again so soon?" Sontar's voice is full of optimism. He desperately hoped that she wanted to.

Alavara did want to, she wanted to have sex with her son again badly. She saw no reason to deny him, plus he deserved it for being such a thoughtful son and husband towards her.

"I would love to if you want, my love. Though there's no need to rush into it, we have the entire night if that's what you desire." The blonde mother sat between his legs and removed his cloak, making him naked like herself. "Let me please you as I did this morning first." She took hold of his fat penis and slowly stroked him while playing with his huge green balls. "That was this morning, was it not? I did seem to sleep for quite a long time didn't I?"

"It was…certainly this morning." Sontar sighed and leaned his weight fully against the log behind him. He growled when she took him into her mouth. This time, she gave her sweet son 100% of her effort in sucking him off.

She bobbed her head on him, taking in over 75% of his penis down her throat. The rest of his shaft she pumped furiously with her hand as her other hand lovingly massaged each of her son's massive balls.

Sontar thought he might die from pure joy. "Oh gods mother…ugh…please…don't…stop…!…this…feels heavenly….aaaahhhhh!"

He watched his mother do her best to bring him to his climax, her green eyes showered with her love and desire. One time she pulled her mouth away, still pumping him as she talked to him in a naughty manner that only made his cock twitch.

"You like how my mouth feels, my jewel?" Alavara asked in a seductive tone, repeatedly kissing his green head.

"Yes…I love it…I love you…my wife." He grunted.

"Good…and I love you too, my husband." She smiled.

Immediately she took him back into her mouth, because of her passionate efforts, it did not take Sontar long to reach his orgasm. When he came, Alavara swallowed all of the hot semen she could before she had to pull away and cough. It only took her two seconds to gather herself before she went right back to swallowing her surrogate husband's delicious release for a welcomed midnight snack.

Minutes later, Alavara and Sontar's grunts and moans could be heard through the forest. The reason for it is because Alavara has herself on all fours on the forest ground eagerly accepting her son's deep, powerful thrust into her vagina.

Their sound of their flesh-slapping echoed loudly for anyone nearby to hear.

"Ahhhh…Sontar…my love…ugh…you are not…allowed…to stop…plowing me…until your cum…you already…made your wife…cum three times now…ahhh!" Alavara moaned.

At this moment it was purely unacceptable for her sweet son to release his orgasm anywhere else but inside her needy cunt. The pleasure she's experiencing is out of this world.

"Yes mother…I…will do…as you say…ugh!" Sontar agreed, he's getting addicted to the sensation of his mother's vaginal walls smothering his penis.

Soon Sontar did experience a massive climax and unloaded all of his seed deep inside his mother.

Next, Alavara was laying flat on her stomach as Sontar fucked her while hovering over her. The orc made sure to not put his full weight onto his mother. He kissed her everywhere he could from her cheek, neck, shoulder, arms and lips. Again, he flooded his mother with his seed while she squirted her orgasm all over his shaft.

They kept having sex with each other throughout the night without any signs of slowing down.

In their last round of sex, Alavara was riding her son for all that he's worth. She went wild bouncing on his cock like no tomorrow in order to draw out more of his semen. Mother and son shared a deep passionate kiss, saliva dripping from their mouths. Sontar had one hand on her ass while the other was mauling her breast.

He did not thrust his hips due to his mother's request, she wanted to ride him into his release with no help from him. Sontar mentally apologized to his father because he knew that there is no way he's giving up his mother as his wife.

Judging by her reactions, she didn't seem to want to go back to his father either.

It felt like pure bliss to share this kind of moment with her. He loved being able to kiss her like this.

Eventually his release broke through, he could feel his mother cumming at the same time as him. The way her wet folds tightened around his penis only made him release even more semen into her vagina.

What's even better is that while his mother did separate from their kiss, she kept bouncing on his cock as they experienced their shared orgasms.

"Yes…!…my son…that's it…let's cum together…" Alavara moaned.

"Yes…mother..!…aaaaahhhhh!" Sontar roared loudly.

A short time afterwards, they curled up together and slept under the stars.

The next morning, Sontar woke up to both the feeling and sight of Alavara giving him a blowjob at first light. Because of her gaining more experience of working her son's penis, she easily drained his balls down her throat.

Her intention was to make his semen her morning meal once more, she told him that she didn't need additional breakfast. They washed in the river again, though they kissed and groped each other for quite a bit during their washing up. After packing up, the married couple headed back to the road. The stag's rack remained in Alavara's inventory the entire time they were at their now former camp.

Sontar felt much lighter than he had a few days ago, with any luck, they would be guests of the count by nightfall. He happily chewed on some stale bread as they walked.

Several hours into their journey, they saw a figure moving toward them in the distance.

"Quick, Sontar. Put your cloak on." Alavara's tone carried a hint of wariness. She was confident in her strength as a mage, however this part of the world was not friendly to orcs. She did not want to take unnecessary risk or cause unnecessary drama by being careless.

He did as instructed, hiding in the shadows of his hood. They carried on, when they got closer, they could see that it was a human form. A woman marching to them quickly.

"This is good." Alavara whispered to her son. "Humans around here are all servants. She will not bother an elf, but keep hidden just in case."

When they were closer, the woman did stop and curtsied. "Greetings, Mistress, I am Sophie. I hope the road treats you well."

"Better than you know." Alavara inclined her head slightly. "Greetings, I am Alavara. What brings you out this way?"

"There is a sorceress that I must track down. She has promised a cure for my son, but did not keep the date of her arrival." The woman eyed the elf's large companion. "Perhaps you know of Yezzeh the Wise?"

"I am sorry, Sophie." Alavara motioned with her hand for Sontar to continue. "I know of no such healer. Good luck to you and your son."

"Thank you, Mistress." She curtsied again, and hurried on her way.

When the human was a good way off, Sontar breathed a sigh of relief. He's strong, but does not want to cause problems for his mother. "She seemed harmless, not bad looking either."

"Hm? Is your surrogate wife not enough for you?" Alavara's laugh was a high, lifting sound. "Do you desire humans too?"

"No, I do not desire them. I only desire you and you alone mother. Even if one day we do end up finding a wife for me, I will never desire them as greatly as I do you, my wife." He answered her question directly. Sontar knew he was inexperienced in a lot of things in life, though he knew he needed to let her know his true feelings. He wanted his mother to know that he wanted more than just a surrogate wife.

Alavara was not surprised by his answer, she could see how intense her son's desire for her is by gazing into his eyes. His words were only reaffirming what she already know. "My emerald jewel, your answer is pleasing to hear. But do you truly want your mother over a younger, more attractive woman?"

"I seriously doubt there's any woman alive who can compare to your beauty, mother. If such a woman does cross my path, I will still desire you over them." The orc replied.

A small blush appeared on her cheeks, she was surprised by how happy his words made her. "I understand you, my son. I desire you far more than I ever have your father."

She reached her hand out to his and held it, intertwining their fingers as she broke into a song. After a minute, Sontar joined in. They sang the rest of the afternoon, until the high turrets of the count's castle finally came into view.