

Meet Reina Blaze a charming young woman who was hard working and everything a man would hope for. Although not rich she still lived a happy and peaceful life But it all ended in one night, where she was over drunk and had a one night stand with a stranger ;what happens when she found out that she was pregnant; ;what happens when her baby was stolen; ;what happens when she finds out that her one night stand was a notorious world known bachelor who does not take nonsense; IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT PLS TAG ON MY NOVEL: "A mistake turned into love" By: authoress chuski bae

chuski_bae · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs



Finally it was time to go home.

Today was pretty much stressful as f**ck

but I was glad that I was finally back.

I packed my things and strode towards the elevator. I got in and pressed for the last floor.

Then I heard a familiar voice calling me which made me to hurry up. I quickly called for a cab and entered it without giving my destination and thankfully the cab driver understood what was going on.

I turned back to see that we are far away from that insane boy.

I quickly told the cab man my destination and breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the office.

' This is getting to much, like f**ck I should just quit but I just can't do that. where will I get a suitable job that pays good and has this so much respect and besides I've been promoted and I will do whatever it takes to keep my position.' I thought silently. We stopped because of the traffic light and I couldn't help but look at the window, next to us was a family of three, a man,a woman, and their child I couldn't help but feel jealous

I just wished it could be me in replace of the woman. I saw that they were licking ice cream but some got stuck on the woman's face

"momma ice cweam face" the 3year old child I presume tried to say. The father getting what his son was saying took a wiper and wiped his wife's face lovingly which made my heart cringe.

'I used to wonder where my happy ending will come or where my prince charming was but it's like I wasn't destined to have one.

Then God blessed me with something that was my life, my reason of living , my hope only to just take it away' I said to my self not knowing that I was silently crying a pool of tears then I looked at the front to see the driver giving me strange looks. I just cleaned my face then turned my face away and continued to stare at the loving family of three

then the red light showed green so I taught of doing something.

I wind my window down then called out to the woman from the other car

"Hey" I said to her which made her or should I say all of them look towards my direction

"Are you talking to me?" she asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her instead I nodded.

"I just wanted to tell you that you are lucky to have a caring husband and a wonderful child which makes it a lovely family. people will kill to have it and people have done so. I just wanted to tell you to cherish it forever and keep up the good work bye" I said as I gave them a small smile then wind the glass up and the driver took it as a cue to start moving


I just got home then headed straight to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I was massaging my head because of the coming up head ache I have when my front door opened and a woman figure bursted through

" what the f**ck Reina, I've been trying to reach your f**ucking line since but couldn't, I even thought something happened to you or worst you were dead" Avery said as she stormed angrily towards me

"ooh you called I didn't know" I said as I looked at my phone to see that she called 50 times even we t as far as to text me

"Am so sorry Ave I was really busy so I had to put my phone on business mode. I said as I strode towards her to pacify her.

"Even if you did so when you can home you could have seen my missed call and my messages then called" she shouted still angry

" I would have I swear but the thing is that I was stuck on traffic so that's why am reaching home only now" I said softly

"Don't be mad again best.. ok you know what I would block every other person except you and some essential important people so that when you call I would be able to hear and pick it happy" I said to her and opened my arms wide for a hud in which she nodded

"you better" she replied to me and hugged me which made me smile. After the hug we both went to the kitchen to prepare some light snacks for the evening.

"So what brought you here that you couldn't wait for tomorrow and had to call and text me like a mad woman?" I asked her which in return she hit my butt

"Who is mad! so it's wrong for me to care about my best friend that is also like a sister to me?" she said and I could already see smoke coming out from her noise

" Nope it's ok don't mind this foolish friend of yours" I said then she smiled.

" Well now that it's settled,I just wanted to tell you about this new club that just opened

it's called 'DLS CLUB' and it's so cool I've seen the pictures" she said and started showing me pictures of it and it was really beautiful but why is she showing me all this

"Ok I've seen it but why are you showing me all this?" I asked then her facial expressions changed

'Ok am not liking this' I thought to my self

"Ray my love..." she said coyly which made me to conclude where this discussion was heading to and it's a no

"NO!" I said coldly and walked away

"C'mon Ray, I haven't even said any thing yet" she said as she followed me

" I know where this discussion is going to and my answer is No I don't even need to hear what you are going to say". I say to her bringing the cookies from the oven


"What?" I screamed when I heard what this douchebag just said and am sure the degree temperature of this room have dropped pretty much low that even a normal person cannot survive here.

"No need to get mad it's all DRAKE" Lucas said as he pointed at Drake who was already giving him a killer look

"Are you out of your damn mind" He said to Lucas

"No I should be asking both of you that question, WHAT THE F**CK IS THIS SHIT, HOW CAN YOU TWO BE SO RECKLESS" I screamed at them they wanted to say something but one glare kept them shut.

"I can't believe I have fools as best friends not even friends

" I mumbled loud enough for them to hear

" co'mon dude it's not that bad" Lucas was saying.



"Look mehn we are sorry but the deed is already done and all this shouting will lead us to no where" Drake said as a matter of fact.

which made me to cool down

" ooh gush you guys will be the death of me" I silently said as I used my hands to wipe my face out of frustration.

" Ok what do you want me to do?" I asked tiredly