

Ministry of Magic

"Hey scoot over!"

"Stop stepping on my toes"

In the crowded lobby area, reporters, Aurors, and Ministry employees had gathered, all waiting for the arrival of the ex-convict who was to become the next Lord Black. However, the upper echelons of wizarding society were noticeably absent, not wanting to be seen as supporting Sirius Black and come under the cross-fire of an angry Malfoy.

Amidst the commotion, a resolute woman stood ahead of the Aurors, her face devoid of any emotion. It was Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, a figure of authority and power in the wizarding world.

Despite the chaos around her, she exuded a sense of regal composure, with a striking and mature appearance that commanded respect. Her strong jawline and close-cropped gray hair added to her sophistication, while her features were well-defined and symmetrical, with high cheekbones and a straight nose.

"Clear the way, please!" Amelia's voice boomed above the noise, cutting through the crowd like a knife. "We need to get this man to his destination as soon as possible."

Her voice was loud and commanding, giving her an aura of confidence and authority. And as she peered out through her monocle, she gave off an intellectual and intriguing quality, adding to her already formidable presence.

As the elevator door opened, two men stepped through, one of them was bound, Peter Pettigrew. The other was obviously the man of the hour, Sirius Black.

 As soon as he stepped through, a barely noticeable and deeply hidden emotion passed through the eyes of Amelia.The crowd surged forward, eager to ask questions or worse, some nefarious individuals looking to push their own agenda or curry favor with Malfoy by causing damage. But before anyone could get too close, a loud bang rang out, and Amelia's voice boomed through the lobby, cutting off any attempts at interference.

"Enough," she thundered. "Any obstruction will be a one-way ticket to Azkaban."

The Aurors quickly moved into formation, surrounding Sirius and Peter and creating a barrier that effectively cut off the crowd. Despite this, the reporters and onlookers continued to shout questions and insults, convinced of Sirius's guilt and eager to see him brought to justice.

"Lord Black, are you excited to get your trial now?" one shouted. "Did you meet the Girl-Who-Lived?" another demanded. "Why didn't you also die in Albania, you dark wizard?" Yet another jeered, "You broke magic sacred convent, Peter Pettigrew. May magic curse you."

Regardless of the commotion, Sirius ignored the crowd, and the Aurors kept them at bay, resolute and unyielding in their duty. Meanwhile, Amelia's eyes flickered with a mixture of emotions - guilt, excitement, and longing - that were hidden from the prying eyes of those around her.


(Amelia Bones POV)

Various emotions were begging to burst out from Amelia's heart. She was with Sirius once again after so many years of separation. She wanted to hug him and console him, telling him that everything would be alright. She had already secured support from light action using favors and treaties that might damage House Bones' standing, but right now she didn't care. She didn't want to be separated from Sirius for even one minute.

Slamming her Occlumency shield, she tried to calm herself, but her damn heart was beating so fast. Taking a subtle peek to her side, she saw how two Aurors were holding the apprehended Peter Pettigrew. A burst of hatred born from the depth of her heart was surfacing. Just because of this vile and disgusting vermin, she was separated from her beloved. She really wanted to kill him, but that could wait. She would make sure to throw him down the veil herself. When she finally saw Sirius, her breath hitched a little. He had changed so much it hurt, knowing that she wasn't there during anything that changed was painful, like a knife twisting in her heart.

Back in school, he was only half an inch bigger than her, but now she could barely reach his shoulders. More than that, she saw how he walked with grace and purpose that was absent from the younger and boisterous Sirius. But why was he so quiet? Was he mad? No, how could he be mad at her? Yes, he was just waiting for the crowd to clear. Then she would have her Sirius back.

As they reached the intersection away from the crowd, Amelia commanded, "Shacklebolt, Dawlish, take the criminal and prepare to take him before the Wizengamot."

As she saw the crowd clearing away, leaving her and Sirius alone, her heart leapt with joy. It was beating so fast she could almost hear it. When she finally saw Sirius, she saw only indifference.

No, this wasn't supposed to happen. She was ready to grab his hand, but all her illusions were shattered when she saw his mocking face and heard his cold and terrifying voice. He came close to her where she could feel his breath. "Amelia, you left me to rot in prison, never once looked back or even asked me if I had done it. You threw it all away. Not even a single question of why? You really think we can go back to it like nothing?" He looked at her with hidden mockery before leaving towards the Wizengamot auditorium.

She felt her heart crack. No, no, no. She turned towards him, looking at his back, and wanted to shout at him. But guilt clawed through her heart. She had betrayed his trust, didn't believe him, and left him. She should have believed him. 

Tears streamed down Amelia's cheeks as she quickly entered her office and closed the door. She sat there quietly sobbing, feeling lost and alone. She had never felt so helpless and vulnerable before. It was as if all the strength and confidence that she had built up over the years had been taken away from her in an instant.

She knew that Sirius had every right to be angry with her, and his words had struck a painful chord deep within her heart. She had betrayed him, and she couldn't take back what she had done. The guilt and shame were overwhelming, and she felt like she deserved every bit of pain and suffering that came her way.

[POV End]


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