
A Match made In Hell

Marvel is Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall second daughter which means Hope's Twin baby sister. After their Aunt wanted to take the girls Klaus decided to separate them and hide them. He couldn't keep both girls in the same place. He had to make a very big decision which daughter to send away and fake her death and which daughter to hide from the world. Cause two most powerful kids will draw attention of all the supernatural creatures but also Hunters. So he decided to send away. He choose to send his younger kid away and fake her death while he kept Hope and hid her. Marvel was found by Bobby on his motel room door. As much as he didn't want a kid he couldn't leave her there on the doorstep like she never was with there. So he adopted her, making the girl his daughter. After Bobby death Marvel stuck around with The Winchesters. What happened when Lucifer's son is born? And with that comes that The Mikaelsons find that Marvel is Alive? TO×SPN

Sara_Xhemollari · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
4 Chs

Chapter 3

The next morning, she woke up early to go out for a run like normal. It helped her clear her head when her thoughts were running wild, She felt happy to have Jack around. She never worried herself about finding her biological family. San and Dean were her siblings, her parents, her friends, and her teachers. She loved them to the moon and back. She didn't want to lose them. It was a messed-up situation. She sat down on a stool in the park and looked at the trees that were now covered in yellow, red, orange, and brown leaves. It looked amazing. She wished she had the brush and her colours with her. Her phone rang. Sam was calling her. "What's up, Sam?" She asked.

"Where are you?" He asked her.

"I needed to clear my head, so I went out for a run. I will be back in 5 minutes." She said and got up, running back to the hotel.

Marvel arrived there, getting into the bathroom, and after a shower, she changed into a white blouse with long sleeves, blue skinny jeans, and white sneakers. She put her hair in a ponytail and did the usual make up.


The girl walked out of the bathroom and sat next to Sam with a smile on her face. Dean enters the room with breakfast, her smile gets wider, and she looks at Dean, smelling her hot cocoa with waffles. "Hey." Sam greeted her brother while Marvel smiled in Dean's way and grabbed her food, eating happily.

"We should probably hit it." Dean told him.

"Uh, I was just going to call you, actually. Um, look, we are gonna be on the road a long time today. Right?" Sam said to him.

"Yeah. Well, you know, we don't have to be 'cause your new pal could just zap us back to the bunker like that." Dean said to them sarcastically.

"Is it too early for him to do that! He doesn't even know how to activate them." Marvel said.

"Point is... if you and I are gonna do this, keep Jack on the right side of things, then we have to be on the same page." Sam sighed.

"Okay. Well, that's the problem, though, 'cause we're not on the same page. Like, at all." Dean snapped at Sam.

"What's going on here guys? Look at you two. Arguing about something that needs no argument." Marvel said to the brothers.

"Oh. Okay. Well, please, tell me, what's going on here?" Dean said to Sam, ignoring Marvel. She crossed her arms, pouting like a child. She hated when they ignored her, which happened many times.

"You thinking mom is gone and Cas is gone, and that Jack can't be saved." Sam sighed. "Dean, after everything we've gone through... We just lost people we love, people who have been in our lives for a long time. Everything's upside-down. I get it. But we've been down before. I mean, rock bottom. And we find a way. We fix it because that's what we do. And Jack wants to do the right thing. Jack's scared to death of who he is, and he's scared of you." Somebody knocked on the door and she ran up and opened it.

"Morning, guys. Uh, got a minute? I, uh, wanna talk to you about Jack." Donatello said to them.

"We just talked about Jack." Sam said.

"What?" The prophet asked.

"You were just here." Sam told him.

"No, I wasn't. I was grabbing breakfast burritos. Extra spicy." Donatello said with a cheery voice. The trio looked at each other. They walk to Jack's and Donatello's room.

"Jack?!" Marvel called, looking around, but it was empty with no sign of the Nephilim.

"He's gone." Marvel let out a shocked and sad breath.

"Okay. Okay. So, so, so, so... who's got, Jack? And who was or what was I talkin' to? A shifter?" Sam told them.

"Probably." She said to him, she wasn't totally sure.

"What would a shifter want with Jack?" Dean said to them. Donatello drops his bag and starts leaving.

"Where are you going, cowboy?" Dean said the prophet.

"He is tracking Jack on his way." Marvel said to him.

"He went this way." Donatello said.

"You sure?" Sam asked the prophet.

"I can feel it." Donatello said Marvel was about to get up when the world started spinning she fell on the floor unconscious. Dean ran to her. He put her on the bed. He smelled the waffles and they had vervain, wolfsbane, to make her lose consciousness.

"I will kill that son of a bitch who hurt my little sister." Dean gritted his teeth and helped Sam and Donatello with the Demons and then put Marvel in the back seat.


The girl groaned and heard the Black Impala engine rumble softly while it drove and the speed increased. "Uh, turn!" She heard the old prophet's voice. Immediately her eyes snapped open reminded that Jack was gone. When she opened her eyes she felt Jack's power messed with Demon's powers.

"This is worrisome. I'm sensing a power emanation alongside Jack's. It gets stronger the closer we got to it." Donatello said.

"Wolfsbane and vervain were thrown on your food." Dean spoke looking at his sister through the mirror. She nodded and closed her eyes using her powers weaken to get a glimpse at the Nephilim.

"Jasper, Wyoming." She simply said to Dean.

"Maybe it's a witch there." Dean told her in the back seat.

"No. Something dark. Darker than Witches." Donatello said.

"Do you ever have any good news?" Dean said to the prophet sarcastically. "All right, well, see if there's anything in Jasper that's demonic." Dean turned to Sam.

"Yeah, there is. According to dad's journal, Jasper is home to its very own Gate to Hell." Sam said.

"Fantastic." Dean said driving still at speed.

"According to legend, this particular gate leads to, quote, A place where unimaginable evil emanates from creatures too wicked for the Pit to hold." She said to him came to mind from the books she had read for years and years. "Dark Witches used to gather here for sacrifices to The creature." Marvel said to Dean.

"What the hell does that mean?" Dean asked again.

"They're really bad. Ah! Turn!" Donatello said to him.

The car stops and they ran to see Jack and Donatello copy. "Jack! Hey! Stop." Sam calls the young Nephilim. He looks at them.

As Demon Donatello speaks. "Don't listen to them, Jack!" He tells the Nephilim.

"Holy crap." Marvel and Dean say at the same time looking at the scene.

"Focus!" The Demon tells Jack.

"That's not Donatello!" The real prophet says.

"No, that's not Donatello!" The Demon says.

"Ah, screw this." Dean says and shoots the Demon.

The Demon turns into his real form. "Jack, he's a demon!" Marvel said to the Nephilim.

"Howdy, people." The Demon tell them. They start choking Sam, Dean, Donatello, and Marvel.

"No!" Jack shouts. The creature crawls back into the earth. The crack in the soil regenerates.

"Jack... They wanna stop you. Contain you. I can give you the world." The demon tried to manipulate the young Nephilim.

"You're hurting my friends!" Jack tells him angrily and his eyes turn yellow. The Demon's eyes turn yellow and then he vanishes into thin air. The trio and Donatello stop choking and get on their feet. Marvel ran to the Nephilim her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him on a hug close to her helping him control the power who needed to turn off. Jack stood frozen at the girl's action.

"Are you ok?" Jack asked her slowly wrapping his arms around her accepting the hug letting his human side back on.

"Yes, I am fine." She said to him. Jack can feel how weak she is because of the vervain and Wolfsbane still in her system. They head to the car and then back to The Bunker.

"Home sweet home. Bunker sweet bunker." She said and looked at Dean with a smile. He ruffled her blonde hair Jack looked at the duo interacting curiously. "I will show Jack his room." She said the Winchesters and grabbed the hand of The young Nephilim leading him around the bunker. "Ok first a tour. This is our Living room or Immediate area." She said showing him the map table.

"Since we don't have a real living room, we spend most of our time here." She explained it to him. "There is the kitchen." She told Jack and showed him the kitchen. And after that, the library. Lastly, there are the rooms. Sam's, Dean's room, mine, Cas's room, and lastly yours. " She said and opened the door. "It's really pale, but we weren't expecting another member, so with time we will fill it with your stuff." She told him.

"Thanks, Marvel." He thanked her, she smiled and patted his shoulder.

"No problem, and call me, either Mar, Marvy. Which one do you prefer? It's not that I don't like my name; it just seems like we are strangers when you call me Marvel. I definitely don't like that. I'm letting you settle in." She said getting out, heading to the map, and seeing Sam and Dean drinking beer. Sam is also on the computer, looking through the lore.

"These yellow-eyed things just keep on comin', huh?" Sam said to them.

"Yeah. It feels like they never end." Marvel said.

"Mmhmm. And hopefully, this fourth Prince of Hell is the last Kardashian in the family." Dean said to them. She chuckled at the comparison.

"According to this, if that was Asmodeus, it's the end of the line." Sam said. Dean gets up to leave.

"Dean, wait for a second. The kid came through for us today. Jack saved us." Sam sighed.

"No. No, whatever that was, that was a reflex. It was a sneeze. Maybe the next time he sneezes, he kills us. Good night." Dean said to them.

"He called us his friends. He won't kill his friends." Marvel said to him.

"We don't know that." Dean says walking away leaving Sam and Marvel in the kitchen together.

"Don't worry Sam he will accept the reality with time and the reality is that Jack is good, not bad. We will save him. He is worth it." She said to him.

"How it happens that you are always right?" Sam told her.

"Well, the thing is that I am a witch and a banshee, I know it doesn't work like that but I like to think it does work like that." She smiled at him.