
A masochistic love

(Lillian) Lilly is a 19-year-old girl who sees her life change when two thugs kidnap her and burn her house, in the midst of this chaos loneliness overtakes her and she ends up clinging to one of them. Scientists define this as a syndrome from Stockholm, but I prefer to call it "A Masochistic love".

Nancha_Tene · ย้อนยุค
8 Chs

Chapter 1

Hi my name is Lílian but everyone calls me Lilly, I'm 19 years old, I'm a redhead, of medium height, ... a normal and "happy" girl until page 2 ...


-Lilly (Lillian de la Torre)

-Isa (Isabella Peres)

-Bandit 1 (Erickson "Erick" Skye )

-Bandit 2 (Theodoro "Theo" Caillat)

-Chloé Carson


Isa: Hi Lilly, you're late, it's been almost an hour since the party started and nothing about you ...

Lilly: Making fun of me, seriously, friend, what the hell did I miss?

Isa: Missed nothing fix you, I'm coming to get you.

Lilly: But I ...

Isa: But nothing, I'm coming kisses and bye.


-I pick up the first dress that appears to me and a basic boot, that's right people wear I wear strange things. It didn't take long for Isa to arrive, she came in screaming my name.

Lilly comes soon, we don't have all night.

Lilly: Okay, I'm already here, no need to shout.

-When we were leaving Isa remembered that she forgot her cell phone on the couch. She took 5 seconds to get it, seconds that turned our lives inside out ...

-I open the door of the room for us to leave, when suddenly two guys appear, one of them visibly enraged pushes on the door causing the same to crash against the wall, despair washed over me.

-In an unsuccessful attempt to escape one of them pulls me by the hair, at that moment I only managed to scream Isa runs away, runs away Isa, of course she did not listen to me, as the good friend that she is had to come and see what was happening, I I swear at that moment I wish we weren't friends or that she would ignore me like most of the time and run away.

When one of them tells me to shut up and tell the other to get Isa, she ran towards my room where she grabbed a hair spray and watched in the face of the bandit, managing to escape through my bedroom window, which is not very high. At that moment I was tied and gagged on a chair in the kitchen. 

-While another thug writhed in pain, the other left through the back door, in a frustrated attempt to reach Isa, 2 minutes later he returns alone and furious for not reaching Isa.

I breathe a sigh of relief to know that she managed to escape ...

Bandit 1-We have to get out of here, the girl ran away and must have already called the police.

Bandit 2- Go ahead, I still have something to do here ...

-We left the house, but I was wondering what is this bastard going to do? What is he up to?

Lilly -What, will he do? Speak, what will he do?

- It wasn't long before I saw what he was going to do ... that son of a bitch set my house on fire.

Lilly –F-f-fire, fire, he's burning my house, does something ...

Bandit 1- What the hell, what does this idiot think he's doing? He should at least have called me to light the match.

Lilly- What kind of people are you? My house is on fire and you are only worried about this bullshit? Do something...

Bandido1- Ok, ok, ok, shut up, I'll see what I can do ...

Lilly- Thank you so much, I knew that you are not as bad as you look.

Bandit 1-Hello! Is it superman? Please come quickly, there is a castle on fire, but rest assured the princess is not in it, it is only the crystal shoe that is stuck in it.

Lilly- You are crazy ...

Bandido 2- Look at my newest work of art. What did you think? Hmmm?

Lilly (sobbing): Who are you? What do you want with me? What do you get for doing this?

Bandit 1- Be quiet and get in that car.

-I have to find a way to escape before these psychopaths finish me off, they don't seem to be kidding.

Bandit 2 Do you want to bet how much she is wondering why she is not blindfolded? Explain to her man ...

Bandit 1- With pleasure ... Listen girl, no matter how much we let you see the way, you'll never go back to your house, Ops I forgot, you don't have a house anymore, she was reduced to ashes.

-Bad bastards I could clearly see on their faces the pleasure of seeing me suffer. I had a huge desire to jump in their faces and pluck out their eyes and say how much I hate them, but I couldn't because I was tied up and gagged. Ahhhh damn impotence.

Bandit 1-Enjoy it while you can, honey, because this is the last time you see the sunlight.

-Suddenly the car stops.

Bandit 1- We're here! Get out of the car right away.

- I tried to resist, but these idiots took my strength from the car and one of them carried me on the shoulder as if it were something ...

Bandit 1- "Mi casa es su casa". Behave and don't try to scream because you already know 😁 no one will hear you ...

-We were already inside the house, the house is large and well-designed. They don't seem to be poor, needy or anything. They are well dressed and cultured. So what's the reason they kidnapped me? Why, why me ?

On the couch, they untie me ...

They left me untied and are leaving the room, giving me a chance to escape, I will not let this opportunity pass.

I get up from the couch towards the door, OMG, is it open, are these guys stupid or are they up to something? Well, I'm not going to stay here to find out ...

I leave the house, I look everywhere like a place to see if someone is following me or something and for my happiness nobody saw me leave. This is strange, it is as if they were giving me a time advantage to start the match.10 minutes after I ran away, it was already night, the streets are dark and deserted, it is as if people are afraid of something. This place is hellish ...

Bandit 2-She has had enough time to "run away", her luck if she did not know how to take the opportunity that we as good people that we are gave her.

Bandit 1- What a cruelty, let the girl think she managed to escape, let's give her another 5min advantage so she doesn't complain after saying that we are cruel, you know all this bullshit ...