
[76.4] A Visit to Cheer Lovi Up

[Author's note: This part of the chapter isn't from anyone's point of view.]

*Tap tap*

Lovi didn't feel like getting out of bed and ignored the tapping.

*Tap tap*

*Tap tap*

Her eyes darted open, "Stop tapping! I don't want to get up."

The window slid open and a small panther climbed inside. He jumped onto the bed, his body over hers as he pinned her down. Affectionately, he started licking her face with his panther tongue, "Don't be mad at me! I promise I'm looking for the best ring!"

She ignored his rough tongue as she frowned, "I'm not mad."

He paused, "But your scowl looks more permanent than usual."

She frowned more, "Shut up."

His ears lowered, "Sorry…"

She let out a sigh and hugged his furry head, "Bale. Don't I look old?"

He looked at her curiously, "Huh? Old? What do you mean?"

"I'm getting older."

"Is that a problem?"

"Of course it is! I'm aging!!!"

He changed back into his demon form and looked down at her with a confused expression, "And?"

She bit her lip and averted her eyes, "You… You should find someone else to give a ring to."

He closed his mouth and for the first time, he had nothing to say.

Anxiously she looked back at him and was shocked to see the dark expression in his eyes. He whispered, "You don't… Love me?"

She paused and felt her cheeks redden, "It's not about that…"

"Isn't it?"

"Bale… I do… Like you… But…"


"I'm… I'm going to die before you. My life will be like a blink of an eye for you, that's why you shouldn't give me a ring. You should find someone else."

He let out a heavy sigh, "Lovi… Sometimes you can be really cruel."

She felt guilt churn her stomach.

He raised his eyes to stare into hers, "Please don't make light of my feelings for you. A demon never changes mates. I would never search for another when I already have you. I don't care if you get older, my feelings will never change."

"You don't know that." Panic gripped her throat, "I might get to live another 60 years, maybe less."

He nuzzled her face, "More the reason to make every day count."


"Abaleon." He smiled sweetly, "I told you to call me that when we are alone."

Her cheeks flushed, "R-Right."

"Say it."




His tail wagged happily as he kissed her without pause.

Feeling short of breath, she forced him away.

He sat up, his tail still wagging as his cheeks remained flush, "I know what will cheer you up."


"While I was in the market, I heard there's this tradition where humans release lanterns to make their wish come true. They have one tonight. We could sneak out and go-"

She cut him off, "Don't you remember what happened last time we snuck out? My hand hurt for so many weeks from all that homework!!!"

He deflated, "Oh…"

She paused when she saw his look, "But maybe we can try asking Master for permission?"

"YESSS!!!" He threw his arms around her in a hug, "I love you, Lovi!"