Lippo: "Congrats on making it through Trick Tower for your next exam. It's a Hide and Seek, kind of. You see that island there," he said, pointing. "Well, all of you will be competing against each other, but before that," he pulled out a box with a hole in the top. "You will be randomly picking your target. We will start with the highest number," he said, smiling.
One after another, they picked their cards. Once it was my turn, I just went and took mine out. I saw 118. Ooh, it's monkey man sick. Hell yeah, I can totally take him on, but before anything, I put my bag in my inventory.
Lippo: "No, follow me. I will take you to the boat that will take you to the island," he said as he started walking.
On the boat, I collect MANA from the air as we head there, not worried about anything. Once near, I hear Killua and Gon talk about who they got, and it's the same as canon.
Gon: "Hey, who'd you get, Vero," he said curiously.
Vero: "Should I tell you I don't know what's in it for me," I said, smirking.
Gon: "Come on, please. I will tell you who I got," he said, pouting.
Vero: "Fine, I got MONKEY GUY," I yelled.
Gon: "Why did you yell," he said, startled by my sudden outburst.
Killua: "So you got 118 lucky. I bet he is so easy; I got one of the twins, I forgot," he said, upset.
Once the boat stopped, everyone ran in separate ways, but I had already put a tracker on him. I knew he went near the mountain part.
Vero: "See, yeah, guys, after this part," I said, sprinting in his direction.
Putting my runes to the make along with noise-canceling runes on my shoes and some other runes, I am right behind him, so I decide to troll him for a while by removing things he put down or moving his stuff when he looked away by the three days mark he looked haggard along with his monkey. They barely sleep because of me. I made weird and strange noises near them at night or walked behind them without noise, canceling one of my shoes. Now, he is on the beach looking ready to die, but I took his badge the second day, and he has yet to notice or does not care.
So I wait for the week to end and get the ship to the next exam. Just four days later, everyone is waiting on the beach. I see Gon and Killua looking around for someone, and Leorioa and Kurapika look worried.
Gon: "Has anyone seen Vero, the boy with the mask," he said, worried
I see Hisoka look upset, but then I realize my runes are still up, so I take them off in front of Gon and everyone.
Vero: "Sorry, I forgot I had them on," I said, laughing.
They rush and hug me well. Gon and Leorio hug me, Killua smiles, and Kurapika stands near me. I see Hisoka lick his lips. Shit, the boat got here, and we were taken to a resting place for a few days until they got the last exam done, but by then, I had grown more vital than ever. My core was more robust. It stopped growing and just got darker from a light blue to a dark blue, and I feel much more MANA. I wonder what changed. While waiting, I was taken to answer some questions as canon; then the exam came, and I was paired up with the guy with the pink hat. We are second in the brackets.
Gon and Hanzo or whatever his name is, and same he gets his arm broken, and then it's me and pinky hat Bandana fuck whatever it is he is getting his shit ricked, plus he has a bow and arrow I bet my |Aracane Arrows| are faster and robust.
Neterio: "Go," he said happily.
I shot three arrows, and they pierced his thigh, forearm, and shoulder.
Pokkle: "I forfeit," he said in pain.
Vero: "Sorry here," I said, casting |Heal|.
He heals at a speedy rate and is perfectly healed with no side effects. Like some of the rats, their sacrifices may be honored. A single tear goes down my cheek as I remember the rats. Walking out to rest because I am tired for some reason, I fall asleep.
I get woken up by some firm knock at my door. Jumping out of bed, I opened the door and saw the Mustache guy forgot his name, saying they were giving out Hunter ID's. Damn, how long did I sleep? Walking out and following him to the board room, I saw many faces, so I sat down and listened to their boring video as they talked. I tuned most of it out until we got our Hunter IDs when I heard the door burst open and Gon walking in mad. It's the same as canon.
(Vero: "You lazy author; just watch a YouTube video about it," I said, laughing.
Author: "Hut up, you want me to drop this work, huh," he said, annoyed.
Vero: "Fin, but when you get comments complaining," I said, looking away.
Author: "Shut up. I had a long day. I wish I were in your position. Okay, enough breaking off the four walls, so shut up," he said, pissed.
So after that, we get Killua. Yes, I went because I wanted to see it with my own eyes, and I also wanted to get to that fighting place I can't remember the name, so we took a blimp to the Zoldyck mountain or whatever quick ride because a lot of people go yearly. We stand with a lot of tourists looking at the enormous doors, then some retard tries and go in and get eat. What a surprise. Crazy never saw that coming.
Gon does his magic and tries to contact the main house but gets ignored a couple of times. Getting mad, he demands to be let in because he and Killua are friends. And the same as canon happens, and now we are in front of the little girl Butler as Gon gets his ass kicked, and then she gets shot, then she awakes and takes them to Butler's quarters to get strong. I do the same, and yeah, this stuff is weighty.
To Be Continued. . .
God James: "Can I get me nuts back please,"he said begged.
Author: "Sure, I am exhausted anyways, I say as I snap my fingers, and he has them back.
I am sorry about the short chapter. I am tired of adult stuff, and I promise to make a longer one. I know I am Lazy, but I am going to sleep after this, so yeah, Goodnight.
PS: If you are upset, let me know in the comments, and I will.
A: Ignore you
B: Rewrite the whole chapter
C: Suck a dick
D: Read it and remember for future chapters
I wonder which one it'll be.