
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 4- Memories to be made

The girls had just got into the car, after they just finished watching the movie. "The Greatest Showman was amazing, it's the best movie ever!" Aria said. "I'm so happy about Zac Efron and Zendaya. Their characters in the movie anyway. It's so romantic!" Karina exclaimed. "Yeah, and the songs were really great! What's your guy's favorite?" Laura asked. "Rewrite the stars!!" They all said at the same time. They were really in LOVE with the movie. "How can we rewrite the stars, how can you say you'll be mine? Everything keeps us apart and I'm not the one you were meant to find." They all sang beautifully.

"Hahaha!" The girls all laughed and giggled. "Shall we go home driver?" Laura said in a British accent to Karina. "Yes we shall Madame." Karina replied in the same accent. "Well then let's hit the road." Aria said, still in the British accent. After driving for a while, the girls got home. They were all in Laura's bed, talking and on their phones too.

Finally, Karina turned off her phone and said, "I'm really sorry guys, but I'm going to be out for the morning. I saw the guy that I told you guys about earlier, remember?" Karina said to the girls. "The one you spilled coffee on." Laura said smiling. "Yes, that one," Karina said with a little laugh, "He sat next to me at the movie theaters, and we were going to meet up tomorrow morning at 8:30." Karina continued. "Don't worry, I met Daehyun, the one I told you guys about too at the movie theaters and I'm meeting him at 8:30 as well." Laura said smiling. "Same here! Well, except I'm meeting Jax, not Daehyun or Matthew obviously, I mean why would I, I mean, I didn't mean it like that. It's just you know. WOWZA!" Aria said. "Seriously, I don't know how you guys deal with me! I'm a handful!" Everyone laughed.

"Yup! You a lot of work." Laura said jokingly. "But, we still love you." Karina said. "Aww, thank you I love you guys too, oh and I'm also meeting him at the same time as you guys." Aria said. "Woah!" They all said surprised that each of them is meeting their boy. And at the same time! "Well, then this is crazy awesome." Aria said. "Yeah, and I'll make you guys breakfast before we go, though." Karina offered. "Thanks! I'm really excited to get to know him." Aria said. The stayed up talking for a while.

Eventually they fell asleep and woke up at 8:00 A.M. "Oh my gosh! You guys, wake up!!" Karina yelled. Everyone jumped out of bed. "We're going to be late!" Aria yelled. "Oh no, Daehyun said he was an impatient man." Laura said worried. "We have to get ready now! We'll just have to skip breakfast." Aria yelled.

The girls just ran to the bathroom and brushed their teeth, did their hair, and ran back to the room to change clothes. "Okay," Karina said trying to catch her breath. "We only have one car and we all have different places to go. It takes about 10 minutes for walking distance to get to the coffee shop. So, I'll walk there instead. Laura, where are you going?" "I'm meeting up with him at the roller rink." Laura said. "It'll take you about 15 minutes to get there by walking, and we have exactly 12 minutes before it turns 8:30. So, if you start off by jogging, then running really quick, you may have enough time to get there." Karina told Laura. "Okay, thanks for the tip." Laura said. "Aria, you?" Karina asked. "Bowling alley." Aria answered quickly. "Yeah, you're going to need to take the car if you ever want to get there on time." Karina solved.

"Alright, let's go!" They all waved goodbye and left. Karina got there just in time. She walked in and Matthew came in after her just a few seconds later. "Hey!" Matthew said to Karina. "Hey!" Karina said back. "Shall we sit?" Karina asked referring to the tall, brown, chairs at the table as she tried to disguise her breathlessness. "Yes we shall." Matthew said smiling.

After they sat down, they ordered some drinks and food. And by food, I mean scones, croissants, cake pops, ect. They talked a lot and got to know each other. "Then, he jumped out of the tree and landed on his butt! He couldn't sit down for the rest of the day because it hurt so bad." Matthew explained. They laughed so hard. "Wow, he should've listened to you." Karina laughed. "Well, Daehyun was always the type of guy who would just do what he wants." Matthew said. "Wait a minute, your friend that you were talking about is Daehyun?!" Karina said surprised. "Yeah, Daehyun, me, and Jax are all very close friends. We live together. Why? Do you know Daehyun?" "Yes and no. You see, I only know him by name, including Jax. My friends who each met Daehyun and Jax, told me about them."

"Oh, got it. Well, then I'm looking forward to meeting your friends. We should all hang out sometime." "Yeah, we should!" Karina exclaimed. She was already making plans in her head about the big meeting. They talked some more.

Meanwhile..."Wow, you really like your fries." Daehyun said laughing. "Yup! They're one of my favorites. Bacon is the first." Laura said. "I love bacon, but I'm still going with pancakes as my favorite." Daehyun said dreaming about pancakes. They talked for a while and finished eating, when Daehyun asked..."Ready?" "Ready for what?"

"Ready to skate, obviously. What? You didn't think we came here just to eat and talk, did you?" "Well, yes." Daehyun smiled and grabbed her wrists and they walked to the shoe counter. They grabbed their shoes and sat down to put them on. Daehyun stood up all ready to go. On the other hand, Laura stayed seated.

"What's wrong Laura?" "Look, I'm just going to be honest and say it. I don't know how to roller skate." Daehyun sat down next to her. "Don't worry about it. You know, if you need help, all you have to do is ask. Yet, I'm getting a feeling your just those type of people who don't like asking for help. Am I right?" He looked at her, but she looked down. It took her a few moments to say something. "I never ask for help because I'm the one who's supposed to help. I'm the one who has to care and protect. Not be the cared and protected. That's how it works in my group. If I ask for help, even on the littlest things...I feel weak." Laura confessed. She's never told anyone this before. Not even the girls. "But you are strong. Fierce and intimidating sometimes, but strong." He said and they both smiled and chuckled a little, "And I'm sure your friends know that. It's okay to ask for help. Because when you ask for help, that's when your strongest. You have enough guts to tell someone you don't know how to do something."

"Oh my goodness, lets stop please, this is making me cringe. Haha, but thank you anyways." Laura said with gratitude and a smile. But that smile on her face faded quickly. (Laura's thinking) I can't believe I just did that! I never told anyone about this and I just told him. What do I do? Laura quickly stood up. "Umm, I'm ready to do this. You?" Laura said nervously. "Umm, yeah, of course." Daehyun said wondering why she was acting like that. He just left it alone and stood up. "Hold my hand, we're going toward the right side. That way, if one of us falls, no one will trip over us, and we'll be able to stand up more quickly." Daehyun said. The lesson has started. Laura was hesitant at first about holding his hand and about roller skating.(Laura's thinking) As long as I don't get to close to him, then I can hang out with him. Plus, we're just friends, that's all. ---They skated and had fun, he taught her along the way. Soon, they finished up and were about to leave. "Thanks for teaching me, you're an amazing teacher." "No problem. Since we're friends now, do you think we could exchange phone numbers?" Daehyun said as they walked out. Laura stopped so Daehyun stopped.

"You know, just to keep in touch." Daehyun said. "Are you blushing?" Laura asked. (Laura's thinking) Is he blushing? What's with the nervousness and blushing? You know, it's actually cute...and funny. Hahaha.

"What?! No I'm not! Look, can I have your phone number or not?!" "Alright yes, no need to get defensive. Jeez, who spit in your coffee." Laura said calmly as she pulled out her phone smiling a little. They exchanged phone numbers then started walking together and he said..."Look, I'm sorry alright. I didn't mean to lash out on you back there." "Don't worry about it, it's fine. I can take it." "I know you can." Daehyun said smiling at her. Laura eyed him wondering, why is he looking at me like that? Daehyun shook his head and continued walking.

In the bowleying ally..."Ready to play?" Jax asked. "Sorry, I'm not going to play." Aria replied. "Why not?" "Simply because I don't like to go bowling. I know how to play I just can't play because the ball always goes to the side. Never have I ever actually gotten a strike. Or at least one pin knocked over. So I'll just sit here and watch you play." Jax smiled, but it seemed suspicious.

"You're going to make me play, aren't you?" Aria said as a conclusion. "Yup! You guessed right!" Jax said as he grabbed her hand and dragged her. "But whyyy???" Aria whined. "Aww, you look so adorable when you make that face. But I'm still not changing my mind," Jax smiled and continued on.

"I'm going to teach you how to play. I know you said you know how to play, but I'm going to give you tips on how to actually get a strike. No offense!" "None taken." Aria said and smiled. They played for a long time and Aria still hadn't gotten one pin down. "Jax, we've been playing for almost an hour now and I'm not getting anything. This is useless, let's just go." Aria said annoyed and tired. "From what you told me, you said you were the positive one. You don't seem so positive right now." Jax answered back. "I am positive, but not really when it comes to myself." She replied back as she sat down on one of the chairs. "I see, but can you tell me something." Jax said calmly as he sat in the chair next to her. "What is it?" "Do you even believe in yourself? Do you even have a little bit of faith that you'll get one pin down?" When Jax asked Aria this, she was hesitant. She's never been asked these type of questions. "Do you want me to answer honestly?" Aria simply asked Jax.

He nodded yes, looking at her. "Then, the answer is no. I...I...don't." "Aria, there's your problem. If you don't have faith that you'll get even some pins down in a game of bowling, then what are the chances of you getting promoted in a job." "Seriously? What does getting promoted have anything to do with having faith?" Aria asked so confused and weirded out. "A lot of things. Just like you need math and science in life, you need faith. I won't explain it all, because I don't want to bore you with a whole cheesy life lesson, but you get the gist." "Can you teach me? Can you teach me how to believe in myself, please?" Aria asked with purity in her eyes. "I can try, but most of this, will be all you. I can help, but it's you who needs to put 100% into this. Okay?" "Okay!" Aria said confidently.

Jax was starting to get up when Aria grabbed his hand quickly. "Jax! I umm...I just wanted to say thank you." "Of course! And, just keep in mind that I'm always here for you." Jax gave her the warmest smile. Aria nodded and continued on.

Later at home..."Hey guys!" Aria waved to the girls in the kitchen. "Finally, what took you so long?! Honestly what could you guys have been doing all this time, it was like..." Laura stopped in the middle of her sentence and gasped loudly. Laura smiled widely, "No way! Did you two?!...Kiss!?" Aria and Karina gasped and were very surprised. "Aaahhh!! No way, that's not what happened!!" Aria screamed defensively. "Then what did?!" Laura asked anxiously wondering what's going on. "Aww, that's so romantic, but isn't it a bit early? I mean you've only known each other for a few days. Oh! Duh?! Love at first sight, that must be it!" Karina yelled excitedly. "What!! You guys are not making any sense. It's not love at first sight, were just friends. And I didn't kiss him, what happened was...you see I...I mean we,...you know! There are other reasons why I was late, way more believable reasons! I...uh..., I'm going to my room!" Aria said then ran off to her room.

Laura laughs as soon as Aria gets to her room. "Hahahaha!" Laura laughed so hard. "Why are you laughing?" Karina said smiling almost laughing too. "Nothing much, just because I like teasing Aria because she's easy for me to get at." "Wait, you were just teasing?! I thought you actually thought that they kissed!" She yelled surprisingly. "Wait, seriously?! Hahaha, I can't believe you fell for that! Hahaha!" After Laura was done laughing she explained to Karina. "Whoo! I got all of that out of me, now we can talk. I think the only reason you believed me was because you liked the thought of romance. Because, you're always so romantic and shnoopy and gooey like that." She made a disgusted face when she said all that. Karina: "Thank you!" Laura: "Yeah, that's not meant as a compliment, but sure! No but really, Aria is not someone who throws herself easily at men. I wouldn't ever in a lifetime believe that Aria kissed, dated, or even hugged with the exception of family and friends, a boy!

The next afternoon, the girls were at the studio. The girls were laughing about something while on their break from dancing, when they heard the door open.

A whole group of people walked in talking, there were a lot of people but it wasn't a problem, seeing how the studio was really big. The girls' eyes layed among one person and her friends. It was Jasmine. Aria: No way...

Karina: It's her...

Karina and Aria quickly averted their eyes to Laura. The girls didn't like Jasmine, but Laura, Laura loathes her. Back in school, Jasmine dated and cheated on Laura's brother, and at the same time bullied Karina, Aria, and Laura. She said they were show offs. If they were singing and playing the guitar during music class, she would say they're show offs. If they were chosen to perform a choreography in dance class, and were praised and got the highest grades, she would call them show offs. Even in art-...Well you already get the idea. Not only that, Jasmine spread lies saying that Laura was a player or she smoked or that her parents were in jail. She said anything that would bring her down, the girls', espicially Laura's life was really difficult because of her.

Aria: Laura...Are you okay?

Laura just glared at Jasmine. Finally Jasmine noticed them and gasped. She walked over to the girls. Her group of friends were right behind her.

Jasmine: Well, look who it is, long time no see. Ugh, my eyes are disgusted.

Laura: Right back at you.

Jasmine looked up and down at Laura. She rolled her eyes.

Jasmine: What are you losers even doing here?

Aria: It's a Public Dance Studio, Jasmine. Anyone can come, although I don't know why they would let a piece of dirt in here.

Jasmine almost punched Aria, but Karina quickly grabbed her hand.

Karina: Don't.

Jasmine slipped her hand away from Karina's tight grip.

Jasmine: Or what?

Karina: You really want to find out?

Jasmine: Whatever, you guys are lame and have no talent. You can't even dance.

Laura: Believe what you want, but I know you only say those things because you're jealous of us.

Jasmine: What?! How dare you?! I can dance way better than you, lets have a dance battle.

Laura: No thanks, we're not childish and immature like you.

The girls started walking away when Jasmine yelled.

Jasmine: Let's battle, and if you win, I'll...I'll, apologize to your brother and admit to everyone that you're better than me. Laura stopped in her tracks. (Laura's thinking) Really? I don't care what she says about me or what she does to me, but oppa really suffered because of that piece of trash. He deserves better and an appolgy, I can't believe she never even said sorry. Ugh, I'll make sure she apologizes.

Laura: All right then, show us what you got.

Jasmine: Wait real quick, we never discussed what I would get if I won.

Laura was speaking as she walked towards her.

Laura: Huh, no need to because you won't.

Jasmine whispered to herself.

Jasmine: Aish this girl, I'll kill her.

Everyone gathered around ready to judge. Jasmine and her group went first.

(Only watch to 1:24) Jasmine obviously placed herself center.


Mary: Hey, is that Karina, Aria, and Laura?!

Sarah: Where?!

Mary: Oh my gosh it is them! I haven't seen them in forever!

Sarah: Oh so they're the ones battling with Jasmine. We should join too and after we can say hi! Let's go support them!

Mary: Lets go!

(Only watch to 1:17) Aria is center, Karina is right, and Laura is left, in this one.

https://youtu.be/8_sXj7zdOLwThe crowds' cheers were loud and supportive. Mary and Sarah hugged the girls. They wanted to talk but they're in the middle of a dance war so they decided to talk after.

(Only watch to 00:52)


The crowd was cheering Jasmine on.

Laura: That was pretty good, I don't know if we can beat that.

Laura said unhappily.

Mary: Nonsense, you guys are talented, you girls can easily win this.

Sarah: Yeah, these people already like you, you just have to add a cherry on top and they'll love you!

Aria: They're right Laura, we got this, thanks girls!

Mary and Sarah gave a smile and thumbs up.

Karina: Let's show everyone what we can do!

Laura smiled and nodded. Laura: Thanks everyone! Let's have fun and do this!

(Only watch to 1:02) Aria is left, Karina is right, and Laura is center in this one.


Sarah and Mary: WHOOO!! GO GIRLS!! Everyone loved them! The girls walked back to Sarah and Mary.

Sarah: You just added 2 cherries on top! You get it girl!

Everyone laughed and smiled. They all thanked them. So...Laura's team won!

Jasmine sighed, though it seemed more angry than disappointed.

Jasmine: All right then, a deal is a deal. But know that I'm only doing this because I don't want my reputation ruined. I'll call your brother an- Laura cut her off.

Laura: Right now.

Jasmine: Huh?

Laura: Pull out your phone and call him right now. You don't have to tell everyone that we're better than you or whatever. You saying sorry to my brother even after all this time, that's what matters to me.

Jasmine sighed once again and did as she was told. It had been a while, but Jasmine finally got off the phone and left embarrassed. She felt like a fool. The girls caught up with Sarah and Mary. Mary and Sarah are old friends from college. They lost contact with them during the 2nd year somehow. But amazingly, they found each other. Those two are close with them and trustworthy, kind, funny, and really, really supportive.